
Sunday, January 01, 2023

Hadi wants UMNO to quickly ‘repent’ before its DAP embrace hurts Malays, Muslims

Hadi wants UMNO to quickly ‘repent’ before its DAP embrace hurts Malays, Muslims

HISTORY has proven that PAS had on numerous occasions extended a helping hand to UMNO, hence the claim that the Islamist party will “kill” UMNO if it insisted to forge cooperation with DAP is untrue and nonsensical.

Even so, PAS president Tan Sri Hadi Awang warned UMNO that its game plan of choosing to cooperate with DAP and its allies will backfire and harm the Malays and Muslims in the long run.

“In the 1950s when UMNO won the election in Singapore, (ex-premier the late) Lee Kuan Yew established the PAP (People’s Action party) by roping in the Malays who were put in the front like how the Malays are put in the front now,” the Perikatan Nasional (PN) deputy chairman penned in a lengthy Facebook post.

“In the past, Yusof Ishak and other Malay ministers were put in front but eventually, UMNO was completely swallowed up in Singapore by the PAP.”

Added Hadi: “PAP then entered Peninsular Malaysia but the party’s branch was changed to DAP (which was based on PAP’s struggle) when a decision was reached to remove Singapore from Malaysia.”

Although PAS had previously cooperated with DAP and its allies, the Marang MP said both parties eventually parted ways because DAP was clearly opposed to the Islamic struggle brought by PAS.

“Among others, DAP opposed and criticised PAS’ efforts to ban alcohol for Muslims in this country even though non-Muslims are spared. Additionally, DAP also strongly opposed to the implementation of sharia law in states controlled by PAS even though such law only applies to Muslims.”

As to whether there was hypocrisy on PAS having swiftly demonised DAP when both were formidable partners especially during the Pakatan Rakyat heydays in anticipation of the 13th General Election (GE13), Hadi justified as follows:

“In the past, we were friends with DAP based on the concept of tahaluf siyasi (cooperation without a specific period of time) which allowed us to oppose tyranny and distortions on the basis of common ground.

“However, DAP does not respect the concept of differences when they oppose Islam as well as PAS’ policies and struggles. In fact, they openly defend apostate Muslims.

“Islam forbids its people from being berwala’ (loyal) until they are willing to sell their faith and dignity to their enemies or become a threat to the religion and the people.”

To cut a long story short, Hadi reminded UMNO that “PAS is not pretending to teach ducks which are already good swimmers but is responsible to rescue ducks that are being driven away by their masters who only want to slaughter them without having to breed them any further”.

“PAS from the very beginning had invited UMNO to join the authentic Muafakat Nasional (MN) coalition which boasts the largest Muslim Malay and Bumiputera parties of UMNO, PAS and BERSATU, which could then merge with other non-extreme parties under the PN banner,” shared Hadi.

“However, the so-called UMNO established leadership greedily refused because of its wrong prediction that the party could win big or at least able to gain a small majority on its own without collaboration with other parties.” – Jan 1, 2023


  1. Here goes the hypocrite again. He thinks he is the pope of islam in Malaysia and pontificates to one and all.

    The frightening thing is that the poor ignorant rural folks swallow the rubbish he spouts wholesale. And if GE15 is of any indication, the young voters seem to subscribe to his brand of islam; one of lies and deceit.

    Already we have a ban of the lottery in Kedah. One can debate the merits of gambling and the choices a person takes but it is a practice of the nons and they should not be subjectted to a majority religion's diktat.

    Would pork be banned too?

    Whether this new lottery ban will be reinstated through legal challenges remain to be seen.

    But the action does reinforce my view that the nons are better off emigrating.

    Within 2 generations (perhaps earlier), when the malay and muslim population comprise between 80 to 90% of Malaysia's population, what the nons want or need will mean nothing. Those nons still around when the malay/muslim population reaches this super majority, will understand the pain of living in a new Malaysia where their rights are discarded like used tissues.

    People like Hadi (he of course would have been dead by then) will celebrate like no other.

    One can only hope Hadi together with the old buffoon will join those prominent persons who died this past week. And very soon.

  2. cognitive dissonance
    the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioural decisions and attitude change.

    he is the last person to teach others to repent, if he haven't noticed, umno together with ph is already in gomen looking after the malays, what is there to repent, while he still can't get over the thought that he almost became the deputy pm, still scheming not heeding the agong's and sultans advice
