
Thursday, February 03, 2022

'MACC weaponised to protect the corrupt'

'MACC weaponised to protect the corrupt'

YOURSAY | 'Is it still credible to investigate any case with integrity?'

MACC probing Maszlee, sources say over alleged graft as minister

Jarchin: "MACC will not bow to pressure," says the MACC. Pray inform the Malaysian public - do you exercise pressure on the opposition and others when the heat is on you so they will bow to pressure from you?

Trust in the MACC head Azam Baki, and those top officials who spoke up supporting him, is rock bottom.

MACC, how to trust whether your investigations are for the good of Malaysia or to strike terror in the hearts of those who speak against you and those politicians whom you protect?

Annonnymousl: MACC is a joke. Who would trust what they say with its chief's reputation badly tarnished and yet refusing to subject himself for investigation to clear his name?

MACC should do well to investigate itself than trying to harass those who call for its chief to be probed. Keep your own backyard clean first.

Apa Ini: This is intimidation - a case of “if you are not with us, we will make you pay until you bow to our pressure.”

There is corruption at the highest level and a drip-down effect that even the youngest official doesn’t hesitate to make the most of.

Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad is right: we are failed nation.

Mano: @Apa Ini, Mahathir paved the way to this extent of corruption. He dismantled all checks and balances as well as the country’s separation of powers.

He destroyed the judiciary of the 60s and 70s, once a haven of fearless judges like Mohamed Suffian Mohamed Hashim, Eusoffe Abdoolcader, etc, with the 1988 judicial crisis.

If the judiciary now is as what it was, the rakyat, not necessarily former education minister Maszlee Malik, could take this matter to court for redress, arguing that they fear for the future of this country, for themselves and their children. They would not be turned down by the court saying the rakyat have no locus standi.

But what do we get now? The one who takes this issue to court will be harassed and hounded.

BrownCheetah9736: Is the MACC still credible to investigate any cases with integrity? From top-down, the whole organisation stinks.

Its boss has unexplained shares in his account, its staff can make RM25 million disappear from their evidence vault and are also found to be part of the Nicky Liow criminal gang, the list goes on. MACC is a laughing stock and a disgrace.

BobbyO: Maszlee’s alleged act of corruption was between 2018 and 2020. Why now, MACC? Who are you kidding? Nobody but yourself.

Stop harassing the opposition and those who speak out against what is wrong with this nation. Stop playing and dancing to the tune of the politicians in power.

You look very pathetic with the reasons given for your actions. Don't you have any honour or self-respect left?

JW: Another institution, which is supposed to protect citizens, is going down the drain fast because of allegedly corrupt leader(s) at the top. This is, of course, not the first; neither will it be the last.

The most damning thing about the MACC is that it is supposed to fight corruption. But all along it has been proven toothless, and oftentimes weaponised to make the government look good. In this case, it has been weaponised to protect the head of the organisation.

Such is the corrosiveness of the corruption spawned from the race-supremacist government.

Lebai Pencen: The plan here is two-fold. Firstly, scare the daylights out of those politicians who still persist in investigating Azam. If a relatively clean Maszlee can be charged, where does this leave the rest?

Second, remove all obstacles to Umno’s journey to Putrajaya. When successful, we can all kiss our hopes of national redemption goodbye. Bananas, anyone?

OxymoronicTendencies: Not only does this have a lot to do with the upcoming Johor election but it is also blatant political persecution.

Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob, who represents a party that has no electoral mandate, must shut this down right now or be branded dirty, corrupt and without a doubt the third-worst prime minister in Malaysia’s history.

One and two being Mahathir and Najib Abdul Razak. Both were from Umno. Umno is, without doubt, the most corrupt and dirtiest political party ever.

And now we see just how non-independent MACC is. It is just another political tool to be misused by unscrupulous politicians.

What a pitiful mob of politicians this country breeds and the rakyat elect. Shame on this country that we allow this to carry on. It is time to return some integrity to the government and our great country - right now, there is none.

VioletMouse9206: Syabas, MACC, we admire your efficiency and super-fast speed in investigating the ex-education minister on reports of corruption.

You have the highest degree of integrity in the eradication of corruption in the country. Soon we would be rated among the top 10 of the Corruption Perception Index with the able leadership of Azam.

Keep it up and our leaders can raise their heads high in the international community.

Ex-Wfw: This is how this nation is managed. Anyway, most of the rakyat know the real story and they must do what they need to do, come the 15th general election.

For sure, all existing politicians must be axed before we have any hope of real changes. Of course, there is no guarantee the newer politicians won’t repeat the same storyline.

Hence, the rakyat must apply the same rule, no matter which party they come from.

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