
Monday, November 28, 2022

Hadi accused of 'derhaka', Harapan leader wants sedition probe

Hadi accused of 'derhaka', Harapan leader wants sedition probe

Terengganu Pakatan Harapan chairperson Raja Kamarul Bahrin Shah Raja Ahmad has alleged that PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang has committed treason by insulting the institution of Malay rulers.

He called on the authorities to investigate Hadi’s statement, which he also claimed was seditious.

Raja Kamarul said that those who were unable to govern well are disrespecting the Malay rulers out of lust to remain in power.

“Those who supposedly once established a Malay-Islam government in Malaysia should mirror all the good of being Malay and Muslim.

“Unfortunately, the backdoor politics of the Sheraton Move today showcases all the ugly culture and ‘derhaka’ from someone regarded to as an ulama (scholar) and a Malay leader,”
he said in a statement today.

Raja Kamarul was referring to Hadi’s statement yesterday, which metaphorically used football rules including injury time and when there is a draw.

Injury time, he said, for example, is added if a player is seriously injured and needs to be taken off the field while the substitution of players is done according to the rules.

It is believed his remarks referred to recent political developments following an inconclusive 15th general election.

‘Remarks poor reflection of morals’

Hadi’s remarks came four days after the Yang di-Pertuan Agong appointed Harapan chairperson Anwar Ibrahim as prime minister.

This was despite the Perikatan Nasional coalition, of which Hadi’s PAS is a part, claiming to have achieved simple-majority backing for its prime minister candidate, Muhyiddin Yassin.

PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang

“Hadi’s writing is openly derhaka (treasonous) by accusing the Istana of being unfair and violating as if cheating the law.

“If he is unsatisfied, he is able to take legal action through the courts and not openly insult the powers and actions of the Istana, and behave rudely as the Istana is trying to form a stable government after 32 months of our country suffering with an unstable government,” said Raja Kamarul.

Raja Kamarul said that as an ulama, Hadi should display good morals towards the king and not openly mock His Majesty by writing insulting comments that are publicly available.

“The rakyat is of the opinion that these two leaders of the former Malay-Muslim PN government do not show examples of good or noble morals that can be emulated.

“Two leaders who hold the title of ‘Tan Sri’, which is a degree of greatness bestowed by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, have not set a good example of Malay-Muslim morals towards the Malay rulers for the common people to emulate.

“The Malay rulers are trying to resolve political instability and economic problems that are worsening as a result of the failure of the PN government.

“Police authorities are urged to immediately investigate Hadi’s statement under the Sedition Act for insulting the institution of the Malay rulers,” he added.

1 comment:

  1. Hadi dares to utter words even if these same words show his utter disrespect for Royalty because he knows nothing will happen to him.

    Hadi will now claim that he was taken out of context or that he was misunderstood. And that's that.

    As I said, the Sultans must find a way to control Hadi and PAS. They are getting more brazen by the day.
