
Monday, February 07, 2022

Peng Shuai says Weibo post sparked ‘enormous misunderstanding’


Peng Shuai says Weibo post sparked ‘enormous misunderstanding’

Tennis star gave an interview to French sports daily L’Équipe on the sidelines of the Winter Olympics in Beijing, accompanied by a Chinese official

China’s Peng Shuai has spoken to L’Équipe at the Beijing Olympics. Photograph: Edgar Su/Reuters

Chinese tennis star Peng Shuai has given her first interview to an independent media organisation since she alleged on Weibo that a senior Chinese official had coerced her into sex, saying it was an “enormous misunderstanding”.

The interview with French sports daily L’Équipe came as the International Olympic Committee said it wasn’t up to them or anyone else “to judge, in one way or another, her position”.

IOC president vows to support Peng Shuai over sexual harassment allegations

Peng disappeared from public life after the Weibo post in November, sparking a major international campaign calling for confirmation from the Chinese authorities that she was safe and well.

Speaking to L’Équipe in Beijing, Peng said her original statement had been misunderstood. She said she had never accused former vice premier Zhang Gaoli of sexual assault and denied she had disappeared from public view afterwards.

The tennis star was accompanied to the interview by the Chinese Olympic Committee’s chief of staff who also acted as translator, the report said. L’Équipe was also required to submit questions in advance and publish her comments verbatim in question-and-answer form, as preconditions for the interview.

Peng thanked everyone for caring about her wellbeing, but also questioned why it had been “exaggerated”.

“I didn’t think there would be such concern and I would like to know: why such concern?” she said.

kt comments: The Western World was NOT concerned about Peng Shuai but gleefully weaponized the 'misunderstanding' of her comments to attack China

Peng said there had been a “enormous misunderstanding” over her post, which she confirmed she deleted herself a little under 30 minutes after publishing it because she “wanted to”. She did not give further details.

In early November Peng posted an essay to Weibo, describing an on-again-off-again consensual affair with the then 75-year-old, and an incident in which he allegedly pressured her into having sex after inviting her to his house to play tennis with him and his wife.

Amid what she described as “complicated feelings”, they allegedly rekindled the affair, until an argument and his failure to meet her shortly before the post.

In the L’Équipe interview, Peng reiterated comments she gave to a Singaporean state-controlled outlet in December, saying she never accused Zhang or anyone else of sexually assaulting her.

“I hope that we no longer distort the meaning of this post. And I also hope that we don’t add more hype on this,” she said. “I never said anyone sexually assaulted me.”

In her post Peng had described Zhang pressing her into having sex and her not agreeing, before relenting.

“After dinner I still did not want to, and you said you hated me! You also said that in these seven years, you never forgot me and that you would be good for me etc etc,” she wrote according to a translation by What’s On Weibo.

“I was afraid and panicked and carrying the emotions of seven year ago, I agreed … yes, we had sex.”

The post went viral despite its quick removal from Weibo. With efforts to contact Peng proving fruitless, and the topic completely censored inside China, the head of the Women’s Tennis Association (WTA) Steve Simon went public with his concern for her welfare, and global tennis stars began advocating under the hashtag #WhereIsPengShuai.

The saga remained off limits to people inside China, with blanket censorship banning even social media posts about “tennis”.

Almost three weeks later China’s external English-language state media began disputing the global concerns, publishing a translation of an email said to be from Peng to Simon – and which Peng later said she did write – and videos of several apparently choreographed public appearances.

In the interview with L’Équipe, Peng also said she “never disappeared” and she didn’t know why such concern spread.

“It’s just that a lot of people, like my friends, including from the IOC, messaged me, and it was quite impossible to reply to so many messages,” she said, adding that she had responded to emails from friends and the WTA but she had difficulty accessing the organisation’s online communications system.

Also on Monday the International Olympic Committee announced its president, Thomas Bach, had met with Peng face to face on Saturday, alongside former chair of the Athletes’ Commission and IOC member Kirsty Coventry.

“During the dinner, the three spoke about their common experience as athletes at the Olympic Games, and Peng Shuai spoke of her disappointment at not being able to qualify for the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020,” a statement said. It added that Peng had accepted an invitation to meet again in Europe and to stay in contact with Coventry.

The statement did not mention the allegations or Bach’s recent comments that he would support her if she wanted an investigation into Zhang.

At a press conference on Monday, spokesperson Mark Adams said the IOC as a sports organisation was doing “everything we can to ensure she is happy”.

“I don’t think it’s up to us to be able to judge in one way, just as it’s not for you to judge, in one way or another, her position,” he said.

Despite multiple attempts by the WTA, only the IOC has been able to meet with Peng.

Questions have previously been raised about the IOC’s handling of the matter, with the organisation accused of too readily accepting Chinese government assurances as to Peng’s welfare ahead of the Winter Olympics.

In her interview Peng urged against combining sport and politics, a key message of Beijing during the Olympics as it faces widespread scrutiny and criticism over its human rights records, with diplomatic boycotts and social media campaigns for commercial or viewing boycotts.

“My sentimental problems, my private life, should not be involved in sports and politics,” she said.

“Sport must not be politicised because when it is, most of the time that amounts to turning one’s back on the Olympic spirit, and it goes against the will of the world of sport and of the athletes.”


  1. What else do u expect the western media to report?

    "gave an interview to French sports daily L’Équipe on the sidelines of the Winter Olympics in Beijing, accompanied by a Chinese official"

    "to submit questions in advance and publish her comments verbatim in question-and-answer form, as preconditions for the interview."

    "With efforts to contact Peng proving fruitless, and the topic completely censored inside China"

    "videos of several apparently choreographed public appearances."

    Everything must go according to western expectations.

    Otherwise ALL r just pure coerced, fabricated, orchestrated!

    “it’s up to us to be able to judge in one way, just as it’s for you to judge, in one way or another, her position”

    Summep up so nicely the drummed up fiasco just to score political points - using a grandiosed human freedom as a front!

  2. "The tennis star was accompanied to the interview by the Chinese Olympic Committee’s chief of staff who also acted as translator, the report said. L’Équipe was also required to submit questions in advance and publish her comments verbatim in question-and-answer form, as preconditions for the interview."

    Wakaka....many years ago, when the Iron Curtain was still in existence, I went as a tourist to a Warsaw Pact country, purely out of curiosity.

    It turned out to be a purely staged managed propaganda tour, exactly like Peng Shuai's officially staged managed interview.... very revealing nonetheless of The System.

    1. "It turned out to be a purely staged managed propaganda tour ...."

      Wakakaka ....... if you use you grey matter a bit, so are all the negative stories e.g. Tiananmen Square, Xinjiang, Wuhan, Tibet etc, all staged managed propaganda to maintain white supremacy and to stifle China development.

      Did the West find out any proof that Huawei got "backdoor"?

      Did Jack Ma (after the debacle of the Ant Group listing) go to jail or did he face the firing squad as jump to conclusion by so many China haters?

      Many also predicted the imminent collapse of China for more than 20 years but China is growing stronger and stronger.

      Donald Trump also believe he could thump China with his trade war, when he found that he could not he unleashed (my speculation) the chemical weapon Covid-19 in Wuhan during The 2019 Military World Games held from October 18–27, 2019 in Wuhan, Hubei, China, hoping to cause havoc to China economy thinking that the the pandemic will be localized and the rest is history.

      Wakakakaka .............

    2. See… see…

      All the indoctrinated farts starting to leak out!

      U should stay longer in yr idolised lands to see the REAL managed propaganda tours!

      Fortunately for u, a mfering blinded acolyte of demoNcratic forms - every abominations detected r just ignored bcoz

      1) that idolised mindset

      2) that short farting looping tours of shows
