
Sunday, February 20, 2022

Johor polls: Netizens mock Muhyiddin for saying leaving UMNO is “act of worship”

Johor polls: Netizens mock Muhyiddin for saying leaving UMNO is “act of worship”

WITH the Johor state election heating up, Perikatan Nasional (Perikatan) has now turned to religion to antagonise its frenemy, the UMNO-led Barisan Nasional.

Yesterday, Perikatan supremo Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin urged UMNO members to leave the party, calling it an ibadah (act of worship).

“Why fear leaving UMNO? The PAS president Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang is here. What is the fatwa (edict) in leaving UMNO? It’s compulsory.

“The act of walking out from vice and joining Perikatan to uphold virtue can be considered an act of worship. So do leave UMNO. Nothing wrong with it,” the Malaysia Gazette reported the Pagoh MP as saying.

However, netizens were unimpressed with Muhyiddin using religion to justify his attacks on the nationalist party, with UMNO supreme council member Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek making fun at the former.

{Wow, this was the edict issued by Parti Ajaran Sesat (derisive moniker for PAS). Now, it’s about worship. This is grandmaster level. Don’t you dare say oppose it}

User Stream INVU queried:

(Wow, now you are coming out with edicts. Learning from PAS?)

Netizen Pak Abu retorted:

(Ever since he befriended PAS, Muhyiddin has become adept in issuing edicts…maybe later if Bersatu merges with PAS, Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali will become their spiritual leader).

With the Johor polls looming over the horizon, UMNO, PAS and Bersatu has been at each other’s throats despite being allies in Putrajaya.

Muhyiddin getting desperate

According to several analysts, the UMNO-led BN is slated to win the state election, with PAS and Bersatu probably suffering the same level of defeat as in the Melaka state polls.

On that note, several netizens hurled brickbats on Muhyiddin for his hypocrisy, adding the latter had no qualms to work with the “evil” UMNO to dislodge Pakatan Harapan from Putrajaya via the Sheraton Move.

“Masa ko nk jadi PM, ko sanggup bersekongkol dgn koruptor, pencuri dan penyamun. Kene main dgn UMNO, skrg baru padan muka ko. Kifarah Allah bayar tunai tapi ko masih tak sedar diri. Ko khianati mandat rakyat, mcmana ko nk jawab dan minta ampun di sana nanti?@MuhyiddinYassin,” said user Sempoi.

(When you wanted to become the prime minister, you were willing to work with the corrupt, swindlers and robbers. Serves you right for getting played out by UMNO. God has given you a warning but you still refuse to learn your lesson. You betrayed the people’s mandate. How do you plan to answer and repent in the Hereafter?)

Netizen Mohamed Sahrif remarked:

(It looks like Muhyiddin is getting really desperate…as if he is drowning with no life buoy with him)- Feb 20, 2022.

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