
Tuesday, September 27, 2022

MAIPs intrusive in affairs of non-Muslim family

Court to hear MAIPs’ appeal in Loh’s divorce case on Feb 7

Loh Siew Hong with her lawyers A Srimurugan and Shamsher Singh Thind (right).

PUTRAJAYA: The Court of Appeal has fixed Feb 7, next year to hear the Perlis Islamic Religious and Malay Customs Council’s (MAIPs) appeal against a High Court’s decision in disallowing the council to intervene in a divorce proceeding involving single mother, Loh Siew Hong and her Muslim convert ex-husband, Muhammad Nagahswaran Muniandy.

MAIPs is seeking to intervene in the divorce proceedings for the purpose of varying a custody order given to Loh to enable the council to provide Islamic education and training and tithes to her three children who were converted to Islam by their father.

Shamsher Singh Thind, one of Loh’s lawyers, when contacted, confirmed the hearing date for the appeal following the case management before deputy registrar, Norshakinah Ahmad Kamarudin, today.

He said the hearing date was earlier fixed during the previous case management, adding that parties in the appeal agreed to retain the hearing date.

“Today’s case management is to inform parties that the Court of Appeal is available to hear the appeal in November and December. But the dates proposed are not suitable for all parties. So, the original date is retained,” he said.

On June 15, High Court judge Evrol Mariette Peters dismissed MAIP’s application to intervene in the divorce proceedings after finding that the council had failed to show that it was an interested party in relation to the children.

MAIPs filed the intervention application on March 7 to enable the religious authority to have the locus standi (legal standing) to apply to vary the terms of the custody order granted to Loh.

In the divorce petition, Loh, 34, had been granted sole custody, care and control over the three children.

On Feb 21, the three siblings who were under the care of the social welfare department were released to Loh after the High Court allowed her habeas corpus application.

1 comment:

  1. And they claim there is no compulsion in islam!

    I wonder what will happen should a monkey be seen with a piece of paper containing the sahadah.
