
Thursday, February 16, 2023

Forget Aliens & UFOs – They Might Have Been Sent By Biden To Distract Domestic Economic Problems And Scandals

Forget Aliens & UFOs – They Might Have Been Sent By Biden To Distract Domestic Economic Problems And Scandals

First, there was the so-called Chinese spy balloon, which China insisted was just a civilian weather balloon that had blown off course. President Joe Biden, who initially refused to do anything, had to give orders to shoot it down on Feb 4 after being mocked and ridiculed by fellow Democrats and Republican as a weak leader. The world thought the drama would end thereafter.

Less than a week later (Feb 10), the U.S. Air Force scrambled an F-22 fighter jet to shoot down a second “high altitude object” in American airspace – this time off the coast of Alaska. It was called an object because that’s the best description from the White House. Curiously, the U.S. government claims it had no idea what the object was, who owned it or its purpose.

Subsequently, a third UFO (unidentified flying object) was detected and knocked down over Canada’s central Yukon territory. Biden then ordered U.S. fighter jets to destroy a fourth UFO over Lake Huron in Michigan. Suddenly, there were so many UFOs waiting to be shot down by the U.S. that even Americans could not believe the stories and have started to joke about it.

People joked that the UFOs, which came in different shapes – from cylindrical to octagonal – provide good educational materials to students struggling with geometry and shapes. There were even reports that an F-16 sent to kill the UFO which trespassed into the U.S. airspace over Lake Huron only succeeded on the second attempt, triggering more jokes that a wrong missile had been used.

Costing over US$400,000, supersonic infrared heat-seeking air-to-air missile Sidewinder missed the mysterious unidentified “octagonal” object for obvious reason. While some have questioned how a sophisticated military weapon could miss the sitting duck, others laughed at U.S. missile as overhyped expensive American junk. U.S. Air Force General Glen VanHerck has ruled out aliens though.

Elon Musk, the CEO of Twitter, Tesla and SpaceX, found the drama so funny that joked in a tweet – “Don’t worry, just some of my friends of mine stopping by.” But if the U.S. military and intelligence have no idea what the unidentified objects were or who owned them or their purpose as claimed earlier, how could the general quickly dismissed aliens? There could only be one explanation.

Those UFOs could be drones unleashed by the U.S. military to distract Americans’ attention from domestic problems and geopolitical scandals. In retaliation to Washington’s accusation that Beijing operates a fleet of surveillance balloons around the world, China revealed that more than 10 U.S. high-altitude balloons have flown in its airspace during the past year without its permission.

Of course, the U.S. denies it too have deployed spy balloons in China. However, it’s hard to believe that the U.S. hadn’t deployed any surveillance balloons when it acknowledges the Chinese balloon were so dangerous – and effective – that the POTUS had to shoot it down and even instigated the world to condemn China for using balloons to spy around the world.

In truth, using balloons to spy on each other is absolutely normal. It’s hilarious to portray China as the only unique country that uses balloons. It becomes an issue all of a sudden because the Biden administration is facing dozens of internal issues – immigration, inflation, Ukraine War, Nord Stream pipeline attacks and Republican investigations into Hunter Biden, the president’s son.

Former U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden said the uproar and panic over the possible alien or extraterrestrial origin of flying objects brought down in the United States and Canada is designed to distract journalists from investigating Nord Stream pipeline attacks, which has been linked to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

It was not a coincidence that the military kept shooting down more UFOs after Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh exposed how the U.S. Navy divers planted C4 explosives on the Nord Stream pipelines during NATO Baltops exercise in the summer of 2022 – before remotely triggered 3 months later to destroy it – and conveniently blamed the Russian.

Quoting his source with “direct knowledge of the covert operation”, the 85-year-old former journalists of the New York Times revealed that President Biden decided to sabotage the Nord Streams after more than nine months of secret discussions with the national security team, including National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

The Nord Stream 1 pipeline between Russia and Germany is 51% owned by St Petersburg-headquartered Gazprom, while Nord Stream 2 is owned by a Swiss subsidiary of the same company. So, why would Russia destroy its own pipeline? By turning off the oil tap, Russian president Vladimir Putin has shown how he could easily push up the price of oil and gas.

Gazprom, which had cut gas flows to just 40% in July 2022, has further cut it to just 20% in an effort to punish Germany – the E.U. biggest economy – for imposing sanctions on Russia. Nord Stream 1 effectively stopped pumping gas to Europe “indefinitely” from August 31 after maintenance work, reducing the pipeline’s capacity to 0%. Putin said Russia will not resume gas supplies to Europe until sanctions were lifted.

Meaning Putin’s game plan was to blackmail Europe to end the sanctions – not to destroy Russia-Europe relationship – as he bet the EU would eventually blink as the coming winter could trigger peoples’ uprising. And there were signs that the plan was working. High energy prices and mounting costs of living have fuelled civil unrest across Europe over the winter, including street protests and strikes.

The U.S., however, saw the energy crisis, caused by the Ukraine War which it provoked, as a threat to the solidarity of the EU against Russia. The social unrest, street demonstrations, inflation, recession, and collapse of governments could lead to the lifting of sanctions on Russia. Hence, the only option was to burn the bridge – destroy the Nord Stream pipelines – ending any hope of the EU going back to Russia.

Even before journalist Hersh’s revelation, there have been overwhelming proof that the U.S. was the culprit behind the sabotage of Nord Stream 1 and 2. On Feb 7, President Biden promised to prevent Nord Stream 2 from becoming operational if Russia invaded Ukraine. The POTUS said – “If Russia invades, then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it”.

A reporter then asked – “But how will you do that, exactly, since the project is in Germany’s control?” Biden confidently answered – “I promise you, we will be able to do that.” Interestingly, a day after the sabotage, Germany magazine Der Spiegel has reported that the CIA warned Germany weeks ago of a coming attack on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 natural gas pipelines.

On Oct 30, 2022, it was exposed that former British Prime Minister Liz Truss had sent a text message saying – “it’s done” – to none other than the U.S. Secretary of State Blinken, just 1-minute after the Nord Stream attacks. Truss’ phone was hacked as she preferred iPhone over military-encrypted phones issued by the NSA (National Security Agency) or British intelligence GCHQ.

If the U.S. would go to the extent of bombing Russian infrastructure, it’s hilarious to believe that it would not send any spy balloons to China. In fact, the Pentagon has a long history of research and developing balloon technology – not merely as surveillance platforms, but to even to deliver “biological bombs” – so much so those experiments have been mistaken by Americans for UFOs.

In 2019, the U.S. National Weather Service reported it was seeing something strange in the skies above Kansas City. People thought they saw UFOs, only to find out it was actually a DARPA balloon. The Pentagon’s research department was testing its Adapable Lighter Than Air (ALTA) programme – to develop high-altitude balloons capable of travelling great distances and even stay in one spot.

You don’t need a nuclear scientist to tell how the attacks on Nord Stream pipelines was one of the dumbest covert operations. Even Fox News host Tucker Carlson could easily tell it was an insider job. He said – “If you are Vladimir Putin, you would have to be a suicidal moron to blow up your own energy pipeline. That’s the one thing you would never do.”

As his approval rating plunged to 41%, Biden also desperately needed to rally the public for the never-ending Ukraine War. Despite spending nearly US$50 billion in 2022 alone, its proxy – Ukraine – is still struggling. The Congress had approved a whopping US$113 billion in aid to Ukraine in the same year. Yet, there has been zero signs that Russia can be defeated.

It’s almost a year since Putin launched the “special military operation” on Feb 24, 2022. And the Western media have done everything they could to create the narrative that Ukraine was winning while Russia would be slaughtered. Heck, for months, Moscow was said to be running out of ammunition, missiles and whatnot, including that Putin was terminally ill with cancer.

Today, the Kremlin still keeps bombing Ukraine with missiles. Not only the NATO North Atlantic Alliance has begun to show divisions, Americans are less concern about Ukraine being defeated by Russia and the U.S. proxy war is getting more expensive. The Ukraine War shows the limits of U.S. power. While America is still a superpower, in the face of Russia, the U.S. is not almighty.

American analysts, who initially said Russian economy would collapse this year (2023) due to economic and financial sanctions imposed as a result of Ukraine invasion, have changed their stories. Now, they predict Russia will become a failed state only in the next 10 years. On the contrary, the U.S. could plunge into a recession this year because the inflation isn’t over yet.

Still, how do we know for sure that the UFOs were not visitors from other planets? That’s because the U.S. could easily blow them up into pieces. Americans love UFO stories and what better way to distract them from domestic problems and scandals than feed them with X-Files. The people would get excited to learn that not only the U.S. can shoot down Chinese balloons, but also UFOs.


  1. There are no recent Seymour Hersh "revelations". Just tall Conspiracy THEORIES.

    1. Yes, yr theory is just pure fart w/o a tint of conspiracy.

  2. The only way Edward Snowden avoids being a homeless street hobbo in the Russian winter is by working for the Russian security apparatus.
    Anything he says was crafted by the FSB propaganda department
