
Friday, January 27, 2023

Talking Thru His @$$ Again

OutSyed The Box

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Talking Thru His @$$ Again

That Ekonomi fellow is talking through his @$$ again. He has made yet another Kenyataan Media.

Before I go further the Mrs and I were at the supermart this morning. Here is the eggs section. I took these pictures. As you can see there are no 45 sen eggs (those cartons of 30 eggs each).

When eggs were 41 sen there was a shortage in the market. Then the gomen (including the Ekonomi fellow too) raised the "harga kawalan" price of eggs to 45 sen each. But still no 45 sen eggs at this supermart. Obviously it is still not feasible for the supermart.

The supermart did have the 'orang kaya' eggs at RM6.45 for 10 eggs (64.5 sen each). The shoppers had no choice - they all became 'orang kaya'.

Here is another supermart (in Lucky Garden, Bangsar) which does sell 45 sen eggs. But they limit it to TWO trays per customer. Because there is still a shortage of eggs.

Now here is that Ekonomi fellow's Kenyataan Media released yesterday. First of all it is TOO LONG. Eleven paragraphs. What for lah panjang-panjang?

First of all no housewife will believe them when they say inflation was only 3.3% in 2022, 0.2% in December 2022 etc.

The gomen has already pushed up the price of eggs by 10% from 41 sen to 45 sen each. (Still there are not enough eggs in the market).

Then Para 4 says all the components "Semua komponen utama Indeks Harga Pengguna menyederhana kecuali komponen Restoran & Hotel dan Perumahan, Air, Elektrik, Gas & Bahan Api Lain"

Awal-awal lagi saya sudah bilang - that increased 20 sen per kWhr surcharge on electricity tariffs for MV and HV industrial users is going to send prices up. Inflation will shoot up. And that is what Ekonomi fellow is confirming now in Para 4.

I really do not know why they include Hotels in the Harga Indeks Pengguna? The last time I stayed in a local hotel was in 2021. And that was just for two days. Most Malaysians DO NOT STAY in hotels in Malaysia. WHY? Because most Malaysians stay at home.

The same with restaurants. Ok KL people may eat lunch at warongs and restaurants. But the vast majority of Malaysians live in much less congested urban or semi urban places like Pasir Gudang, Sahom, Lambor, Kapit, Miri etc where you will likely eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at home. And let me assure you the ordinary, average Malaysian does NOT eat at restaurants in big hotels, except very rarely. An RM100 Ribeye steak at the Golf and Country Club (in KL) should not factor in the cost of living.

Yet that 3.3% inflation rate for 2022 is about as believable as that explanation by the Menteri Tai Chi about that SPM workshop in Johore. Quite unbelievable.

I dont know why the Ekonomi fellow is so taken up by these big data platforms like 'PriceCatcher 28 juta data harga barangan' in para 8. Someone has to make money from providing all these big data platform services.

Ok so if I find out that Supermart XYZ in Kepong is selling something at 20 sen less per kg than the supermart nearest my house in Bangi do I drive to Kepong just to save 20 sen per kg for just one item? Kepong is ONE HOUR's driving time. Who is going to cover my cost of petrol, toll and most importantly the TWO HOURS to drive there and back.

The average housewife with children has only so much time to prepare breakfast for her children before school at 7am in the morning, cook their lunch, cook dinner for her family etc. She does not have time to search your big data "Price Catcher 28 juta data harga barangan" and drive here, there and everywhere just to save 20 sen per kg for one item. She only knows the mini-mart, the kedai runcit or the 99 SpeedMart nearest her house.

SO PLEASE STOP TALKING THRU YOUR ASS ABOUT PriceCatcher 28 juta data harga barangan!

Bila mahu abolish toll? Or at least kurangkan tol? Is it going to happen or not.

Bila mahu kurangkan segala jenis cukai impot, levi, eksais dan cukai entah kepala hotak apa lagi on imported cars? So that harga kereta di Malaysia lebih munasabah - serupa harga kereta di pasaran dunia?

Harga kereta masuk tak dalam PriceCatcher 28 juta data harga barangan?

By Syed Akbar Ali at January 26, 2023


  1. Wakakakaka…

    What a f*cked leak from the fart chamber of a frustrated mamak!

    Take a look at this

    Egg Markets Overview - January 20, 2023

    US market is different from bolihland?

    Then just check the nominal prices w/o taking the EX into the calculations!

  2. Syed Kotak diam bisu Dulu, Lepas Kerajaan Gabungan Anwar bentuk Baru jadi Hero Kritik.
    Ooi..Syed Kotak, nak beli Eksyen Kereta Import , Bayar Eksais lah... don't complaint.

  3. Aa much as i hate to agree with this mamak, i have to admit rafizi is dumber.. I mean it is true, who cares about the price catcher or what not.. Coz no household will buy groceries in bulks to get the price worth.. Factors such as time, petrol, wear and tear all contribute to costs of living.. Its dumb trying to chase down something for a mere difference of tens of cents.. Rafizi needs to go.. More talks from him IS COSTING the people time.. and time is money..
