
Monday, June 20, 2022

Will DAP be left out in the cold in next GE?

S Thayaparan

“How can DAP work with individuals who worked with Najib Abdul Razak to cause the Pakatan Harapan government to fall? It will be the same as working with BN.”

– Lim Guan Eng

COMMENT | DAP chairperson Lim Guan Eng has categorically stated in the press that the DAP will not work with any parties or individuals “whose betrayal of Pakatan Harapan led to the coalition’s fall from power in 2020”. So, supposedly, it is no big tent for DAP.

This, according to Lim, is the final word. The last word. End of story. As someone who is vehemently opposed to this nonsensical idea of a big tent, I of course welcome this move.

I also wonder why this is not coming from the current DAP supremo, Anthony Loke. But who knows, right?

However, what does the DAP not working with anyone who betrayed and caused the fall of the Harapan government really mean? As it is PAS has categorically stated that it would not work with the DAP.

Remember for PAS, working with backstabbing Malay uber alles cretins is religiously and politically correct while teaming up with a former ally and tempering their religious extremist views, is verboten.

But how exactly is the DAP going to work in a coalition that has embraced traitors, religious and racial extremists, and coordinate a strategy which would defeat Umno/BN/PN?

How exactly is the DAP going to work with PKR – supposedly the anchor of Harapan – when they have to be mindful that individuals or parties that they rejected are part of the campaign strategy to oust Umno/BN/PN?

As it is, seat allocation is going to be a manure show.

How is the DAP, especially when it comes to seat allocations in various states, going to cooperate and coordinate with parties they have rejected but are supposedly part of a grand coalition that would save Malaysia?

Keep in mind that those parties are inherently antagonistic towards the DAP, even though they have collaborated with the DAP before.

What kind of horror show state governments will come out of this mess?

As it is, Malay uber alles political operatives are tearing each other apart with corruption charges and the political establishment which includes the royalty is convulsing because the political class are eating their own.

Did it ever occur to those people who want a big tent that all these political operatives they are talking to are merely attempting to destabilise Harapan with these talks and dragging it out for as long as possible, so Harapan would be a disunified group when the next GE comes round the corner?

The fact that the DAP has made it stand clear, is already causing problems for certain Harapan political operatives who tell me that this was an arrogant move by the DAP.

Why? Because nothing has been decided yet by the Harapan council or whatever it is called and this just further muddies the water when it comes to election strategies.

To be honest, I wasn't aware that Harapan had an election strategy but I digress.

Clear choice for voters

Here’s the thing, as long as DAP maintains this stand and does not suddenly backtrack, this is the only strategic play to make.

Harapan was always a threat as a unified opposition with PKR, DAP and then Amanah working together to present a flawed alternative to the Umno/BN system.

We can debate the merits of this statement but ultimately what is needed is a clear choice for the voters to make.

What is the message Harapan is sending to undecided or new voters? Umno/BN messaging is clear. Political, social and economic stability.

Umno/BN keeps hammering this message every chance it gets. Do not be fooled by the voices against the court cluster. They will step back in line when the chips are down.

Umno/BN understands that in these times of inflation and probably worldwide recession, people crave political stability.

While the motives of the court cluster are obvious, a fragmented Malay polity, voter apathy and a disorganised opposition are all conducive for a comeback, no matter how tenuous.

Now, with the DAP apparently signalling that it won't budge from not working with these traitors, where does this leave Harapan?

Mind you, the DAP taking this stand is the only rational option but it causes more chaos in Harapan not because the DAP has taken this stand but rather because they are – so far – alone in this.

What kind of messaging can an electorate latch onto with Harapan in this state?

If Harapan cannot keep its own house in order, how do you expect the rakyat to buy into the message that Harapan, especially with various treacherous parties and individuals, can maintain political stability in these hazardous economic and social times?

The string of Umno/BN electoral victories in various state elections points to the reality that Umno is either not gaining enough new ground with Malay voters or that it is losing ground with Malay voters means bupkis.

Elections are about the people who come out to vote.

As it is, these past elections have demonstrated two things. The first that the Malay vote fractured and the second that Harapan's acceptance of frogs, did more damage than any electoral good.

So this idea that opposition made up of squabbling partners has a better chance of defeating Umno/BN is ludicrous.

Rejection of the big tent is an all-or-nothing proposition. Either Harapan as a coalition rejects the big tent approach or the DAP is left out in the cold.

S THAYAPARAN is Commander (Rtd) of the Royal Malaysian Navy. Fīat jūstitia ruat cælum - “Let justice be done though the heavens fall.”

1 comment:

  1. Many Chinese and most Indians have returned to supporting BN...and they seem quite happy to do so...
    No horror...BN forever..
