
Sunday, June 19, 2022

KHAT versus Lee Lam Thye saga - all coming out grudgingly from KHAT like extracting a rotten tooth

Kit Siang: Young leaders approached Lam Thye, but not on our behalf

In the latest round of verbal sparring that follows the publication of ex-Bukit Bintang MP Lee Lam Thye’s book, veteran leader Lim Kit Siang has said that he just learned that some young DAP leaders did ask Lee to step aside from the constituency.

“I have just learnt that young DAP leaders had met Lam Thye before the 1990 general election to ask him to contest elsewhere instead of in Bukit Bintang, but these suggestions were not on behalf of the party leadership.

“It is regrettable that Lam Thye had maintained his lie that I had asked him to contest elsewhere apart from Bukit Bintang when this was not the case,” said Lim in a statement today.


kt comments:

KHAT's "I have just learned ........ " is as bad (kerbau), if not worse than his accusation of the impossibility of not knowing Lee Lam Thye's reason for resigning nor that being revealed, for 32 years.

But KHAT has a notoriety of mafulat-ish Machiavellian manipulation, unlike the renown Lee Lam Thye's honesty, integrity and decency.

KHAT's "I have just learned ........ " after 32 years and only after Lee Lam Thye finally revealing the notorious dictatorial DAP's unjust punishments for non-conformists-to-party(read this as Lim KS')-dictates such as Dr Tan Seng Giaw, Dr Boo Cheng Hau, (late) Zulkifli Noor, etc, is sheer hypocritical kerbau and implausible defence.

T'was well known by observers of that period (not the DAP brats of today) that KHAT was extremely jealous of Lee's immense and growing popularity, and in KHAT's paranoid mind, threatening his position as party sec-gen.

So why would KHAT's claimed "young DAP leaders meet Lam Thye before the 1990 general election to ask him to contest elsewhere instead of in Bukit Bintang", when Lee Lam Thye was already an established party icon, invincible and beloved amongst KL voters, more so amongst the party youth? Yes, why would young DAP leaders challenged their icon and not KHAT?

It's all coming out KHAT, so confess and repent or as the late Karpal Singh would say "Bertaubat lah!"


  1. This News sounds like freshly minted allegations from Lee Lam Thye.
    How did this "explosive news"remain a secret for 32 years ?
    Or was this concocted last week for the benefit of some group's political benefit ?

  2. Wakakakaka…

    "renown Lee Lam Thye's honesty, integrity and decency"


    Enuff said!
