
Sunday, July 31, 2022

Why discriminate against non-Malays under matriculation system?

Why discriminate against non-Malays under matriculation system?

From P Ramasamy

The country’s pre-university matriculation system, which had been dormant for two years as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, is back again as a highly-controversial issue.

It is believed that more than 200 straight-As Indian students were denied entrance and were hardly given the required time to appeal.

The nonsensical racial quota of 90% admission for Bumiputras is still in operation.

This means that good and qualified Indian and Chinese students have little opportunity to enter into the matriculation programme this year.

Students coming from well-to-do families have the chance to go overseas. However, such a luxury is not within the grasp of poor non-Malay students.

Of course, they have the option of pursuing their pre-university two-year Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM), a more difficult programme compared with the pre-university matriculation.

While the STPM examination answers are graded under a centralised regimented system, the students in the matriculation programme are graded or evaluated on the basis of classroom performance.

In fact, there is really no comparison between these two pre-university programmes.

Academically, STPM is far superior to the matriculation programme.

In fact, very few Malays with good Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) results will ever want to enroll themselves in the STPM programme.

Why would they want to when the matriculation programme has been tailor-made for them.

Originally, the matriculation system was meant for Malays. It was a pure, undiluted racist set up.

It was just another way to enforce institutional racism in the education system.

However, as a result of demands from the public and parents, non-Malay students were gradually admitted into the matriculation system with an admission quota of 10%.

This was hardly sufficient to address the demand for more non-Malays to be admitted.

Even though the STPM programme was a solid one, however, its long duration, its inflexibility, the development of other pre-university programmes and others have rendered it less attractive and cumbersome.

Due to the two years of movement control order (MCO) imposed as a result of the pandemic, there was hardly any direct admission of students.

I am not sure if there were students who took online courses to qualify themselves for university entrance. But, the controversy of the intake was somewhat kept within control.

Things have now returned to normalcy with the admission of students under the matriculation system.

As a result, racism has reared its ugly head in excluding non-Malay students on the grounds of a nonsensical racial quota.

Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob should stop all his talk of Malaysia as one family if the matriculation system continues with the current practice.

Given the dateline set for the appeals, MIC and MCA have now awakened from their slumber to seek personal favours in the admission of students on the basis of their appeals.

The time has come for the matriculation system to be opened up for all Malaysians.

If the system cannot be abandoned, then a new system should be put in place to cater for all the races in the country.

It is without question that the admission of students must go beyond the narrow and myopic concerns of race and religion.

Education is not about passing examinations, but about opening up the minds of the young to the plural and cosmopolitan nature of the world we live in.

It serves no purpose to harp mechanically on the theme of “Keluarga Malaysia” but yet at the same time sow the seeds of racial and religious hatred.

Let the matriculation system not be used to punish and humiliate the innocent non-Malay students.

How can a country punish its own citizens by denying entry into a pre-university programme just because they were born as Chinese or Indians.

P Ramasamy is Penang deputy chief minister II.


  1. Year in year out, the stupidity of that ketuanan inferiority plays out - with short term gains & long term ruins.

    Education is the bloodline of the nation. If that bloodline is been infilled with under-qualified &/or kabel-ed blood cells, eventually the body dies!

    But can these mfers see that far?

    Tak akan Melayu hilang di dunia?


    Melayu menjadi tersohor hakikatnya adalah kerana berpegang dengan Islam.

    Apa guna menjadi tersohor jikalau biji unsur unsur kaum terjadi lemah dan rosak?

    Islam would not help!

    Neither would zombieicism!

  2. The Metrikulasi system was created in the first place as a preferential pathway to University for Bumis, and step discrimination against the Non-Bumis.
    Over the years, the Government relented to allow a very limited entry to Chinese and Indians as a sop to MCA and MIC. The fundamental design of the system has not changed.

  3. Just like the civil service recruitment programme, the stand of these ketuanans is that the selection process is based on meritocracy.

    And if the good Deputy Chief Minister II thinks that sounding out to turtle egg is of any use, he has to think again.

    Remember Low Yat 2!!
