
Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Malaysia Could Face U.S. Economic Sanctions For Funding Taliban Terrorists

Careful What You Wish For – Malaysia Could Face U.S. Economic Sanctions For Funding Taliban Terrorists

In August last year, many cheered when the Taliban took over the Afghan capital, Kabul. From China to Pakistan and from Russia to Malaysia, people were celebrating the collapse of the U.S.-backed Afghan government. But there were different reasons for celebration. Beijing celebrated because its bitter rival – military superpower America – had been humiliated by the Talibans.

Islamabad cheered because it presented an opportunity to reset relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan, which had gone sour under Afghan President Ashraf Ghani. Crucially, Pakistan feared that an Afghan-India alliance would support rebellion in Pakistan. It also hopes that Chinese investment in Afghanistan could help keep Taliban government aligned with Pakistani interests.

Moscow, on the other hand, was prepared for the Taliban’s sweep to power because the U.S. enemy is Russia’s friend. So, when the Western embassies scrambled to leave Afghanistan, it was business as usual with Russian diplomats. Moscow said the Taliban were easier to negotiate with than the American “puppet government” of President Ghani, who fled without a fight.

While China, Russia and Pakistan have their own geo-political self interests to support Taliban, exactly why Malaysia celebrated the return of the Taliban terrorists? The Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party, an extremist Islamist political party which is part of the government, was the first that congratulated the Taliban government, cheering its so-called success and victory.

Muhammad Khalil Abdul Hadi, the son of PAS president Hadi Awang, wasted no time in unleashing a tweet that said the Taliban had successfully freed their homeland from the clutches of colonialism. However, he quickly deleted his tweet after being criticized by netizens over Taliban’s past brutality and violence, including mass killings and breaching of basic human rights.

Clearly there’s only one reason why the Malaysian government celebrated – “extremism”. Both the previous Muhyiddin Yassin backdoor government and the current Ismail Sabri unelected government rules based on racism, extremism, corruption and radicalization. It’s not hard to understand why the dubious Malay-Muslim government is eager to recognize the Taliban rule.

The extremists and conservative members of the unelected government, which had stolen the democratically-elected multiracial government of Pakatan Harapan in March 2020, have been pushing for the recognition of the Taliban government. They wanted a ride on the Taliban’s success to hoodwink gullible Malay Muslims, the same way they were riding on Islam religion for political gains.

However, they are facing opposition from not only their moderate counterparts, who are the governing partners, but also the suspicions from the international community. Since the Taliban militants took over in August 2021, no country in the world has formally recognized the Taliban government. Yes, not even China, Russia or Pakistan is ready to recognize the terror organization.

The Malaysian foreign ministry has admitted that it keeps communications channels with the Taliban government, bragging that it could help to shape a new, better, Afghanistan government that – hopefully – respects the fundamental rights of all Afghan people. Of course, a leopard never changes its spots. It was both wishful thinking and childish to hope that the Taliban will change.

An estimated 500,000 jobs have been lost since the Taliban takeover six months ago, according to the UN International Labour Organization. The unemployment could hit 900,000 by mid-2022 as a result of “restrictions on women’s participation in the workplace”. Even in construction, a sector which 99% of its 538,000 workers are men, jobs vanished as major infrastructure projects have stalled.

In fact, at the end of January 2022, Taliban members whom Malaysian leaders like Hadi Awang and his minions cheered had captured 40 people, including gang-raped eight of the women. Worse, the women that were kidnapped and raped were later killed by their families for violating a societal honour code – “Pashtunwali” – that says women are prohibited from engaging in sex outside of marriage.

Instead of condemning the Taliban regime for gang raping and violating women and girls in the country, the racist and lame duck Ismail Sabri administration had sent Hadi Awang to Qatar last week to rub shoulders with the Taliban government. In what appeared to be an endorsement or recognition of the Taliban, Hadi had even pledged to provide financial funding or aid to the terrorist.

Coming from the horse’s mouth, Taliban government spokesman Suhail Shaheen announced that Abdul Hadi Awang, supposedly special envoy to the Middle East with ministerial rank, has promised to extend humanitarian and economic assistance, including financial aid, to the Taliban. Should not Sabri government prioritize and take care of Malaysians first?

So far, both PM Ismail Sabri and ex-PM Muhyiddin have neither acknowledged nor denied the country’s commitment to splash, possibly tens of millions of Ringgit, for the Taliban – suggesting that the clueless and incompetent government silently agreed to waste the money that could better used elsewhere on the terrorists. That’s fine, if the money is taken from the “zakat”.

However, if taxpayers money, which, according to former PM Mahathir Mohamad were 90% contributed by the Malaysian Chinese, are being abused and siphoned to fund the Taliban terrorists, it is not only unfair and wasteful, but is also forbidden because those monies were collected from the “kafir (infidel)”. How could Hadi donate forbidden money to his Taliban brothers?

The real problem isn’t about Sabri administration’s reckless recognition of the Taliban government. What the Malaysian government thought was a jolly good idea to gain political mileage in order to win the next 15th General Election could turn out to be a serious problem in the country – a possible economic sanction by the United States for funding the terrorists.

Can you control how the Taliban government is going to use the money? How would the genius Hadi Awang know that the Taliban would not buy weapons to conduct terrorism instead of spending it on infrastructure? Does the turtle-egg PM Ismail know that the Taliban appointed the leader of a U.S.-designated terrorist organization in its government?

In spite of the Taliban’s promises of an inclusive government and more moderate form of Islamic rule, it has appointed Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund, who is under United Nations sanctions, as acting prime minister. It was largely because of this hardline government that the Chinese government has refused to recognize the Taliban government, let alone invest in the country.

Sirajuddin Haqqani (interior minister) and his uncle Khalil Haqqani (minister for refugees), two senior members of the Haqqani network, a US-designated terror group aligned with the Taliban and al-Qaeda, are part of the government. Khalil still has a US$5 million bounty for his past relationship with al-Qaeda. Four men receiving senior positions in government had previously been detained by the U.S. at Guantanamo Bay.

Even if the weak and lame President Joe Biden wanted to close one eye over Mullah Mohammad Hassan’s appointment as acting PM, the U.S. government could not ignore Sirajuddin Haqqani, the leader of the Haqqani Network who is on the FBI’s most wanted list for terrorism. That’s why the U.S. has refused to recognize the terrorist government, let alone unfreeze US$9 billion in assets.

In 2019, Malaysia was forced to close bank accounts belonging to immigrants from Muslim countries, especially Iran. Local banks, especially Maybank and CIMB, had terminated dubious accounts suspected of involvement in money laundering – and terrorism – after the U.S. imposed sanctions against Tehran. Malaysia was pressured under the influence of the U.S.’ economic terrorism.

Even though outspoken PM Mahathir was not impressed with the U.S. pressure to target bank accounts of Iranian individuals and companies in Malaysia, the 94-year-old leader ultimately had to prioritize the national interests. Despite calling America a bully, Mahathir understood Malaysia could not go against the powerful U.S., and had to surrender.

Now, imagine what will happen if the U.S. slap economic sanctions against Malaysia for funding the Taliban terrorist. It’s not difficult to establish the money trail since Ismail Sabri is the only government in the world that is dumb enough to tell all and sundry that it will provide financial aid to the terrorists. With the White House under the Democrats, the prospect of sanctions is indeed high.

Biden administration has previously imposed sanctions on Malaysian palm oil companies due to allegations of forced labours. Washington has also sanctioned local rubber glove makers over accusations of modern-day slavery. So, what is there to stop the U.S. from slapping sanctions on the Malaysian government for funding terrorism in Afghanistan – when violence escalates?

Does Malaysia also realize that the Taliban has been on Russia’s list of terrorist and banned organizations since 2003? Now, even Pakistan, who is supposed to have the closest relations with the Taliban government, is pissed off due to the Afghan Taliban’s support for the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), the militants responsible for violence and terrorism in Pakistan.

When even China, Russia and Pakistan are not rushing to recognize the Taliban, why is Malaysia so freaking stupid in rushing to not only legitimizes the Taliban, but also to send peoples’ hard-earned money to the terror group? What tangible benefits could Malaysia derive from becoming Taliban’s best friend? Is PM Ismail planning to import Taliban terrorism into the country?

1 comment:

  1. Humanitarian aid to Afghanistan will not attract sanctions.
    Quite a number of International aid organisations are already active in post-Taliban Afghanistan.

    Trade and direct transactions with the Talibums are another matter. That is dicey at the moment.
