
Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Ukraine - What's been happening so far today?

Ukraine - What's been happening so far today?

If you are just joining us this lunchtime, here's what's happening so far today.

There is intense fighting fighting in the north, east and south of the country, with the key Ukrainian cities of Kharkiv and Kherson being targeted by Russian artillery

A missile struck a police quarters and a university building in Kharkiv this morning. Four people are reported to have died

Russia claims to have taken control of the strategic Black Sea port city of Kherson, but local authorities claim the city is still under Ukrainian control

President Volodymyr Zelensky has accused Russia of trying to erase Ukrainian history and praises the Ukrainian army's resilience

PM Boris Johnson vowed the UK would further ratchet up the economic pressure and support for Ukraine with finance, weapons and humanitarian assistance

Almost 700,000 people have fled Ukraine. The United Nation has called for more supplies

Oil and wholesale gas prices have risen sharply as the invasion enters a seventh day

Russian and Belarusian athletes will be allowed to compete at the Beijing Paralympics, but as neutrals
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Russia wants to reinstate fugitive Ukrainian leader - report

Russia wants to declare former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych - ousted during anti-government protests in 2013-14 - as the new leader of Ukraine, the Ukrayinska Pravda news and analysis website has reported, quoting Ukrainian intelligence.

Yanukovych is now in Minsk, according to the Ukrainian website's source. He fled to Russia in 2014.

The Kremlin may be preparing a media operation or campaign to bring Yanukovych back to Ukraine, or publish an address from him to the Ukrainian people, the newspaper said.

In January the UK said Moscow was plotting to install a pro-Moscow figure to lead Ukraine's government.

The Foreign Office named former Ukrainian MP Yevhen Murayev as a potential Kremlin candidate.


  1. Day 7 of the brutal Russian Invasion of Ukraine.

    The incredibly, amazingly courageous Ukrainian people are still standing, still fighting, still defending their homeland from the Russian tanks, Ballistic missiles and cluster bombs

    Russian military dead are piling up.

    The United States, European Union, Britain and Japan have coordinated a massive Economic War on Russia. It may take time, but it will bite deep and painful.

    I remember reading the words of Winston Churchill , inspiring a nearly defeated Britain to fight on.
    We shall fight on the beaches,
    we shall fight on the landing grounds,
    we shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
    we shall fight in the hills;
    we shall never surrender

    This generation's Winston Churchill is Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, inspiring his nation to fight for their freedom, and shaming the weak European leaders to finally act.

    1. " Russian military dead are piling up."

      Reading the Goebells news again from the Fake News Factory of Western MSM ? hehehe

      Wake up and smell the Bullshit !


      1.Russian tank that ran over a civilian car in Kyiv was a Strela-10 Ukrainian air defense system. NOT Russian.

      2. Photos of Zelensky in military garb with a helmet on are from a 2021 Ukrainian border inspection trip.

      3. The 'Ghost of Kyiv' MIG-19 shooting down a Russian Su-35 are from a Digital Combat Stimulator animation.

      4. The 'Ghost of Kyiv' identified as Samuyil Hyde actually a picture of SAM HYDE, an internet prankster.

      5. Photo of two children (girl in pink with teddy bear, boy saluting) watching convoy pass, are from 2016.

      6. The photos of a woman saying goodbye to her man, going off to fight Putin's Russians, IS FROM A MOVIE.

      7. Snake Island "martyrs" actually were NOT killed, and a video shows all 82 being transported to Sevastopol.

      8. "Her Blood On His Hands" old lady photos that were on the front pages of The Sun, The Mirror, and The Guardian are actually images from years ago.

      The American Deep State Is Behind The Lies !

      Note : The Biden Administration won't put boots in Ukraine but their CIA and other operatives are actively providing 'logistic' help there...their media working full time with their usual pile of shitty lies and fabricated 'news', lying about the numbers of civilian deaths and the fake HUGE numbers of dead Russians ( all piling up, wa ka ka ka ). False flags of bombing their own buildings like University, Police Station, Apartment Buildings...are from its own military, all captured in vivid details on camera to be splashed on front page headline, putting the blame on the Russians. Copied straight from the CIA playbook. The most cruel thing were the killing of their own citizens and passed it off as the dastardly handiwork of the Russians, to raise outcry against the Russians. All very much the hallmark of the Americans.

    2. Of course, you can be 100% certain the CIA is assisting the Ukrainians with Asymmetric Warfare aid and advice .

      Ambushes, tanks and soft-skinned trucks suddenly bursting into flames miles and miles from the front line, mines potentially under any bridge, a Javelin potentially behind any bush.....

      The Russians were warned and begged not to invade, but Russia invaded Ukraine any way , comprehende ? Now Russia will bleed and pay the price.

      You can come in , but you will pay a very heavy price before you leave.

      This is Geopolitical realism

    3. Oops...sorry, forgot to include this video debunking the fake Snake Island story. Hilarious to see millions bought into this deliberately fabricated story. Morons

  2. Wakakaka... watch the Russian Ruble become toilet paper.

    Life is going to get very ugly in Russia....

    My advice to Leftie Zombies...don't come screaming and shouting in 6 months time demanding the lifting of sanctions on Russia as Mass Misery spreads there... "Your Guy" asked for it.

    Russia plays Geopolitics and Realism....Yankees can play Geopolitics and Realism as well.

  3. Wakakakaka…

    Stalemate on geopolitics & realism!

    Yet who r suffering the MOST?

    Keep farting, u r doing an incredible leaking of yr accumulated foul gaseous.

    Ooop… bet u could never understand stage 1 initial chaos in reacting to drastic fake financial news in ruble turns rubble!

    Yaloh, keep to yr new found idol of one comedian turned puppeteered President to bring a nation to the grave!

    U r indeed a know-nothing par excellent.

    1. Wakakaka, on and off we've to let him "gaki-kong-gaki-song" lah

  4. "This generation's Winston Churchill is Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy"


    Watch this comedian turn puppet-on-a-string president cavorting around: - " Meet Ukraine's President.." :)

    Here's another, playing the piano with his genitals, rightfully going viral :))

    So inspiring, almost Churchillian, wa ka ka ka
