
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

“Loh Siew Hong’s case: How zealots ‘weaponise’ religion to torment a mother”

“Loh Siew Hong’s case: How zealots ‘weaponise’ religion to torment a mother”

ZEALOTS are the real rascals in religion. Wedging every bit of faith humanity has against one another and their relationship with God.

Religion must be treated like a blanket for security and not a dagger, no matter what you believe in whether Islam, Christianity, Hinduism or Zoroastrianism. Unfortunately, our spiritual maturity remains at an infant stage and often dictated by a few who believe they have the authority.

The Federal Constitution warrants a good belief system if your faith is in line with the strict letters of the law. A blessing indeed for single mother Loh Siew Hong when Datuk Judge Collin Lawrence Sequerah ordered her three children to be released forthwith to the sole custody, care and control to her at the Kuala Lumpur High Court this morning.

Her ordeal was shared by Malaysians and raised the question on state’s power in governing people’s life all over again.

Ironically, some religious quarters defended the right of some not to be vaccinated not too long ago yet fail to acknowledge a mother’s rights to see her children despite knowing far too well that heaven lies beneath the feet of mothers.

Sometimes, the veil of religion masks tyranny and man will only be judged fairly in the afterlife. The case of a celebrity preacher with 11 charges of sexual harassment at an interior court in Sabah must not be speculated and a man is innocent until proven guilty.

Corrupt and self-engrossed

Such presumption of innocence is a legal principle whereby prosecution must in most cases prove that the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

Here is a verse from the al-Quran which I urge everyone to ponder upon:

“And seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive to Allah.” (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:45)

Our ego clings to definitions formed by perceptions of your past and fears of the future. It alienates us from the world around us, under the pretense it wants to protect you and show you your weakness or strengths. We need to believe in the big picture when it comes to co-existing within society.

Humanity’s greatest flaw is not in failing to love but too in love with themselves. Eventually, it corrupts their beliefs, making them forget how tiny their existence is in this universe. – Feb 21, 2022

Aidi Amin is contributor to FocusM.


  1. The majority of Muslims in Malaysis are willing to tear up the Constitution to support Ketuanan Islam.

  2. The habeas corpus case to get back her children was relatively easy.

    Any judge with proper knowledge of law would understand you simply cannot separate children from a parent who has legal custody, unless there is evidence of abuse or other serious grounds.

    The legal battle over the religious status of the children is going to be a long, nasty, winding road.
