
Thursday, April 07, 2022

Russian forces pound Ukraine cities as U.S. announces tougher sanctions


Russian forces pound Ukraine cities as U.S. announces tougher sanctions


  • Zelenskiy says rhetoric on sanctions not enough
  • Hungary's Orban asks Putin to announce ceasefire
  • U.S., EU set to ban new investment in Russia

LVIV, Ukraine/DUBLIN, April 6 (Reuters) - Russian artillery pounded key cities in Ukraine on Wednesday, as its president urged the West to act decisively in imposing new and tougher sanctions against Russia in response to civilian killings widely condemned as war crimes.

The United States announced a new round of sanctions targeting Russian banks as well as Kremlin officials and their family members. The head of the European Commission signalled further moves - including examining energy imports - on top of sanctions unveiled by the bloc on Tuesday. read more

Western sanctions over Russia's invasion gained new impetus this week after the bodies of civilians shot at close range were found in the town of Bucha when it was retaken from Russian forces.

Pope Francis, without apportioning blame, described the killings as a "massacre" and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said the West needed to act decisively in taking "more rigid" steps against Russia, which said the Bucha killings were staged.

"I can't tolerate any indecisiveness after everything that Russian troops have done," Zelenskiy told Irish lawmakers by videolink. read more

Some Western leaders "still think that war and war crimes are not something as horrific as financial losses", he added.

But a crack in a unified EU front emerged, with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban saying his government was prepared to accede to Russia's demand to pay in roubles for Russian gas. read more

Moscow last week demanded payments for gas in roubles from countries it deemed "unfriendly", but Brussels said those with euro or dollar contracts should stick to them.

Germany, Europe's largest economy which relies on Russian gas for much of its energy needs, warned that while it supported ending Russian energy imports as soon as possible it could not do it overnight. read more

The war has killed thousands, turned entire cities into rubble and left a quarter of Ukraine's population homeless. As it heads into its seventh week, the risk that it could escalate into a broader conflict remains a concern.

Reflecting such fears, the EU executive said it had begun a stockpiling operation to boost its defences against chemical, nuclear and biological threats. read more

Ukraine's foreign minister said only an embargo on sales of gas and oil that provide billions of dollars to Russia every week and cutting off all Russian banks from the global financial system could halt the war.

"It will take a gas/oil embargo and de-SWIFTing of all Russian banks to stop Putin. Difficult times require difficult decisions," Dmytro Kuleba said on Twitter, referring to the international SWIFT network for bank transfers.

The new sanctions may increase economic hardship for Russians without putting much of a dent in Russia's energy revenues, according to U.S. sanctions analysts.

Burned down cars are seen in a car service that was damaged during a shelling, amid Russia's invasion of Ukraine, in Kharkiv, Ukraine, April 5, 2022. REUTERS/Oleksandr Lapshyn

Russia supplies around 40% of the EU's natural gas consumption. The EU also gets a third of its oil imports from Russia, about $700 million per day.

"We are at the point where we have to take some pain," said Benn Steil, of the Council on Foreign Relations think tank in New York. "The initial batches of sanctions were crafted as much to not hurt us in the West as much as they were to hurt Russia." read more

Hungary's Orban said he had spoken with Russian President Vladimir Putin and asked him to announce an immediate ceasefire.

He said he had invited Putin for talks in Hungary to be held with the Ukrainian and French presidents as well as the German chancellor. Putin's response was "positive", he said, but added the Russian leader said there would be conditions. read more


Western policymakers have denounced the killings in Bucha as a war crime, and Ukrainian officials say a mass grave by a church there contain between 150 and 300 bodies. Satellite images taken weeks ago in the town, situated north of the capital Kyiv, show bodies of civilians on a street, a private U.S. company said. read more

Moscow, which refers to the conflict as a "special military operation" designed to "denazify" Ukraine, denied targeting civilians there or elsewhere. Russia's foreign ministry said that images of dead bodies in Bucha were staged to justify more sanctions against Moscow and derail peace talks with Kyiv. read more

On Wednesday, to the south, a siege of the southern port of Mariupol - under bombardment through most of the invasion that began on Feb. 24 - continued, trapping tens of thousands of residents without food, water or power.

"The humanitarian situation in the city is worsening," British military intelligence said, while Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk said people trying to flee would have to use their own vehicles. read more .

Reuters could not immediately verify the British report.

The International Committee of the Red Cross said its team had successfully led a convoy of buses and private cars with more than 500 Mariupol residents to nearby Zaporizhzhia after the civilians fled on their own.

Vereshchuk said authorities would try to evacuate civilians trapped elsewhere through 11 humanitarian corridors.

Since pulling back from outside Kyiv last week, Russian forces have shifted their assault towards Ukraine's south and east.

Ukraine's general staff said the northeastern city of Kharkiv remained under attack, while authorities in the eastern region of Luhansk urged residents to leave an area it also expects to be the target of a new offensive. read more

Ten high-rise buildings were on fire in the eastern town of Sievierodonetsk after Russian shelling on Wednesday, the region's governor said in an online post.


  1. The corrupt 'Churchillian' Zelenskyy will soon run out of those willing parliaments to prattle out his scripted speeches and even his hectoring rhetoric at the UN won't do him a whit of good. Embargo all oil and gas from Russia and de-SWIFT ALL Russian banks ? Would Germany be willing to suffer electrical black outs on a daily basis and have their country plunge into deep recession, all for the sake of Zelenskyy and the Ukrainians ? His words are just words, nothing will come out of it..he ought to go back to comedic acting, instead of playing president...he's dangerous to the millions of those poor sods Ukrainians.

    He knows full well his Western masters are not willing to go beyond just giving him weapons to fight to the last Ukrainians. But these weapons are not free. Those MICs must be paid. Look at these figures :

    US Defense Companies Gain From the Ukraine War :

    Lockheed Martin + 25%
    Northrop Grumman + 16%
    General Dynamics +14%

    War is good for business

    The CEO of Raytheon had openly said that the situation in Yemen and Ukraine would see some really good profit for his company.

    Watch Brian cuts through the BS - "The New York Times claims satellite images it has obtained 'prove' Russia is lying about a supposed “massacre” northwest of Kiev "

    1. Brian is Bullshiting BS...People hit by mortar shells don't have bullet wounds in the back of their heads.
      A medical autopsy will be able to determine the actual cause of death...let the ICC investigate.

    2. "Brian is Bullshiting BS"!!

      Simple question : how long it takes for a corpse to decompose?

      Compare when was Maxar's satellite image taken vis-a-vis the 4/04/2022 pictures of corpses lying on that same stretch of road.

      Those TV images, from CNN/BBC etc were showing fresh bodies with no sign of active decomposition!

      Indeed, an independent investigation MUST be carried out SAN all those f*cked outrageous claims of Russian massacre!

      Mfer, where is that demoNcratic chant of innocent until proven?

      In the current outcries orchestrated by the West, the Russia is guilty as charged w/o an iota of transparent proofs!

    3. Tell me which part of Brian's video is ambiguous ? Do clear up the wax in your ears, or rather the cobweb in your braincells...Brian plainly said that the area is a warzone and there's heavy fighting, and inevitably, civilians are caught in the cross fires FROM BOTH SIDES, but the West had conflated the figures to include the ALL dead civilians together with the new addition of the bound up victims all mostly wearing white arm bands which were deliberately murdered and mutilated. The Bullshitter is not Brian in this case.

      And this just came into my feed from Brian again...NYT confirms Ukrainian atrocities: Russians killed in the same manner as recent massacre...we can clearly see a pattern here, right ?

    4. It is early spring in Ukraine, and I remember seeing reporters in Kyiv still wrapped up tight , and night time temperatures still fall below freezing.
      No , there is at this moment no rapid decomposition of bodies exposed in the open.

    5. Is that the BEST fart u can mastered?

      Ooop… u have not compared all those 400+ corpses of their various stages of decomposition!

      If yr fart is to be sustained, then ALL of them would have shown almost similar frozen stages.

      Yet, all those images have shown various stages of decomposition!

      No doubt some have been dead very much earlier. If that the case then how to tie-in with the Russia occupation duration?


      Mfer, keeps showing up yr inexcusable defense farts for yr know nothing parades! U r good for a laugh in this showcasing tradegy.

  2. And an absolute Must-Watch

    Richard Medhurst : What Happened in Bucha : What we know and What we don't know
