
Thursday, February 24, 2022

Unilateral conversion: This is about a mother’s right to her children, Ramasamy thunders

Unilateral conversion: This is about a mother’s right to her children, Ramasamy thunders

RETALIATING against groups who has accused him of inciting racial hatred over Loh Siew Hong’s case, Penang Deputy Chief Minister II Prof P Ramasamy urged the police to take action against culprits who are bent into using Loh Siew Hing’s case into a religious issue.

“Fighting for the rights of underaged children to be reunited with their mother is not a crime in the country.

“In the last two weeks or so, I have made numerous statements to support Loh’s cause to be reunited with her children.

“The issue is not about religion or race, it is about the fundamental rights of Loh to have children back,” he lashed out.

In the last few days, Ramasamy had lodged two police reports over a video that has been circulated on Whatsapp, claiming it was libellous.

In the first report, which was lodged by his special officer L Yoganathan on Feb 17, was targeted at Perlis Mufti Datuk Asri Zainul Abidin who accused the DAP leader of inciting racial hatred via a video published on Facebook.

“Asri accused Ramasamy of turning a family dispute into a racial problem. He also accused the latter of being a religious extremist and was involved with terrorists. It was clearly a wild claim which was made to turn the matter into a racial polemic,” the report stated.

Ramasamy also stressed that he had never accused the religious authorities of kidnapping Loh’s children, adding he only said that a Muslim convert activist Nazirah Nantha Kumari was seen as trying to trying to hide the kids away from the mother after their father was imprisoned.

“But Asri probably didn’t read the articles properly and accused me of saying that the religious authorities had abducted the children, adding several DAP leaders are involved with extremist groups,” the report mentioned.

Ramasamy noted that he argued in his news articles, that based on the Federal Court ruling, a minor can only be converted with consent from both parents.

In the second report lodged yesterday, Ramasamy alleged that unknown man had hurled racist and baseless accusations against him, during a small protest which took place outside the courthouse during Loh’s habeas corpus hearing, organised by several non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and political parties such as Gerakan Pembela Ummah, Barisan Jemaah Islamiah (Berjasa), Parti Pribumi Perkasa Malaysia (Putra) and Perkasa.

Respect Federal Court ruling

“In the video which is being circulated on Whatsapp, the individual urged Muslims to fight against those undermining Islam and Ramasamy had used incendiary words to defend Loh, who appeared suddenly after going missing for three years.

“The individual also said that we will ensure Indians remember that Muslims are the majority in the country, which is clearly a threat made against the deputy chief minister,” the report stated.

On related matter, Yoganathan said that the accusations hurled against Ramasamy were slanderous and was aimed at inciting hatred at the DAP leader.

“Ramasamy has clearly stated in a press conference on Feb 21 that this issue is not a religious or ethnic issue but an effort to unite the mother with her biological child according to the law.

“And he had stressed that according to federal laws, a minor can only be converted with both parents consent,” he told FocusM.

In an update, Ramasamy remarked: “Besides the unilateral conversion, one cannot deny the fact that Loh’s ex-husband, Nagahswaran Muniandy tooj away the children from the mother despite the court granting her sole custody in 2019 and 2021.” – Feb 24, 2022.

1 comment:

  1. Sadly, his police reports will be NFAed (perhaps quietly) while people like Asri gets away with incendiary language.

    Keep up this show of arrogance and malice. The nons will be very impressed with your defence of your race and religion. Thousands will rush to embrace your religion. We will be moved by how fair and compassionate islam is.

