
Tuesday, October 04, 2022

State PKR Youth chiefs sign memo against Muda joining PH

State PKR Youth chiefs sign memo against Muda joining PH

State PKR Youth leaders said Muda’s entry into PH would make it seem as if the existing component parties’ youth wings were weak.

PETALING JAYA: State PKR Youth chiefs have signed an internal memorandum urging Pakatan Harapan (PH) to reject Muda’s application to join the coalition.

The memorandum was signed by every state PKR Youth chief and submitted to the PH committee tasked with holding talks with Muda on joining the coalition, according to sources.

The leaders said Muda’s entry into PH would make it seem as if the existing component parties’ youth wings were weak and could not win over young voters.

They also said if Muda were to join the coalition, it would have a place in PH’s presidential council. This, they said, was unfair when youth wing leaders of existing PH parties were not a part of the council.

They also claimed that Muda was not supported by PH grassroots, describing its reception as similar to that when Dr Mahathir Mohamad first joined the coalition.

“The party must take the grassroots’ views into account in making a decision on the matter, especially since it involves seat distributions. Without grassroots’ support, PKR will enter the general election with a weak machinery.

“Muda president Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman was also among the individuals who were involved in the Sheraton Move, which led to the fall of the PH government. He had an instrumental role in preventing the transition of power to Anwar Ibrahim,” they said in the memorandum.

They added that a recording of one of the PH meetings prior to the fall of its administration in 2020 had captured Syed Saddiq opposing any move by Mahathir to pass on the premiership to Anwar.

They said Muda would add no value to PH since the demographic of its base of support was similar to that of existing component parties. They added that Muda was not known or accepted in Malay-majority states such as Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang, Kedah and Perlis.

The PKR leaders also asked if Syed Saddiq and his party were willing to back Anwar as PH’s prime minister candidate in the 15th general election (GE15).

When contacted, PKR Youth vice-chief Atyrah Hanim confirmed that the memorandum was disseminated internally and said it was only handed over to the PH committee today. It was also sent to Anwar and PKR deputy president Rafizi Ramli via email.

“Take heed of the voices at the state and grassroots levels, because they are our boots on the ground. The leadership’s mandate also comes from the grassroots’ backing.

“We will respect the leadership’s decision, but this is our avenue to present our grouses to the leadership,” she told FMT.

Previously, Amanah Youth chief Hasbie Muda said PH’s presidential council would decide on Muda’s application to join PH on Oct 5.

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