
Saturday, April 30, 2022

Tuan Ibrahim: Kelantan's water supply will be fixed in 30 to 40 years time

No water supply when fire broke out? Husam quizzes Air Kelantan

A former exco member has questioned Air Kelantan Sdn Bhd (AKSB) after residents alleged that a fire in Kota Bharu spiralled out of control due to a lack of water supply, destroying at least five houses.

Husam Musa (above) pointed out that there have been long-standing issues with water supply and water quality in Kelantan which have caused people to suffer including in cases of emergencies.

On April 28, at least five houses at Berek 12 in the state capital completely burned down due to firecrackers in the 9.35am incident. Another four houses were partially damaged.

Residents earlier claimed that they had not had water for 11 days when the blaze happened, which was why the Fire Department had difficulty dealing with it.

“The fire incident which could not be controlled due to low water pressure or lack of water, as well as the anger of the long-suffering rakyat – should be food for thought for all Kelantanese (to) examine the cause of AKSB’s failure specifically in their duty and the continuous failure of the PAS-led state government,” Husam said in a statement today.

He noted that the federal minister in charge of water issues is PAS deputy president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man, and the National Water Services Commission (Span) chairperson is also a PAS lawmaker - Dungun MP Wan Hassan Mohd Ramli.

Despite that, water problems in Kelantan persist, he added.

No shortcuts, distractions

There have been suggestions to reshuffle the AKSB management including from PAS supporters, Husam said, but there is no guarantee this will resolve the issues as the source of it remains unknown.

“This suggestion is a shortcut to distract the rakyat’s anger for political purposes.

“Even with the reshuffling of the management, AKSB will still be under the jurisdiction of the state government leaders,” he added.

Husam claimed there could be elements of abuse of power as among the potential reasons for the water issues.

The former senator had previously accused AKSB of abuse of power and was subsequently sued for defamation. However, the Kota Bharu High Court has since dismissed the suit.

“If the reason for this failure is the abuse of power, then the right answer to get to the source of AKSB’s failure would be to form an independent investigative commission.

“If the Kelantan government is willing to form this commission and the members are seen by the rakyat to be truly independent and of high integrity – that is a sign they are honest and do not plan to hide anything.

“If they refuse to do so, it shows that there is something secretive about their work all this while,” he said.

“Without an independent thorough investigation, the water issues of the people of Kelantan will never be resolved,” he added.

Alternatively, Husam suggested the Kelantanese replace the state government as a solution to their woes.

“The other option if the Kelantan government refuses to do so (solve the issue), is for the Kelantanese to be brave enough to change the government when the time comes.

“The new government must agree to form the commission immediately,” he said.

1 comment:

  1. The poor gullible rural Kelantan folks have been brainwashed to accept these problems as willed by allah.

    PAS promised to solve the water issue in 30 to 40 years time. Frankly, this is all total bull.

    Why? Even if we accept this time line, those repair work that started first will need maintenance and perhaps upgrading as time progresses. So, it will be a never ending cycle.

    What is required first is a study of what needs to be done. And a detailed plan with timelines and budget. And the political will to do some good for the poor kelantanese.

    I somehow doubt if this is being done. What probably is the modus operandi is to trouble shoot as and when there is a problem. Because I don't see PAS having the mental capacity to see the big picture. All they know is to hoodwink the rakyat with the promises of the afterlife.

    The rest will be "inshallah" as God wills
