
Sunday, February 13, 2022

Russia not worried about western sanctions, says ambassador

Russia not worried about western sanctions, says ambassador

Russian soldiers take part in military drills in Siberia today. (AP pic)

STOCKHOLM: Moscow “doesn’t give a sh*t” about the risk of western sanctions if it were to invade Ukraine, Russia’s outspoken ambassador to Sweden told a Swedish newspaper.

“Excuse my language, but we don’t give a sh*t about all their sanctions”, Viktor Tatarintsev told the Aftonbladet newspaper in an interview posted on its website late Saturday.

“We have already had so many sanctions and in that sense, they’ve had a positive effect on our economy and agriculture,” said the veteran diplomat, who speaks fluent Swedish and has been posted to the Scandinavian country four times.

“We are more self-sufficient and have been able to increase our exports. We have no Italian or Swiss cheeses, but we’ve learned to make just as good Russian cheeses using Italian and Swiss recipes”, he said.

“New sanctions are nothing positive but not as bad as the west makes it sound”, he added.

Tatarintsev accused the west of not understanding the Russian mentality.

“The more the west pushes Russia, the stronger the Russian response will be,” he said.

The diplomat’s comments come as western nations fear Moscow is preparing an invasion of Ukraine, having nearly surrounded its western neighbour with more than 100,000 troops.

Washington has warned that an all-out invasion could begin “any day”.

Tatarintsev insisted Moscow was trying to avoid a war.

“That is our political leadership’s most sincere wish. The last thing people in Russia want is war.”


  1. The Russian invasion of Ukraine - I predict a matter of when it happens, not if - will expose the hypocrisy of left-wing , socialist, sundry Russia-lovers.
    Those who scream and rant and shout at USA military intervention in other countries will suddenly be found silent, dumb , refusing to condemn Russia, talking about "legitimate spheres of influence" or "legitimate security needs"...

  2. “That is our political leadership’s most sincere wish. The last thing people in Russia want is war.”


    The only thing politicians in USofA want is war to avoid a meltdown of coming recession caused by incessant printing of greenbacks!

  3. 80% of all US dollars in existence were printed in the last 22 months (from $4 trillion in January 2020 to $20 trillion in October 2021).


    This has exerted extreme inflationary pressure on the US economy - leading to the latest compound annualized CPI of 7.4%!

    The 10yr maturity US Treasury yield, the harbinger of the inflow funds from oversea, has dropped from 2.03% to 1.96% in the last 2 week. Many economists have attributed this fact to the fear-mongering of Russo-Ukraine war, leading to European funds leaving for US.

    Around the whole of 2021 this yield has been inching upward due to worsening US economic matrices.

    Thus, after tasting the initial cut of this financial cake, the US is putting more effort in churning out more & severe war rumour to expedite the fund inflows!

    This Russo-Ukraine war is decided by the Yanks, far far away from the powder keg, for his own benefit!

  4. USA has no obligation and no intention to be involved in a shooting war.
    The war we are talking about is the threatened invasion of Ukraine by Russia.

  5. Putin likely walked himself into a trap.
    The Wankees win regardless whether Putin carries out a full-scale Ukraine invasion, small-scale incursion or doesn't invade at all.
    If he doesn't invade, the Wankees walk off claiming victory with a Russian backdown, united NATO as never before, and Western Europe shaken out of its complacency regarding the threat from Eurasia.

    If Russia invades, Wankees get handed a perfect excuse to carry out major damaging steps against the Russian economy.
    If the Russians attempt a partial occupation of Ukraine , the Wankees can exact major costs on Moscow with a relatively El Cheapo but lethal insurgency.

    A continuous flow of body bags
    going back to Moscow will not be pretty.

  6. Wakakakaka…

    "A continuous flow of body bags going back to Moscow"

    Killed by whom?

    Those Ukrainians who caught in between?

    The mercenaries hired by the Yank?

    The Russians r not known as a fighting race for nothing!
