
Thursday, March 02, 2023

China on track to dominate development of critical future technologies, ASPI report says


China on track to dominate development of critical future technologies, ASPI report says

The report says China is particularly dominant in the defence, security and space sectors.(AP: Zhang Gaoxiang via Xinhua)

A ground-breaking new report has warned Western governments that China is in a prime position to dominate critical future technologies in a vast array of fields after establishing a "sometimes stunning" lead in research and development.

The Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) "critical tech tracker" found China is beating the United States in 37 of 44 technologies which are likely to propel innovation, growth and military power in coming decades, including artificial intelligence, robotics, biotechnology, advanced manufacturing, and quantum technology.

The report says the US is the leading innovator in only seven technologies — including quantum computing and vaccines — and ranks second to China in most other categories.

While a "second tier" of countries — including India, the United Kingdom, South Korea, Germany and Australia — have also developed advanced research capabilities, they still lag far behind the two great powers.

ASPI's Jamie Gaida, who co-authored the report, said while China's research edge did not translate into technological superiority right now, Beijing had built the foundations to position itself as the world's leading science and technology power.

The report found China was generating just under half of the top research papers into advanced aircraft engines and hypersonics.(Reuters: Thomas Peter/File photo)

"We were pretty surprised by how dramatic the lead is in some of these technologies," Dr Gaida told the ABC.

"In some of these technologies we are seeing China is publishing approximately 65 per cent of the world's top research within that technology area.

"It's striking. It's really profound.

"Current research doesn't directly translate to current defence capability or manufacturing capability, but surely if you want to be in the best position to be in the lead in say five years' time — well, of course you want to be in the forefront of innovation and breakthrough research."

China attracts top level scientists, report finds

The report shows China is particularly dominant when it comes to research for the defence, security and space sectors, often producing more than five times as much high-impact research as its closest competitor — which is almost always the US.

For example, China generated just under half of the top research papers into advanced aircraft engines and hypersonics, and hosts most of the institutions leading development of the technology.

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Last year, China surprised US intelligence agencies when it tested a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile which circled the globe, demonstrating advanced capabilities in the technology.

Chinese institutions also dominate research into drones, autonomous systems, advanced optical systems, artificial technology and machine learning.

Dr Gaida stressed that the tech tracker did not capture classified research conducted by governments in private, or research conducted behind closed doors by private companies.

The Biden Administration has also moved to ramp up expenditure in advanced manufacturing, and last year passed the CHIPS act which will plunge more than $US200 billion ($296 billion) into trying to ensure the United States regains its lead in manufacturing semiconductor chips.

How China became a scientific powerhouse

Australia and the United States have taken tough measures to counter technology theft and economic espionage from China. But prominent scientists are warning some of the measures are "killing the sector", and Beijing is taking advantage of it.

But the report warns that China's clear lead in public research provides evidence that Beijing could establish a "stranglehold" on global supply chains for critical technologies in the future, handing it powerful leverage and a clear technical edge.

It also says China's government has successfully attracted top scientists specialising in critical technologies, and that Australia and its allies need to rapidly scale up research and development in order to catch up.

"Now is the time to move, essentially, and we don't shy away from the fact this will be expensive," Dr Gaida told the ABC.

"This will require a very significant step up in our research and development capability."


  1. China has the World's largest commercial, industrial and scientific espionage network in the world, as well as continuing highly biased laws requiring foreign investors hand over intellectual property to China partners.

    Sure Doesn't look like China are dominant in critical technologies, just very aggressive copycats.

    1. Truly embarrass by your small and blurry grey matter which only accept the demonization of China by the western propaganda.

      If China is not on track to dominate development of critical future technologies, why does the US of A need to be so frightened of China that US and its alliances are fabricating lies in attacking and trying to destroy China?

    2. U sure of what u farted?

      China has NOT homegrown commercial, industrial and scientific capabilities?

      R u still deep in yr wet dream Yankee supremacy in every human endeavours?

      As copycat & espionage networking - check yr idol's CIA?

      Their latest attempts in stealing top military designs from the Northwest University (China) were soiled & exposed!

    3. My organisation buys many millions of Ringgit of material and equipment every year. Ultimately I have a important stake in it, so I'm really agnostic about which country the items come from, as long as they meet form, fit and function and are economically viable.

      Generally, purchases fall into 3 broad categories.
      1. El Cheapo stuff where we buy the cheapest item available that can do the function. No high quality or reliability required.
      2. A wide range of items which are mid-priced , must meet required quality, but no really high specifications involved.
      3. A small but important number of critical items which have high specification, and we need to buy the best that we can afford.

      No need to guess (1) El Cheapo stuff are almost all Made in China by China companies.
      (2) Mid-price items increasingly China items are competitive - the Japanese, Europeans and Yanks are still in the game, but steadily losing out to China
      (3) The highest spec equipment or material where only the best will do, sorry PRC Lovers, very rarely as in almost never, do I find coming from Made in China by China companies.
      Some Made in China by foreign brands, yes.

      That is still true in 2023.

    4. In the last item u have quoted, the simple answer is yr operation is archaic both in production methodologies & implementation! U WOULD see yr heirloom operation dies standing in the coming 4th industrial revolution!

      China lacks advanced medical diagnostic equipments of her own making. This is NOT bcoz China couldn't produce her own. The problems lie with copyrights & time lapses!

      Similarly many current 'modern & advanced' tools of trades r been predominantly coveted by US, EU & Japan outfits. These r just pure historical distortions - due to their earlier beachhead adaptations of 3rd wave of industrialization.

      Basing on these historical advances to manufacture any required items would incur expensive copyright payments (check Qualcomm's 3&4G copyright receivables), restrictive maintenance contracts (TBM farts imposed on China by Germany & Japan manufacturers), preventive technology usages (Yankee total closing of the EUV chip making machine).

      In the real fields of advanced developments - nuclear power development, quantum computing, stealth fighter, mobile telecommunication, ultra high voltage transmission etc etc, China has made tremendous advances that NO any other counttries could catch up in the next 5 yrs. Many of these fields of developments r achieved via 弯道超车 - out-of-box methodology to achieve design & copyright restrictions! BUT these require time & alternative researches that have NO precedences.

      Short term pains & development constraints that must be faced & overcome in the planned timeframe. In this regards, China has Tiangong Spacelab, Beidou Space Navigation etc in her latest scientific evolutionsn!

      Ooop… DONT u forgetting too that China singlehandedly designed & built the 1st homegrown satellite, atomic & hydrogen bombs.
