
Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Ex-Sabah CM deconstructs Dr M’s self-incriminating proclamation

Ex-Sabah CM deconstructs Dr M’s self-incriminating proclamation

The proclamation Dr Mahathir Mohamad is harping on appears to confirm that he is the biggest failure with regard to uplifting the socio-economic position of the Malays, said former Sabah chief minister Salleh Said Keruak.

He was commenting on the 12-point proclamation, which blamed the “economic and political predicament” of the race on the “carelessness” of Malay leaders themselves.

In other words, Salleh described it as a “self-incriminating proclamation” because it suggested that Mahathir is the most “careless” of them all.

“He had been prime minister for 22 years (from 1981 to 2003) and later for 22 months (from 2018 to 2022). He headed two different governments but still failed.

“The proclamation suggests that his handpicked successor Abdullah Ahmad Badawi also failed. The person he supported to overthrow his successor, Najib Abdul Razak, also failed. The person he collaborated with to topple the successor to his successor, Muhyiddin Yassin, also failed.

“Apart from failing himself, Mahathir had a significant role in choosing others who supposedly failed the race as well. So, the conclusion is simple. He is the biggest failure,” he told Malaysiakini.

Noting how the proclamation claimed the last general election witnessed the race losing political power, Salleh again turned the clock back to Mahathir’s undisputed reign for more than two decades.

Former Sabah chief minister Salleh Said Keruak

“He was heading a government which was triumphant in all the general elections. BN had controlled two-thirds of the seats in the Lower House. Despite this, the proclamation claims the race is still in the doldrums.

“So what good is political power when it does not benefit the race?” he asked.

Be part of the solution

According to Salleh, the proclamation has nothing to do with the race but rather to ensure Mahathir remained relevant after his trouncing in the last general election.

On the contrary, the former chief minister said the proclamation suggested that Anwar and his coalition government should be considered the best hope because this combination has not been put to the test.

“What is the point of going back to leaders like Mahathir, who according to his own proclamation, are careless leaders who failed?” he asked.

Therefore, Salleh said if Mahathir is unable to be part of the solution, he should not be part of the problem.

Mahathir has blamed Anwar for several venues cancelling the booking to hold a gathering to launch the proclamation.

Among others, the proclamation states:

  • The Malays have never controlled the nation’s economy. Even their little stalls have been taken by others.

  • Of late, the only power they possessed, political power, has also slipped out of their hands.

  • The fate of the Malays at present and in the future can no longer be determined by them.

  • The cause for this is the carelessness of Malay leaders themselves.

  • The Malay party built on the foundation of religion, race and nation has been turned into a party to enrich oneself.

  • Jostling for power and money has destroyed Malay unity.

  • The Malays are so weak that even the sovereignty of their homeland will slip from their hands. Their future is bleak. Poverty is forcing the Malays to sell their lands.

1 comment:

  1. Well put Sir.

    The old man has all along blamed everyone and everything else except himself.

    As Nazri said, this old man is the most racist of all and should be confined to a mentally unsound institution.

    I suspect the old fool has two big regrets : 1) resigned as PM the first time and 2) resigned as PM the second time.

    On the second time he resigned, I suppose he was banking on the possibility the others will beg him to stay. He will then be able to dictate his terms to stay; like completing the full term instead of giving way to Anwar then.

    But he did not foresee the betrayal by Mahiaddin who stabbed him in the back kau kau. Karma sure is a bitch.
