
Friday, June 17, 2022

Senior education minister M.I.A from important select committee meet - why?

Did Radzi dishonour Dewan by going AWOL from select committee meet?

Education Ministry rep should have attended even if minister could not, says PAGE chairman

In a Facebook post, Maszlee Malik, the chairman of the PSSC on education, revealed that neither Datuk Mohd Radzi Jidin (pic) nor any ministry officers were present at Monday’s meeting, despite a notice being issued by the Parliament’s secretary. – Bernama pic, June 17, 2022

KUALA LUMPUR – Education stakeholders have poured scorn on Datuk Mohd Radzi Jidin’s apparent disregard for Parliament after the senior education minister skipped a special select committee (PSSC) meeting aimed at deliberating the abolishment of the Form 3 Assessment (PT3) examination.

This is despite the minister being officially summoned by the august house to present himself.

Without mincing her words, Parent Action Group for Education (PAGE) chairman Datin Noor Azimah Abdul Rahim lambasted Radzi over his absence from a discussion on what she described as a major landmark policy decision.

She said considering the issue in question, even if the minister was not able to attend the meeting, a ministry representative, such as the director-general, should have been present in his place.

Parliament is an august house. By not availing themselves of the request to be present at the PSSC, it makes a mockery of the auspices of Parliament, which is the national legislature of Malaysia,” she told The Vibes yesterday.

Azimah said the absence of any official from the Education Ministry during Monday’s PSSC meeting has only raised suspicion over the issue of transparency.

“The ministry should anticipate the questions to be asked and be prepared for them,” she said, adding that Radzi ought to explain himself over his non-presence.

In a Facebook post, Maszlee Malik, the chairman of the PSSC on education, revealed that neither Radzi nor any ministry officers were present at Monday’s meeting, despite a notice being issued by the Parliament’s secretary.

Parent Action Group for Education chairman Datin Noor Azimah Abdul Rahim says the absence of any official from the Education Ministry during Monday's PSSC meeting has only raised suspicion over the issue of transparency. – KSI Strategic Institute for Asia-Pacific Facebook pic, June 17, 2022

The ministry was summoned to provide further explanation on the rationale to do away with the PT3 examination, as well as the preparations and alternatives in place.

The Vibes’ request for comment from Radzi has been futile as of the time of writing.

Azimah questioned if any action will be taken against those blatantly disregarding the PSSC, warning that the committee might not be taken seriously by the public if offenders are not penalised.

Under the Houses of Parliament (Privileges and Powers) Act 1952, the august house is empowered to call upon any witness to testify on issues it is investigating.

National Parent-Teacher Association Collaborative Council president Associate Professor Datuk Mohamad Ali Hasan said he hopes both the ministry and the PSSC could sort out whatever differences they have and determine a new date for discussion soon.

Giving Radzi the benefit of the doubt, Ali said the minister might have other prior arrangements on the day of the committee meeting and urged all quarters to be patient.

“I suppose the minister might have other priorities, then. But I’m sure both parties can arrange for another meeting. What we would like to know more is the result of this discussion and the if ministry is able to justify its reasons for scrapping PT3.

“Maybe this (Radzi’s absence) is a blessing in disguise; a cooling period for all parties to find another suitable date to peacefully discuss the issue at hand.” – The Vibes, June 17, 2022

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