
Monday, August 22, 2022

Reveal truth about Nazlan probe, Zaid tells MACC and AG

Reveal truth about Nazlan probe, Zaid tells MACC and AG

Former law minister Zaid Ibrahim said Idrus Harun had given a ‘non-answer’ about the MACC investigation papers.

PETALING JAYA: Former law minister Zaid Ibrahim has urged the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission and Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) to “come forward with the truth” on the MACC investigation into Court of Appeal judge Nazlan Ghazali.

He said he was bewildered by Attorney-General (AG) Idrus Harun saying MACC’s investigation papers were not with him, describing Idrus’ response to the media as a “non-answer”.

Zaid urged MACC to clarify the authenticity of leaked copies of what is purported to be investigation papers into Nazlan.

“It falls on MACC now to confirm or deny the authenticity of the (leaked documents). It also falls on the AG to speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

“Silence is no longer an option and will lead to a travesty of justice. I call on the AGC and MACC to come forward with the truth once and for all.

“I am also keen to know what the great defender of justice, the Bar Council, will say to this,” he said in a statement to FMT.

“Everyone must respect and uphold the rule of law, and not subvert it,” Zaid added.

Earlier today, when approached by reporters, Idrus could not confirm the authenticity of the leaked documents that appeared to reveal details of MACC’s investigation.

“I don’t know, it (MACC’s investigation papers) is not with us,” he said.

Earlier this week, UK-based blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin had published copies of documents purportedly prepared by MACC which appeared to suggest that MACC had concluded its investigation into Nazlan and had submitted its report to the AGC.

This prompted Umno secretary-general Ahmad Maslan to urge MACC to confirm the authenticity of the documents. He also asked the AGC if it would be taking further action following the probe.

His statement appeared to suggest some connection between the probe’s findings and the alleged conflict of interest argument raised by Najib Razak in his failed application to the Federal Court to adduce new evidence in his SRC International appeal.

Nazlan, who was promoted to the Court of Appeal in February, was the judge who presided over Najib’s SRC trial in the High Court and sentenced the former prime minister to 12 years’ jail and a RM210 million fine.

On Tuesday, the Federal Court dismissed Najib’s application to adduce fresh evidence to prove that Nazlan was under a serious conflict of interest when presiding over the SRC trial two years ago.

Zaid’s firm, Zaid Ibrahim Suflan TH Liew & Partners, was discharged from representing Najib in his appeal on Friday, a month after being appointed to take over the former prime minister’s defence from Shafee & Co last month.

On Tuesday, the defence had requested “three to four months” to prepare their case, but the court rejected this, saying the appeal hearing needed to go on.

Lead counsel Hisyam Teh Poh Teik’s request to discharge himself as Najib’s counsel was also disallowed by the Federal Court.


  1. All the lawyers and supporters in the Bossku camp are pinning their hopes on what is probably a piece of fabricated fake news.

    Just like so many went Gaga over the Steele dossier about Trump , which turned out to be little more than 4th-hand gossip.

    But ...yes....the the AG and MACC need to come out with a clear cut statement on the provenance of the "leaked documents"

  2. Can ZI also tell us how did his firm end up taking up Ahjibgor's case? Did Ahjibgor out of a sudden decided, 'Ah . . . I think ZI who owned the largest legal firm in Malaysia at one time will be able to represent me and win the case'.

    Or did ZI having followed the case diligently discovered 'Ah . . . the prosecutor's case got great defect and fraudulent', so he approached Ahjibgor with great confidence that Ahjibgor got convinced?

  3. the problem is, some one in manchester let rip a stinger but is the windbreaker brave enough to return to testify under oath otherwise it is just foul wind
