
Saturday, October 22, 2022

Anwar for Tambun: Cold shoulder vs knight in shining armour

Anwar for Tambun: Cold shoulder vs knight in shining armour

While Pakatan Harapan’s Perak chapter welcomes Anwar Ibrahim’s candidacy in Tambun, it appears that voters in the parliamentary seat do not share the same sentiments.

Observations by Malaysiakini at the constituency found contrasting opinions between balloters and PKR grassroots.

Some voters felt indifferent about the opposition leader making Tambun his battleground in the upcoming 15th general election (GE15).

Speaking to Malaysiakini, Abdul Salam Zakaria expressed disinterest and shock after hearing about Anwar’s move from his previous Port Dickson seat.

“Can he win here? I don’t think he stands a chance here. I don’t understand his strategy,” the 58-year-old businessperson said.

He added that Anwar faces an uphill battle against Bersatu deputy president Ahmad Faizal Azumu, who is the youth and sports minister as well as a former Perak chief minister.

“In my opinion, it would hurt him (Anwar) here. Faizal Azumu’s influence here is strong. PAS as well,” he said, while pointing out that the majority of voters in Tambun are Malays.

Asked if he was dissatisfied with Anwar’s performance in the political arena, Abdul Salam said he sees no difference between the PKR president and BN leaders.

“When it comes to money, they are all the same. They only think about themselves.

“In contrast, no PAS leaders are involved in any bribery cases,” said the voter in the Tambun parliamentary seat and Manjoi state seat.

Tambun voter and businessperson Abdul Salam Zakaria, 58

Alex Choong, another voter in the Tambun constituency, also shared similar sentiments, expressing indifference about Anwar’s decision to run there.

“What if he can win? To us, it’s all the same. Whoever who takes Tambun, it’ll stay the same.

“I have not decided if I would vote or not,” the 46-year-old businessperson said.

Another voter who asked to be identified only as Yik, appeared to be on the fence.

The 32-year-old IT manager said he would cast his vote to fulfil his responsibility as a Malaysian, regardless of Anwar’s candidacy.

“Seeing how my friends said they are not going to vote, I don’t think Anwar’s presence would attract voters to return (to Tambun to vote), but for those who are still willing to vote, yes, at least we have a high profile candidate this time round.

“In my opinion, his presence in Perak is important as you know Perak has been split 50-50.

“Putting a high profile politician might change that, but for better or worse, we’ll see.”

High acceptance of Harapan reported

However, Tambun Wanita PKR vice-president Mahanin Abdul Hamid said results from a survey she conducted on Harapan’s popularity in the constituency said otherwise.

“Before Anwar announced that he will be contesting in Tambun, I was asked to conduct a survey in this seat.

Tambun Wanita PKR vice-president Mahanin Abdul Hamid

“The response surprised me as the voters’ acceptance towards Harapan is 80 percent and they reject Perikatan Nasional and BN.

“They cited economic and corruption issues as well as flood woes in the area. BN did not go to the people during floods.”

Despite being happy and grateful to Anwar for picking the Tambun seat, she admitted it would be a tiring month ahead with campaigning activities, hinting that it would be done in a ‘carnival’ manner.

“As a voter, I feel lucky to be staying in Tambun and to be under Anwar’s administration. I am beyond grateful.”

For the record, in the 2013 general election, Anwar was rumoured to contest in a Perak parliamentary seat but the plan fell through.

Nine years on, Anwar’s decision to stand in Tambun for GE15 is lauded as his leadership could ensure development and the wellbeing of the constituents, according to incumbent Hulu Kinta state assemblyperson Muhamad Arafat Varisai Mahamad.

He relished the chance for Anwar to triumph over Ahmad Faizal, who was part of the Bersatu MPs to leave Harapan in 2020, causing the collapse of its federal government then.

“Anwar’s decision to contest in Tambun is an opportunity to heal the people’s wounds inflicted by Peja (Ahmad Faizal),” he told Malaysiakini.

“This is also a recognition for the Perakians, and if he (Anwar) were to be appointed as the prime minister post-general election, this would be the pride of the people.”

The PKR man said his service centre has been prepared to be one of Anwar’s operation rooms to launch any campaigning activities.

Knight in shining armour

Sharing the same sentiments is Perak PKR deputy election chief MA Tinagaran who said Anwar has taken a big leap of faith to enter an uncharted territory to test his popularity.

Based on his observations, Tinagaran said there is a lot of excitement on the ground as the prime ministerial candidate is contesting in the state.

Perak PKR deputy election chief MA Tinagaran

Labelling Anwar as the ‘MVP’ of the election, he said the former will be able to put things in order to prevent any issue of party hopping from occurring again.

“Anwar is the knight in shining armour who came through. All the races in the community are very excited.

“We need an icon like Anwar in Perak. We have failed many times to remain as the state government. There is some leadership issue that needs to be taken care of.

“Anwar will be able to command that kind of respect and authority.”

Perak Harapan chief Mujahid Yusof Rawa, in a statement today, gave Anwar a warm welcome to contest in Tambun.

Mujahid said it is high time to rise against traitors as well as candidates who are involved in bribery and pick a candidate who has integrity and is authoritative.

“The Tambun parliamentary seat is a symbol of redeeming the treachery of the people’s mandate.”

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