
Saturday, July 02, 2022

“Eat less eggs if they are pricey”, Gov’t official gets flayed by netizens

“Eat less eggs if they are pricey”, Gov’t official gets flayed by netizens

AN official from the Melaka Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) felt the full wrath of netizens after coming up with an insensitive comment over rising prices of goods.

In a 21-second video posted on social media, Melaka KPDNHEP director Norena Jaafar had advised the public to use their purchasing power to adapt to the situation.

“When you know the prices of eggs have shot up, let us use our rights as consumers. Reduce the intake of eggs in the family.

“For example, if we consumer 20 eggs a week, let us reduce it to between 10 and 15 eggs. No problem with that. That is how we adjust our lifestyle,” she was reported as saying by Melaka TV.

However, netizens were unimpressed with Norena’s statement and hurled brickbats at her for being disconnected from the people’s plight.

“Bodoh la kau ni .nk suruh kurang mkn telur..telur la paling jimat klau dia pun Mahal nk kurang mcm mn,” said user SabriHaziq Balqis.

(You’re an idiot. Eggs are the cheapest source of protein. How are we to reduce its intake despite soaring prices?)

Echoing his sentiments, user Ramli Ismail added: “Bodoh tu tolong simpan yek!!!!!!”

(Keep your stupidity to yourself, please!)

Netizen Dyanie Hamzah retorted: “Bongok punya statement. Memalukan diri & kementerian.”

(What a dumb statement. An embarrassment to the ministry and herself.)

As prices of raw goods soar, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob announced the formation of a committee to wage “jihad” (holy war) on inflation, on June 30.

Dubbed the “Pasukan Khas Jihad Tangani Inflasi” (Special Jihad Taskforce Against Inflation), the committee will be headed by Communications and Multimedia Minister Tan Sri Annuar Musa and he would be tasked to control the soaring prices of goods in the country.

Disconnected and insensitive

Parked under the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry, the committee would formulate strategies to resolve inflation-related issues by gathering information from relevant ministries and agencies.

Back to Norena, user Zairi Zairi reminded the official that people are resorting to eggs to supplement their protein intake as prices of chicken and fish have skyrocketed as well.

“Ehh..bodoh…kau suruh rakyat kurang kan makan telur..abis ikan @ ayam pon semua mahal..nak suruh makan ape ??? Batu ker..bengap bodoh nie bukan membantu..tapi buat org marah.”

(Hey stupid, you’re asking the people to reduce the intake of eggs, but then even the fish and chicken have increased prices. So then what do you expect us to eat? Rocks, is it? Your stupidity isn’t helping, it’s just angering the public.)

Netizen Nur Shuhada remarked: “Dia patut menyesali apa dia ckp ni. Harap dia tak dpt lena selamanya atas kebodohan kata2 dia ni. Aku dah abis2 jimat brg dah kt rumah ni. Apa lg aku nk jimatkan.”

(I hope she regrets coming up with this statement and won’t be able to sleep soundly after this for the idiocy of her words. I have stretched my finances to the limits and have no clue on what else to skim on.) – July 2, 2022


  1. Nobody dies from eating fewer eggs...wakakaka

  2. Brilliant idea!!!

    As the Chinese say "clever is enough but don't be too clever".
