
Thursday, October 06, 2022

Is Loke (DAP) saying the King disrespects the Nons if he consents to an election?

Harapan should welcome GE15

S Thayaparan

“Every election is determined by the people who show up.”

- Larry J Sabato, Pendulum Swing

COMMENT | Make no mistake; the upcoming general election is a reckoning. A reckoning for Umno. A reckoning for Pakatan Harapan and yes, a reckoning for the voting demographic here in Malaysia.

What we are really talking about here is the future of a fractured political landscape and the various permutations and alliances that will determine if this country totters off the democratic ledge and plunges into the stupor of theocracy.

These pleas to emotion about how the monsoon season is an impediment to the democratic process are complete horse manure.

All over the world, people who are living under far worse conditions have come out to vote because they truly believed that their futures were at stake.

They have come out to vote against totalitarian regimes (left and right) to ensure the survival of not only the democratic process but also ensure that the future is maybe just a little bit brighter than what it is.

Yes, Umno is hoping that holding elections now would mean a lower voter turnout that would benefit them.

Yes, Umno is hoping that holding elections now would enable them to win even a simple majority, to redefine the judicial and political landscape that in turn would see the rise of a theocratic/kleptocratic class of political operatives who would need even less of the multicultural fig leaf that defines the current political landscape.

What we are dealing with when it comes to Umno, PAS, Bersatu, Pejuang and its assortments of proxies and allies which include the “non-bumiputera” component of the fictitious social contract is a cosa nostra (our thing) like organisation whose sole aim is to maintain the status quo in this country.

Mind you, if you think that there is nothing wrong with the status quo then this is not an issue.

Furthermore, the dead-end politics of demonisation has resulted in a form of racial tribalism, which makes it very difficult for Malay Harapan political operatives to further progressive agendas without coming off as subordinate to the non-Malay Harapan political elites.

However it is incumbent on Harapan as the oppositional bloc in this country, to rally the base and confront the hegemonic forces arrayed against it.

It is incumbent on Harapan to offer an alternative vision of this country that would enable people, however difficult it is, to cast their ballot in this monsoon season.

It is incumbent on Harapan to persuade fence sitters and swing voters that the current regime is unsuitable for the modern fast-changing world and that its economic and social policies have damaged the livelihoods of a majority of the voting public and voting is the only option.

What it should not be doing, is contributing to the narratives of traitors, religious extremists and race hustlers who believe their survival depends on forestalling elections for as long as possible, because it strengthens their foothold in the corridors of power.

Playing the race card

The reason why PAS, Bersatu and PN (whatever that is) do not want elections, is because they want to undemocratically maintain power.

They do not want to test their strength at the ballot box. They do not want to answer the voting public. They do not want voters to determine if they politically live or die.

What they want is access to the federal machinery and manipulate the system – like what Umno is doing now – so when the time comes to hold elections, they would have either come to some sort of arrangement amongst themselves or have compromised the system so badly that elections are merely a fait accompli to the already determined fascist groups in power.

The people who do not want elections are using the monsoon seasons and the “rakyat” as a fig leaf for their political machinations to not only remain in power but also to further weaken the already weakened democratic institutions of this country.

This is why DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke playing the race card is the height of stupidity. Disrespecting non-Malays if you hold elections now? Really Loke?

So if Agong “consents” to an election then he is disrespecting the non-Malays? Is that the narrative the DAP wants to hand over to Umno?

And these are the same doofuses that want their directives to be followed or you are ejected from the fold. Think before you play the race card, Loke.

DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke

The hypocrisy of wanting the Agong to forestall the election on the grounds of public safety is pathetic. The feudal mentality when convenient is exactly what is wrong with this country and the politics of partisanship.

What we should be demanding is more democracy at the hands of the people and not diktats from the establishment when it seems convenient or politically expeditious.

Furthermore, when it comes to optics, it makes Harapan look weak. If Harapan had embraced this idea of an election and fought for the right of the people to decide, then it would make all their talk of traitors and kleptocrats more convincing.

Instead, the rakyat or maybe just the segment who vote are sick and tired of political operatives using them and the floods to further undemocratic agendas.

This could result in the apathy that Umno so desperately wants.

S THAYAPARAN is Commander (Rtd) of the Royal Malaysian Navy. Fīat jūstitia ruat cælum - “Let justice be done though the heavens fall.”

1 comment:

  1. Don't hide behind the King, who is a Constitutional monarch who is duty-bound to , most of the time, act
    according o the Prime Minister's advice.

    In rare cases the King may act independently or even contrary to the Prime Minister's advice, but that is a rare exception.
