
Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Is Malaysia An Islamic or Secular Country??

I would like to pluck an extract of RPK's post Is Malaysia An Islamic Country Or Not? as follows, for discussions here (in my post):


The crescent in the Malaysian flag is a symbol of Islam

Yesterday, former Umno MP Tawfik Ismail said Malaysia is not an Islamic country and hence Islam or religion should not interfere in our daily lives. In fact, Lim Kit Siang and other DAP leaders have clearly stated that Malaysia is a secular country.

For decades there has been utter confusion regarding Malaysia’s status, ever since Tunku Abdul Rahman announced that Malaysia is a secular country and Dr Mahathir contradicted that declaration and announced that Malaysia is not only an Islamic country but a fundamentalist Islamic country on top of that.

So which is it? Half the population of Malaysia says one thing while the other half says the opposite. And this one issue alone has badly divided Malaysians to the point where Muslims and non-Muslims hate each another (and do not pretend this is not true).

Okay, is this a case of confusion due to two conflicting announcements, or is it a case of misinterpreting the Federal Constitution of Malaysia? Or is it politicians manipulating the issue for political gain?


RPK asked a relevant question which I will attempt to answer, as per my own humble opinion:

Firstly, a crescent in a national flag does not automatically indicate the nation is an Islamic State. Take for example the following nations:

1) Singapore

We needn't discuss whether this republic is Islamic, wakakaka.

2) Turkey as she prefers to be called today, Türkiye or in full Türkiye Cumhuriyeti

You may not believe that Turkey is a secular nation which started with founding father Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (1923) and still remains one despite today's very Islamic President Recep Erdogen gradually dismantling (but not completely yet) Ataturk's legacy of secularism.

Ataturk (meaning 'Father of Nation') adopted the flag and its crescent directly from the Ottoman Empire though two things changed. The star initially had 8 points but has been reduced to 5, whilst the green color was substituted with red in 1793. In the 19th Century, the Turkish authority emphasized that red indicated the colour of secularism. There was another legend during Ottoman Empire's time which stated that the crescent symbolised the worship of the Greek Goddess Artemis (Roman = Diana the Huntress).

Greek Goddess Artemis

3) Bangladesh

Not a crescent but a full moon - nonetheless the republic is still secular since its formation in 1972.

Wikipedia says: The new state of Bangladesh became the first constitutionally secular state in South Asia in 1972. Islam was declared the state religion in 1988. In 2010, the Bangladesh Supreme Court reaffirmed secular principles in the constitution.

You know something - Malaysia had gone through the exact same process as Bangladesh, that of the formation of a constitutionally secular nation with Islam as the official religion, and our own Courts had twice re-affirmed the secularity of our Constitution and nation.

4) Pakistan may astound you that she started as a constitutionally secular nation even under Founder Ali Jinnah, and t'was only in 1973 (26 years after her Independence as a sovereign nation separately with/from India) before she was declared an Islamic State. And then it took another 4 years before General Zia bulldozed Syariah implementation.

The delay in Pakistan becoming a full Islamic State at the onset (1947) was the very strong opposition to  Islamist ideological paradigm from the Bengali Muslims of East Pakistan, whose educated class, according to a survey by social scientist Nasim Ahmad Jawed, preferred secularism and focused on ethnic identity unlike educated West Pakistanis who tended to prefer an Islamic identity. When East Pakistan went independent and became Bangladesh (1972), West Pakistan or just Pakistan then declared itself as an Islamic nation.

I'll stop here and continue later, maybe tonight or tomorrow.




    Back in 1956, the first post independence Pakistan Constitution already stated Islamic Republic of Pakistan - "The name of the country shall be the Islamic Republic of Pakistan"

    The 1956 Constitution also stated clearly "Pakistan was founded because the Muslims of this sub-continent wanted to build up their lives in accordance with the teachings and traditions of Islam,"

    So...Pakistan was we on its way to bring a theocracy well before Zia Ul Haq

    1. nonetheless the fact remains that whilst Islamic aspirations abounded, t'was ONLY in 1973 before Pakistan was officially declared an Islamic Nation, and ONLY in 1977 before full syariah laws reign supreme

  2. Erdogan's Turkiye is implementing Syaria by stealth - using Civil Laws and Civil authorities to implement rules and regulations that are as good as Syaria... e.g. restrictions on sale and consumption of alcohol, criminalisation of not fasting during Ramadan etc....

    Malaysian authorities are using the same tactics e.g. banning the sale of alcohol by most categories of retailers and food outlets.

  3. The Banglas who come to Malaysia focus on making a living and saving as much as they can to become their nest egg when they go back.

    Most of them I found have a very practical view of Islam. They are practicing Muslims, but don't take their Islamic views to the exclusivity and extreme positions.

    Nevertheless, there are pockets of religious extremists among the Banglas, and they attempt to influence the rest.

  4. Wakakakaka…

    Is the symbolic sign on the flag as the recognition of the country's religiosity & its constitutional affinity?

    How many countries r there in the world with affirmed religious connotations tied with their flags in correlation to their declared constitution?

    Besides all those 'islamic' countries, many other countries r playing within the gray area of symbols & words, according to their politikus!

    Russia - a declared atheist socialistic state with vary strong Eastern Orthodox Church influence.

    All the Scandinavian countries have cross on their national flags. Yet they r ALL professed secular states!

    Etc… etc…

    Thus, using the symbol on the flag to determine the country's religiosity IS short of mischievous disinformation to confused!

  5. Russia today is a Mafia State with Putin as Godfather and Chief Enforcer.
    The Russian Orthodox Church aiding and abetting this because it serves their self-interests.

    Majority in Scandinavia still self-identify as Christians, though they may not be actively attending Church. So , they are still culturally Christian countries.
    Scandinavian counties are all strictly secular in the sense that Religion has no place in government administration and regulations.

    1. Russia - a mafia state!

      U give mafia a bad name.

      When the Soviet Union disbanded under the misguided Gorbachev, how many of those member states were lost in despairs of fake hope under the Yankee lighthouse?

      Many former member states experienced worst sopo-economical scenario WORST than when they were under the SU!

      Russia was facing dilapidated national crises after crises bcoz Yeltsin couldn't control those oligarchs pop-uped & supported by the Yankee politic-cum-economic vultures. These oligarchs were raping & robbing the Russia right under the noses of the Russian!

      It was the strong arm tactic of Putin that finally putting an end to these rapes of Russian inheritances & saved the nation fro further collapsing!

      He also returns the Russian pride & hope to the people.

      There r NOTHING wrong in using any forms of action to salvage the country which is losing the once mighty pride/hope/vision as done by Putin!

      Thus Putin solidifies his ruling legacy with wide older Russian supports. The russian youth r of the different kind since they NEVER experienced the might of old SU & yet all r heavily influenced by the material fronts camouflaged under the demoNcratic ideology.

      But can a mfering Yankee acolyte understand these core of issues?

      The Russian Orthodox Church has consistently kept itself out of the old SU & now Russia politic. Bcoz the socialistic constitution of Russia CLEARLY forbid its influences.

      So where r The Russian Orthodox Church aiding and abetting Putin because it serves their self-interests?

      The largest declared atheist populations could be found in old EU & especially the Scandinavia countries, besides China!

      For example, 58% of the Swedish population identify with the Lutheran Church. Also, though Scandinavian countries have among the highest measures of nonreligiosity and even atheism in Europe, 47% of atheists who live in those countries are still formally members of the national churches.

      Thus, religiosity association in these countries has zilch real connotation with the declared church doctrines!
