
Monday, March 28, 2022

Hadi encourages non-Muslims to use "PEACEFUL" Islamic solutions

Encourage non-Muslims to use Islamic solutions without force, Hadi says

PAS PRESIDENT Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang urged Muslims to encourage non-Muslims to use Islam as the solution to worldly problem, without forcing them to convert.

“Let us all return to the path by making Islam the solution to all our problems. It’s compulsory for Muslims to persuade non-Muslims to apply the same principles without forcing them to convert.

“Besides, if they can fight to uphold ideologies from the East to the West, left-wing and right-wing which can be extreme, why not try the peaceful Islamic solution?” he asked in Harakah Daily.

On that note, Hadi said that Muslims in Malaysia are failing because locals were still practising “secular Islam” moulded by the nation’s previous colonial masters.


So Pak Hadi thinks an Islamic solution is peaceful? Please Pak Hadi, read the following of your PAS member's solution to Loh Siew Hong reclaiming back her legal rights to the upbringing of her children.


“Think of the consequences”, PAS leader tells Loh on challenging children’s unilateral conversion

WITH single mother Loh Siew Hong now approaching the court to nullify her children’s unilateral conversion, a Selangor PAS leader voiced his frustration over it.

“Why should she take extreme steps which will create animosity? Loh could have taken peaceful resolutions on it which would have been supported by Muslims and our royalty.

“But she had decided to nullify her children’s conversion to Islam without thinking of its consequences.

“Don’t anger the Muslims just because of marital problems. Does those advising Loh want a repeat of the Natrah* tragedy which happened in the 1950?” PAS Selangor secretary Roslan Shahir Mohd Shahi was reported asking in Harakah Daily yesterday.

* The Natrah Tragedy refers to case where a girl named Maria Bertha Hertogh (born March 24, 1937) was supposedly given away to a Malay family temporarily for care as her Dutch biological family could not bring her back to Holland following the Japanese invasion.
Maria Hertogh (born Huberdina Maria Hertogh; 24 March 1937 – 8 July 2009), also known as Bertha Hertogh, Nadra binte Ma'arof, Nadra Adabi and simply as Natrah, was a Dutch woman of Eurasian extraction and Malay upbringing, notable for being at the centre of the Maria Hertogh riots as a girl.

The riots took place between 11 and 13 December 1950 in Singapore, after a court decided that Maria should be taken from her Malay Muslim foster/adoptive mother's custody and given over to her Dutch Catholic natal parents. A protest by outraged Muslims escalated into a riot when images of her were published showing her kneeling before a statue of the Virgin Mary and Saint Blaise. 18 people were killed and 173 injured; many properties were also damaged.

Maria at 13 married Mansoor (22)

Wiki: On 1 August 1950, Maria was married by way of a nikah gantung (truncated marriage to be consummated when both parties were of the age of majority, valid under Islamic law) to 21-year-old Mansoor Adabi, a Kelantan-born teacher-in-training at the Bukit Panjang Government School. As the marriage had been solemnised in Singapore, English law controlled the validity of the marriage rather than Malayan law (if say, she had married instead in Terengganu) – this was one of the factors that set up the court confrontation against her natal parents.

The marriage could have been a manoeuvre by Aminah to prevent further retrieval attempts by the Hertoghs, as Maria returned to live with Aminah after the wedding night and the new couple never consummated their marriage (this was also the conclusion reached by Justice Brown in the court case). Whether such speculation was true was unimportant in the subsequent development of events, in which Maria, a willing bride nonetheless, became the central figure. 

Of Adabi, Maria remembered decades later that "he was a good husband and really understood my needs".

The first challenges on the appropriateness of the marriage actually came from the Muslim community. On 10 August a Muslim leader wrote to The Straits Times, pointing out that although Islamic law permits the marriage of girls starting after puberty (which Maria had reached a year earlier), there were Muslim countries such as Egypt that legislated for a minimum marriage age of 16. He added, however, that it would not be in the interest of "the friendly understanding... between Christians and Muslims" to object to the marriage since it had already taken place. 

The latter view was held by the Muslim population at large, albeit in a more antagonistic mood against the Dutch and Europeans at large.

On Feb 21, the Kuala Lumpur High Court granted Loh’s habeas corpus application and ordered the Perlis Social Welfare Department to surrender her three children to her.

It is to note that her ex-husband M Nagahswaran, who is currently imprisoned on drug-related charges, had unilaterally converted the children to Islam without Loh’s knowledge and consent.

While things seem to have simmered down for a while, the Perlis Islamic Religious and Malay Etiquette Council (Maips) decided to intervene in the divorce proceedings on March 8, stating it was seeking locus standi (legal standing) so it could apply to vary Loh’s custody order over her children.


Is Malaysia Going To See Another Bloodbath?

By Raja Petra Kamarudin On Mar 28, 2022

“PAS Selangor secretary Roslan Shahir threatens violence regarding Loh Siew Hong’s intention to squash unlawful unilateral conversion of HER children,” said KTemoc Konsiders, in response to Focus Malaysia’s news report

1 comment:

  1. That is why I suggested previously that we should rub the chilli with the highest scoville rating on Hadi's filthy mouth.
