
Sunday, February 13, 2022

'Gentle' physical touch to discipline wives: Deputy minister told to resign

'Gentle' physical touch to discipline wives: Deputy minister told to resign

Women, Family and Community Development Deputy Minister Siti Zailah Mohd Yusoff has been urged to resign from her position, following her recent videos providing tips for married couples to help each other become better people.

Several opposition politicians and activists criticised Siti Zailah (above) for her advice, which include telling women to take a soft approach with their husbands, and for husbands to use "gentle" physical touch if their wives are stubborn.

“When a woman who’s in power, and supposed to protect other women, advises ‘gentle’ physical touch to discipline wives, you know something is very wrong.

“Siti Zailah must resign. She is not fit to be in the position. Full stop,” Bakri MP Yeo Bee Yin said on Twitter today.

The former energy, science, technology, environment and climate change minister also retweeted Permatang Pauh MP Nurul Izzah Anwar’s criticism against Siti Zailah.

When a woman in power, who's supposed to protect the women, advices 'gentle' physical touch to discipline wife, you know sth is very wrong. Siti Zailah must resign. She's not fit to be in the position. Full stop.— Yeo Bee Yin (@yeobeeyin) February 12, 2022

Nurul Izzah yesterday called Siti Zailah’s advice a “disservice” and pointed out that the Covid-19 pandemic saw an increase in domestic abuse cases, predominantly of violence against women.

The Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO) deputy executive director Yu Ren Chung also urged Siti Zailah to resign due to her recent remarks.

“With all due respect, this deputy minister is not fit for the job. Please resign,” he tweeted.

"When we [wives] want to speak, ask for permission first"

"Husbands can use 'gentle' physical touch against undisciplined wives"

- Deputy Minister of Women, Siti Zailah.

With all due respect, this Dep Minister is not fit for the job. Please resign.— Yu Ren Chung (@renchung) February 12, 2022

Siti Zailah’s predecessor Hannah Yeoh tagged Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob in a tweet that was linked to Siti Zailah’s video.

Yeoh sarcastically questioned Ismail Sabri whether this was the person he appointed for the women, family and community development portfolio.

“She (Siti Zailah) is tasked with looking after women of all races. Please ask her to demonstrate how men should use ‘gentle but firm physical touches’ to discipline their wives,” she said.

It is dangerous to make short videos on such sensitive topics, Yeoh added, pointing out that ‘gentle but firm’ physical touches can be very subjective.

“Ask the doctors, activists, NGOs who handle domestic violence cases every day. Is it suitable for such a topic to be discussed through a two-minute video?” the Segambut MP asked.

Bahaya buat video 2 minit seperti ini - sentuhan fizikal lembut tapi tegas itu sangat subjektif. Tanya team doktor, aktivis dan NGO yang mengendalikan kes keganasan rumahtangga setiap hari. Adakah sesuai topik seperti ini dibincangkan melalui video 2 minit?— Hannah Yeoh (@hannahyeoh) February 12, 2022

Petaling Jaya MP Maria Chin Abdullah also criticised Siti Zailah for the advice, saying that the deputy minister had “put women back in the Dark Ages”.

Are you for real YB Minister? You put women back to the dark ages!
Just be a Minister!#WomenHaveRights— Maria Chin Abdullah (@mariachin) February 12, 2022

Not the first time

Siti Zailah had previously received brickbats for her controversial domestic advice back in April 2020.

At the time, she posted a video acknowledging that the movement control order might put stress on families, leading to domestic violence.

In view of this, she provided three "tips" on how to defuse tensions, including being appreciative, showing forgiveness, and being religious.

She said victims of domestic abuse should contact her ministry's Talian Kasih hotline for help.

Siti Zailah did not overtly say women should accept, be patient, and forgive their abusive partners, but many critics, including social activist Marina Mahathir, interpreted her message as such in the context of the entire video clip.


kt comments:

Quote: for husbands to use "gentle" physical touch if their wives are stubborn unquote.

I have never heard such blardy bizarre balderdash. Only a lebai would PUBLICLY announce-recommend such a kerbau manoeuvre if only to show their (religion's) male members are wife-loving hubby of gentle nature, but guli-lah, when the TRUTH is otherwise.

Why couldn't she have advised "Rabba-Rabba sikit lah, sayang" instead of the most kerbau-ish "use "gentle" physical touch".

OK, go ahead and puke now - know you guys-gals have been holding back your vomit for a while now, WAKAKAKA.

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