
Friday, February 25, 2022

Not so fast, Mahathir, we don't forget your "sins" so easily

Not so fast, Mahathir, we don't forget so easily

YOURSAY | ‘One promoted cronyism. The other benefited from corruption.’

Dr M likens 'Malu Apa Bossku' to urinating in front of foreign dignitary

'If I had cronies, I can take care of them myself' – Mahathir

Simple Truth: Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s analogy of another ex-prime minister, Najib Abdul Razak, urinating in front of foreign dignitaries is a good one.

But it’s even better if Mahathir said Najib is standing naked and urinating in front of his own people. That will drive the point home.

Truth be told that’s exactly what he is doing. And you know what? His people are cheering him on! Isn’t it time the Malay community spoke out publicly?

As for Mahathir’s economic vision to get local investors to invest in the country, you can forget it.

Each time they do so, the government may demand 51 percent bumiputera ownership without any hard work and effort.

Non-Malays have been treated as cash cows for the Malay elite. They have learned their lessons and have begun investing outside the country.

MS: “As long as the leader is Malay Muslim, there is nothing to be ashamed of even if they steal money or steal chickens,” said Mahathir.

Isn’t that something like what your friend and protectee Islamic preacher Zakir Naik is reported to have said before GE14?

You allowed him to continue to remain in Malaysia, no?

So why are you complaining now? You are worse than the common thief because your acts and omissions have done more damage to the country than the mere loss of money and reputation.

BlueFish0451: Mahathir should be likened to someone who, without shame, refused to give up the PM post despite the previous agreement of passing it to PKR president Anwar Ibrahim.

Then, he initiated a scheme that eventually culminated in the Sheraton Move.

‘Tak malukah’ (no shame) for not honouring an agreement that had been made known to the whole country during GE14?

Emperor Nasi Goreng: We all have been urinated upon by your BN's 62 years of gross mismanagement. The country is in the sewage gutters now. Can we ever recover?

We had a golden opportunity in GE14 but you messed it up big time. There is no point crying over spilt milk.

Hmmmmmmmm: Mahathir, before your first stint as our PM, Malaysia was quite a decent country.

No doubt, most people were poor but we were happy. I still remember all those game shows on TV which were participated by all and sundry.

I also remember going camping with my Malay friends. Everybody ate the same food so long as there was no pork. We even stole tapioca from a nearby farm. Nobody had any hang-ups about religion.

Our multiracial football team was riding high and so was our hockey team. Our athletes did very well in the Asian Games. Our judiciary was well respected and our police officers were much feared but trusted.

We were touted as a country with a lot of promise, an economic tiger.

Ever since your premiership, our country has gone down the ladder in all aspects. Have you ever wondered why and who is mainly responsible for it?

OrangePanther1466: Mahathir, I am glad to hear that you have almost recovered from your ”attack”. Yes, please continue your efforts against the rise of Najib.

It is truly shameful that many Malaysians still seem to support Najib despite all the mega transgressions he has committed against the nation.

Even his moniker and tagline are an affront to our cherished values of honesty and integrity. This is the time for all Malaysians to come together and deny the corrupt from returning to power.

Recriminating about the past with regard to Mahathir's rule is not going to benefit us.

kt comments: Why then recriminate about the past with regard to Najib's rule? Remember goose versus gander?

It is very unlikely that Mahathir will return as PM for the third time so continuing to criticise him in public forums is unproductive and plays into BN's hand.

kt comments: Mahathir will return as PM for the third time? God forbid

Our future is at stake here. Let's rally behind Mahathir to ensure that the court cluster does not get off the hook nor return to power. That should be one of our key objectives now.

Justice: All the tycoons who became billionaires, including Mahathir’s own children, did so because of Mahathir's policies and actions that are based on cronyism.

Mahathir's privatisation policy actually was “pirate-isation” of government-linked companies (GLCs) and agencies, many of which ended up being owned by crony companies.

Perwaja, Telekom, MAS, tolls concessions, power plants, shipping (MISC), monorails and major contracts on DayaBumi, Petronas Twin Towers, North-South Highway, KLIA and Putrajaya are but just some of them.

Najib's 1MDB theft is but just peanuts to what Mahathir and cronies took.

GoldenPigeon0510: Indeed, he is responsible for the terrible state of this country. All his policies have segregated the races and we are now on a runaway train heading towards the rocks.

I guess he will never admit his mistakes and his biggest sin when he refused to hand over the reins.

BrownCheetah9736: One promoted cronyism. The other benefited from corruption.

Either way, it has pushed the country to the brink of bankruptcy and made Malaysia an “un-investible” place.

1 comment:

  1. I am waiting for the old buffoon to meet his seven virgins.

    He has done enough damage to Malaysia. We should let him rest before his looooong rest.
