
Friday, March 25, 2022

Russian Invasion Accidentally Expose US-Funded Biological Labs In Ukraine Secretly Developing Covid-19 Virus

Did Russian Invasion Accidentally Expose US-Funded Biological Labs In Ukraine Secretly Developing Covid-19 Virus?

United State’s Biolabs established in Ukraine in the name of research and defence. The US has several such labs in Ukraine under its “Biological Threat Reduction Program

Donald Trump had been calling the Covid-19 as “China Virus” or “Chinese Plague” for months during his presidency. In his political rhetoric, he claimed that the virus was “sent by China”. Blaming the Chinese was a simple, yet effective tactic to divert gullible Americans attention from his mishandling of the pandemic. Unfortunately, he still lost the Oval Office to Joe Biden.

China, of course, has rubbished Trump’s accusation. However, the damage has been done. Trump’s racist rhetoric was instrumental in sparking anti-Chinese sentiment in the country, where Asian Americans have been constantly targeted. The former U.S. president also said his government will investigate whether the virus came from a laboratory in China despite the lack of evidence.

Prior to Trump’s rhetoric, top US general Mark Milley had raised his doubt on the similar issue, saying American intelligence suggested the Coronavirus was likely to have occurred naturally instead of being manufactured in a laboratory. Besides China, Trump has also deflected attention to the WHO – and cut US$400 million funding to the World Health Organization.

Unimpressed with the wild accusations, Lijian Zhao, a spokesman for China’s foreign ministry, posted a tweet saying – “It might be the US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan”. The theory that the U.S. brought the virus in China as a “biological weapon” came from an event in October 18-27 2019, during the Military World Games held in Wuhan, Hebei, China.

Chen Xuyan, a scientist based in Beijing, suggested that the incredible fast speed of research on Covid-19 vaccines in the U.S. could be attributed to the possibility that Washington had in its possession of the virus long before the outbreak in Wuhan, hence the possibility that the U.S. might have indeed sent and released the Coronavirus in China.

Trump’s allegation backfired. In retaliation to the U.S. determination to find fault with China, the Chinese have instead called the WHO and the international community to open an investigation on Fort Detrick bio-laboratory, claiming that the Covid-19 virus actually originated from an American military base in Maryland, about 80 km (50 miles) north of Washington DC.

Support for China came unexpectedly from the Arabs, who accused not only America, but also Israel in their own version of conspiracy theories. According to the Middle East Media Research Institute, some Arab writers were convinced that the Coronavirus was part of a biological warfare designed by the United States to cripple and weaken China, the world’s second largest economy.

Agreeing with conspiracy theorists that Coronavirus was man-made or artificially created, Channel One, one of Russian national TV networks, has claimed that U.S. intelligence agencies or American pharmaceutical companies were behind the outbreak. The Russian media said that the U.S. has a lab in Georgia, where biological weapons were tested on humans.

The objective of spreading the virus, according to the Russian TV, was to kill two birds with a stone. The U.S. Big Pharma will profit from creating a vaccine from the virus they had secretly created. At the same time, Trump administration can hit the Chinese economy to weaken Beijing as a geopolitical competitor after failing to bring China down to its knees in the trade war.

If there’s countries that are extremely good in biological warfare as well as using false flags to start a conflict, it has to be the United States and Russia. After all, the “Cold War” rivalry between both countries lasted for decades since World War II. Therefore, it’s absolutely possible that the Covid-19 was manufactured in a laboratory as alleged by both the U.S. and Russia.

The question is – who did it? The world was told the Coronavirus may have escaped, accidentally or otherwise, from a laboratory in the Chinese city of Wuhan where the virus was first recorded. Anti-Chinese Americans believed it was engineered as a possible biological weapon. But such story-line has been featured too many times in Hollywood movies.

What if such lab does exist, but it was located neither in the U.S or China? What if such laboratory has been in Ukraine all this while, until the Russian invasion exposed it? The explosive story spread to Beijing and attracted the attention of social media Weibo after Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that U.S.-funded labs in Ukraine were “developing biological weapons.”

Igor Kirillov, the chief of the Russian Armed Forces’ radiation, chemical, and biological defence, told reporters that the network of 30 biological laboratories in Ukraine was conducting experiments with bat Coronavavirus samples. Documents recovered by Russia showed studies were also done on the possibilities of African swine fever and anthrax through infecting birds, bats and reptiles.

And who can blame the Chinese for demanding an explanation from the U.S. when it was the U.S. who invaded Iraq under false pretenses that it had evidence Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction (WMD) though none was ever found. Why should the world blindly believe that the U.S.-lab in Ukraine was clean, while the Chinese-lab in Wuhan was dirty?

The U.S. is a country with a long history of using and developing chemical and biological weapons in other countries – either as an experiment or to exterminate enemies. Was it not the U.S. who used “Agent Orange” chemical weapon during the Vietnam War (1962-1971), leading to as many as 3 million Vietnamese suffered illness, birth defects and cancer?

According to Sheldon H. Harris, Professor Emeritus of History at California State University and the author of “Factories of Death: Japanese Biological Warfare, 1932-1945, and the American Cover-up”, Japan had started secret biological and chemical experiments on live human beings during the World War II and the United States was complicit in covering up the truth.

Unit 731 was a covert biological and chemical warfare research and development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army commanded by General Shiro Ishii. It engaged in lethal human experimentation during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945) and World War II, during which Chinese prisoners of war and civilians were tested with pathogen-releasing bombs, chemical weapons, shrapnel bombs and others.

While Unit 731 researchers arrested by Soviet forces were tried at the Khabarovsk war crime trials in Dec 1949, those captured by the United States were secretly given “immunity” in exchange for the data gathered during their human experiments. Yes, the Americans used the Japanese inhumane bio-weapon research information for use in their own biological warfare program.

As expected, the U.S. has rubbished Russia’s claims about secret American biological warfare labs in Ukraine. Calling the allegation communist propaganda, the U.S. said the biological labs were owned and operated by Ukraine and they were dedicated to research into pathogens, even though it admits the labs have received funding and research support from the U.S.

Claiming it is part of an initiative called the “Biological Threat Reduction Program” that aims to reduce the likelihood of deadly outbreaks, the U.S. argued that the Ukraine labs dated back to 1990s was part of efforts to dismantle the former Soviet Union’s program for weapons of mass destruction. But the Soviet had already collapsed in 1991 – more than 30 years ago.

A letter from Lawrence Tabak, the National Institutes of Health’s principal deputy director, to Congressman James Comer confirms that the NIH funded research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology during 2018-2019 that manipulated a bat Coronavirus called WIV1. In fact, Dr Fauci is the director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the U.S. government’s NIH.

Researchers at the American institute wanted to see if the modified virus was capable of binding in a mouse that possessed the ACE2 receptors found in humans – the same receptor to which SARS-CoV-2 binds. The results showed that the modified virus reproduced more rapidly and made infected humanized mice sicker than the unmodified virus.

U.S. scientist Peter Daszak, who had received an NIH grant through his organization EcoHealth Alliance, admitted that they are running breakthrough research in Coronavirus in Wuhan. Earlier this year, an investigation by “Project Veritas” had revealed that Coronavirus research deemed “too dangerous” by DARPA was approved by Anthony Fauci’s NIAID and was conducted by Daszak’s EcoHealth in Wuhan.

So, both Ukraine and Chinese labs were funded in part by the U.S., and in both countries, research was done involving bats with modified viruses related to SARS to see if they could infect human cells. Yet, the U.S. has only blamed the Chinese for spreading Covid-19, but not the Ukrainians. Curiously, at the initial stage, the U.S. was trying to hide the fact that it has funded the labs in Wuhan.

The Russian has also claimed that under the pretext of testing for the treatment and prevention of the Coronavirus infection, several thousand samples of serum from patients, primarily those belonging to the Slavic ethnic group, were taken from Ukraine to the Walter Reed Research Institute of the U.S. Army. Meaning the U.S. was trying to develop a virus that could target specific ethnicities.

The burning question is – why must the U.S. sponsor hundreds of biological labs around the world when they could do the research in their own backyard, if indeed those researches are legitimate and safe? The answer is obvious. When you’re trying to create deadly virus or pathogens that you cannot control if it gets out of control, it’s not rocket science to do so in foreign countries.

Interestingly, unlike the initial belief that the Covid-19 came from the Wuhan labs, Americans have started to doubt their own government after Moscow exposed the U.S.-funded labs in Ukraine. The contradiction, double-standard and hypocrisy practiced by the U.S. government have seen some Americans expressed their disgust – “Can’t believe anything our government says!”

Fox News host Tucker Carlson has devoted segments on his shows on Wednesday and Thursday to the theory that the U.S. government was the main player in developing not only the Covid-19 virus, but also various biological weapons. Surprisingly, Donald Trump Jr. said conspiracy theories around the labs were proven to be a fact in a tweet to his 7.3 million followers.


  1. Ktemo"Z" strikes again.

    The Mightily over-hyped , much-touted Russian Army has been fought to a stalemated standstill, with severe Killed personnel and obliterated equipment, by the heroic Ukrainian people.

    The danger now is Russia will resort to Chemical , Biogical or even Nuclear weapons in Ukraine to break the stalemate.

    The allegations are likely preparations for False Flag attacks against Ukraine.

    Slava Ukraini !
    Glory to Ukraine !

    1. Wakakakakaka…


      Know nothing fart AGAIN!

  2. Patient Zero was identified to have caught the virus on Dec 11, 2019 at the Wuhan Wet Market. This is from data and statistical analytics. Until proven otherwise via facts or new information. Everything else is propaganda

  3. It was a U.S. scientist who said he's found the real COVID patient zero - reliable?

    1. The data is there for peer review, or to be refuted. The Chinese Authorities do not want to do either. That is what is surmise from the article…

    2. Wakakakakaka…

      "The data is there for peer review, or to be refuted"

      Published in what reputed scientific/medical journals?

      Yaloh… peer review by indoctrinated dickheads!

      & a waste of time to refute unscientific fabrication!
