
Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Dr M opens fire on sultan – 'explain selling Johor land to foreigners'

Dr M opens fire on sultan – 'explain selling Johor land to foreigners'

Dr Mahathir Mohamad trained his guns on Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar, challenging the Johor ruler to explain selling state land to foreign entities.

The former premier said this when quizzed on the Johor state government pointing the finger at him for Malaysia losing its claim over Pulau Batu Puteh or Pedra Branca to Singapore.

Mahathir, who is known for not biting his lip on matters concerning the rulers, claimed the size of the land sold to the Chinese and Singaporean entities was much larger than Pulau Batu Puteh.

"He can blame whoever he wants, but he is not a judge. He is a sultan.

"He can give his opinion. In our country, the sultan is free to do anything (as) he is above the law. He can say anything, but I cannot respond.

"But I want to know, why did he sell 1,370ha of land to the Chinese? That is a much bigger area than just a piece of rock," he told reporters in Putrajaya.

Former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad

His aide later clarified that Mahathir was referring to the Forest City project in Johor.

kt comments: As usual he toks-kok. Forrest City is just merely a property development, with sales of the developed residential units mainly to foreigners (though to those Mahathir hates most, namely the Chinese from China and Sing), where sovereignty of the nation or the state is NOT involved. But he is deceptive, cunning and malicious in twisting every issue into racist matters 

Earlier, the Pejuang chairperson attended an interview with a special panel reviewing Malaysia's legal options in the Batu Puteh issue, including if there was misfeasance on his part during his second tenure as prime minister.

However, the nonagenarian walked out in protest of former attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali, whom he had accused of protecting his predecessor Najib Abdul Razak with regard to the 1MDB saga, chairing the panel.

Questions about another project in Johor

Meanwhile, Mahathir also questioned another project in Johor located at Maharani, Muar, where he claimed the land was sold to Singapore.

"...Now, another land piece in Maharani wants to be sold to Singapore. At the rate we are going, there will be no Johor," he added.

Earlier this month, Sultan Ibrahim expressed disappointment over the Pulau Batu Puteh issue.

According to the ruler, the Pakatan Harapan federal administration did not consult Johor when it decided in 2018 to withdraw Malaysia's appeal against the International Court of Justice's decision to award Pulau Batu Puteh to Singapore.

Two days ago, Johor Menteri Besar Onn Hafiz Ghazi called for action against Harapan leaders responsible for causing the country to lose Pulau Batu Puteh.

Although he did not mention names, the menteri besar branded the person responsible as a traitor.


  1. Hahahahaha.......Two crooks lashing out at each other...

  2. First, since Malaysia has already lost Pedra Banca officially, we should be graceful and call it by the given name especially on maps.

    To still refer to it as Pulau Batu Puteh shows immaturity on our part.

    And coming to the old buffoon's tirade against the Johor Sultan, this is not surprising coming from a twisted mind like that of the old fool.

    He knows he cannot be touched especially since he will be collecting his seventy virgins (or raisins) very soon. Thus he can comment without fear of retribution even if he twisted the facts.

  3. MARUAH MALU-YU Dipamerkan kepada orang Ramai....Pi Mampus rakyat gembira 1 minggu!!
