
Saturday, October 29, 2022

Pantun PRU Dah Dekat

OutSyed The Box

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Pantun PRU Dah Dekat

Tak tahu siapa penulisnya. Terima kasih.


YB di Kota telah pulang ke desa
YB yang menghilang sudah dijumpa
Sudah hadir kenduri kendara
Sudah ziarah sanak saudara.
Dah simpan kereta lawa yang berjenama
Naik kancil atau motor saja
Ada juga yang berbasikal di jalan raya
Singgah kedai kopi bertegur sapa.
Senyum pula penuh mesra
Yang ditegur seolah kenalan lama
Satu kedai kopi dia belanja
Bisa minum makan apa saja.
Solat jenazah pasti dia ada
Siap dipikul jenazah di bahunya
Kebumi pula bersama sama
Padahal sebelum ini tak nampak muka.
Rakyat mengadu disambut mesra
Datin, Puan Sri dah bertudung pula
Hadir ke masjid ceramah agama
Kononnya sudah bertakwa.
Inilah drama pilihan raya
Berulang kali setiap masa
Rakyat pula mudah lupa
Di beri kain, kopi dan gula
Ada juga seratus dua
Hiduplah mereka seperti biasa
Dalam susah dan sengsara
Sementara pemimpin mewah berharta
Berjoli sakan dengan harta negara.


By Syed Akbar Ali at October 26, 2022

1 comment:

  1. I am disappointed that everybody is avoiding the 1MDB issue in GE15.
    UMNO thinks its a non-issue, Bossku is now a hero.
    Harapan thinks its a dead issue, no point bringing it up.

    For me , I am still angry about the 1MDB theft, and its chief architects.

    The fact is the Malaysian Treasury is , and will continue to pay for years into the future Billions of Ringgit to foreign creditors to repay the interest and principal of 1MDB Debt - with nothing to show for it.
    The cash that was borrowed has evaporated into thin air... or rather the pockets of Bossku's cronies and Bossku himself.

    The multi Billions could otherwise be available to build schools, hospitals, infrastructure, provide aid for needy.

    1MDB maybe should not be made any key issue in GE15, but it is important to remind the voters - are you sure you want to vote the Crooks who enabled 1MDB and fed on the funds back into power another Five Years ?

    Till today , the Crooks , from Bossku downwards are totally unrepentant, because they think it is a non-issue.
