
Friday, March 03, 2023

Dr Mahathir Moves Comfortably Into Third Class, Back Row

As a recent rule I won't give media oxygen to you-know-who, but Syed has written a good piece which I feel I want to share with you all:

OutSyed The Box

Friday, March 3, 2023

Dr Mahathir Moves Comfortably Into Third Class, Back Row

Here is some really sad news:

  • Dr M played race card moments after officially joining katak
  • Explaining his decision to join katak's party
  • joined katak after quitting Pejuang, withdrew from Gerakan Tanah Air
  • Dr M said Malays left behind after giving way to foreigners
  • claiming Malays no longer dominating economy, “others” taken over
  • former PM claimed Malays taking back seat in politics
  • predicted bleak future if Malays not dominant force

My Comments:

Dr M jumped from Bersatu to Petai (Pejuang tanah air).
From Petai he jumped to Getah (Gerakan tanah air).
Now from Getah he has jumped to katak's party.

Of all the low life, third class, bottom feeders he has joined katak. You cannot go more third class than this.

Without a doubt Dr Mahathir built the country. I still say that airport and that highway should be named after him. I have said this before.

Almost all the billionaires that we know today appeared under the tenure of Dr Mahathir. The first 22 years. The word billion and billionaire was typical Dr Mahathir era. Billions and billionaires were his pet project. And they were of all races. Chinese, Indians and Malays. 

Sadly almost all the Malay billionaires he created have disappeared. Only two remain - one of whom is the largest licensed-monopoly crony on permanent drips. Remove the drips and he dies. The other is a lot more cleverer. But iconic buildings can be a millstone hanging around the neck. There are simpler and also profitable solutions.

The Indian and Chinese billionaires have also gone on to other things. The Chinese billionaires have made more billions and have become global players. Congratulations to them and I hope they will help pull the country forward even more. Never forget the country that raised you and gave you life. We are Malaysians ok. One of the Indian billionaires has earned arrest warrants somewhere. Wrong neighbourhood.

The multiple races in the country also prospered under Dr Mahathir's 22 years - but we did not achieve the best. We could have done much better. Nevertheless we all prospered.

But not all. The Malays have generally failed.

Hence that rant by Dr Mahathir. It is an acknowledgement of his failure. And that is all Dr Mahathir's fault. He simply treated Malays like handicapped retards. He never pushed them in the right direction. Truth is he pushed them in the completely opposite direction. And yes he still uses the 'others' boogeyman to frighten the Malays.

He even destroyed the party that he led for 22 years and which had made him prime minister. He killed his own party. There is a theory that Dr Mahathir never forgave UMNO for kicking him out of the party in 1970. That he really felt slighted when the "old men" at that time questioned his Indian ancestry.

Post PM7 he began jumping from party to party. Finally now he has moved into third class, back row with that katak fellow. This is a very sad ending for Dr Mahathir.

I actually wanted to talk about teh tarik today. But there was a glitch. Maybe another day. Here are two short videos.

In the first one (I think in Penang?) this guy is haranguing some Rohingyas for setting up their own surau and for not attending or joining the other Muslims in the local surau. From the video some of the Rohingyas have been there for 20 years yet they isolate themselves from the local Malays. They do not want to have anything to do with the Malays.

In the second video here this is a news report by Berita Harian about the huge Rohingya township (yes it is a town) in Bukit Malut in Langkawi. There are now over 10,000 people living in this township. Lets listen:

The question is who let them in? Dr Mahathir was the member of Parliament for Langkawi.

When the British were in power the British brought in Chinese, Indians and other races in larger numbers. This does not mean that there were no Chinese and Indians in the land before the British. The Indians were a major power in Melaka during the Melaka Sultanate. The Chinese have been here for hundreds of years. That Cheng Hoon Teng Temple in Melaka was built circa 1645 (378 years ago) during Dutch rule. But the Dutch did not bring in the Chinese. The Chinese came on their own.

But these Rohingya folks in Penang and Langkawi came in just yesterday. Obviously Dr Mahathir let them in. There are no more British to be blamed.

There was a general feeling among UMNO politicians that it was ok to bring in foreign migrants so long as they were 'Muslim'. A late Tan Sri told me 'Takpa. Anak depa nanti akan jadi Melayu'.

So Rohingyas, Afghans, Banglas, Indonesians, Pakistanis, Arabs were all ok. Their kids would all become Melayu and vote for UMNO and live happily ever after. 'Melayu takkan hilang di dunia selagi bagi IC kat Rohingya.'

This is a completely wrong approach. It is an acknowledgement of failure by UMNO to develop the Malays - that they need "imported football players" from Rohingyaland, Afghanistan, Banglas, Indonesians, Pakistanis and Arabs to bring up the Malay side.

And not all of them voted UMNO. I knew a Pakistani guy with an acquired blue IC who told me 'Kita undi aalim'. He voted for PAS. There were Arab fellows who made fun of the Malays.

And for 20 years the Rohingyas in that video above have their own surau and they dont want to mix with the Malays.

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