
Sunday, March 06, 2022

Chinese Must Decide Which Malay They Want As Their Leader

Chinese Must Decide Which Malay They Want As Their Leader

By Raja Petra Kamarudin

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad once cried on stage in front of the Umno delegates and said he has failed the Malays. He said he tried to change the mindset of the Malays but had not succeeded.

Actually Mahathir is wrong. The truth is the Malays have changed a lot since the Merdeka days. In the old days, the Malays were humble and respectful. Today, 65 years later, the Malays are rude and arrogant.

But then, even in England, this is so. The British of today, especially the youth, are not nice people like they were back in the 1950s. So the ‘Bumiputeras’ all over the world are the same. They think highly of themselves and look down on others.

Anyway, the point is, the Malays think they own the country while the Chinese, Indians and ‘others’ are merely guests who have no right to claim ownership. The fact that Mahathir told the Malays that 90% of the personal income tax is paid by the Chinese angers the Malays even more.

Hence the Malays look at the Chinese like they look at the Jews in Israel, ‘pendatang’ who stole the country from the real owners — just like what the Chinese did in Taiwan.

Whether this is true or mere perception does not matter because in politics perception is what counts and perception is seen as the truth. So the future and security for the Chinese in Malaysia is not to be on the ‘other side’ of the Malays but to be on the ‘same side’.

But then which side, because the Malays are split into five sides? If the Chinese choose the ‘wrong’ side, and if there is a backlash, the Malays will lepas geram on the Chinese.

Like it or not, the Chinese cannot survive in Malaysia on their own. They need to align themselves to one of the Malay political groupings. And it is proven that the DAP-Pakatan Harapan grouping is not the right grouping for the Chinese to latch on to.

The Chinese need to reassess their situation and decide which political group their future lies with. Currently it looks like the Umno-MCA-Barisan Nasional group is the best bet for the Chinese. Umno is hungry for power and for the post of prime minister. If the Chinese help Umno win that, they can demand a lot from Umno-MCA-BN and can get it.

Umno-Barisan Nasional needs the Chinese and will pay a lot for their support. DAP-Pakatan Harapan can only promise all sorts of things but cannot deliver anything, even if they are in power, like what happened from May 2018 to February 2020. Good politics is to work with the winner, not work with the loser.


kt comments:

Please don't curse RPK as most of you lot would usually, using vile and very uncivilised words. He didn't choose to blog here - just kaytee 'borrowing' his post which I felt is quite germane at this point in Malaysian political history. Chew me if you feel like being abusive, wakakaka.

Anyway, Chinese can live in general harmony with any race provided they are allowed to make a living, allowed their children to enjoy their education, and enjoy various particular Chinese traits like praying to their own deities including their own ancestors, eat halal and haram stuff, yamseng, gamble, enjoy koe-tai wakakaka, etc etc.

hope there wasn't any wanking beneath the table, wakakaka

One day about 3 years ago, I was having a cup of kopi-o with an Indian mate at a kopitiam at one of the back lanes of Chowrasta market when matey remarked that looking at the dynamic scene around us (hawkers, customers, joss-stick shops, dried seafood & dried pork & herbs stalls, Chinese pastries shops, etc etc) the Chinese could live by their own selves - they didn't need any other race to survive.

He wasn't incorrect except that here in Malaysia, we need to remember the Malays practically own the country whether we like it or not - to wit, rulers, govt, civil service, police, military, uni, etc etc, hence RPK's post is most germane. We must live in harmony with the Malays, Indians and any bangsa in our nation and recognise it'll again be a Malay PM.


  1. WE never ask the Supremacist to encroched on our space and to implement Racist Laws to try to Genocide our Progress.....the Supremacist Race Demise is Inevitable.....ABU and 13 NEW NATION LIKE SINGAPORE IS THE ONLY HOPE...OR Kelantan/trengganu/pahang/Johor Darul Banjir Taliban PAS BERSATU UMNO PEJUANG BN PN Barang Naik IDIOTLOGY!!

  2. Chinese used to think as long as we can keep our rice bowl, get their children educated, keep our Religious practices, can still Yam Seng, still buy 4 Digit.... stay out of politics, support the Government BN... MCA......

    Circa 2007 onwards, Chinese realised if they don't start pulling some weight in politics, soon they will face increasingy impossible restrictions to their your Rice Bowl, children's education, Religious practices, Yam Seng and buying 4 digits.

    Johor and Malacca Chineseay be experimenting with swinging back to MCA...let them be... MCA is leading them down a primrose path, which will (AGAIN) deeply disappoint, MCA being MCA, UMNO lapdog forever.

  3. No they are corrupt to the core. They will make the country collapse. Just like a leopard never change his spot.we must learn our lessons from the past mca are dogs no dignity
