
Friday, February 11, 2022

Biden expected to split $7bn in frozen Afghan funds between 9/11 families and aid


Biden expected to split $7bn in frozen Afghan funds between 9/11 families and aid

Money to be split between humanitarian efforts for Afghan people and US victims of terrorism, keeping it out of hands of the Taliban

The Taliban took over Da Afghanistan Bank and claimed a right to the money, but it is illegal to engage in financial transactions with the organisation. Photograph: Xinhua/Rex/Shutterstock

Joe Biden is expected to sign an executive order on Friday releasing $7bn in frozen Afghan reserves to be split between humanitarian efforts for the Afghan people and American victims of terrorism, including relatives of 9/11.

In a highly unusual move, the convoluted plan is designed to tackle a myriad of legal bottlenecks stemming from the 2001 terrorist attacks and the chaotic end of the 20-year war in Afghanistan, which ignited a humanitarian and political crisis, the New York times reports.

The elected Afghan government was dissolved in August after the Taliban seized control, leaving behind just over $7bn in central bank assets deposited in the US Federal Reserve bank in New York. As Afghanistan’s top elected officials, including the president and central bank governor, fled the country, the Fed froze the account as it was unclear who was legally authorised to access the funds.

The Taliban took over the central bank – known as Da Afghanistan Bank – and immediately claimed a right to the money, but under longstanding counter-terrorism sanctions it is illegal to engage in financial transactions with the organisation. Furthermore, the US does not recognize the Taliban as the legitimate government of Afghanistan.

As the Biden administration mulled over what to do with the funds, a group of relatives of victims of the September 11 attacks, who years ago won a default judgment against the Taliban and al-Qaida, sought to seize the Afghan bank assets. In a case known as Havlish, the plaintiffs persuaded a judge to dispatch a US marshal to serve the Federal Reserve with a “writ of execution” to seize the Afghan money.

The Biden government has intervened in the lawsuit, and is expected to tell the court that the victims’ claims for half the money should be heard (several other victims’ groups have also asked for a share). If the judge agrees, Biden will seek to direct the remainder toward some sort of trust fund to be spent on food and other humanitarian aid in Afghanistan – while keeping it out of the hands of the Taliban.

The process is likely to be long and messy, with advocates and some 9/11 victims arguing that the Afghan assets should all go to help the Afghan people who are facing mounting hardship.

The money – which includes currency, bonds and gold – mostly comes from foreign exchange funds that accumulated over the past two decades when western aid flowed into Afghanistan. But it also includes the savings of ordinary Afghans, who are now facing growing violence and hunger with the economy and rule of law in freefall.


kt comments:

WTF has Afghanistan got to do with 9/11?

Why doesn't Biden ask his Midas-rich Saudi friend to cough up the 9/11 compensation - after all, it was Saudis and Egyptians who hit Twin Towers, the Pentagon, etc.

But it's outrageous the US continues on its arrogant illegal robbery of Afghan funds when she already had looted Saddam's wealth by the billions whilst occupying Iraq.

And not to forget the US could do well to compensate many nations like Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam for unmitigated bombings during the horrendous Vietnam War.

My Lai - brutal US massacre of Vietnamese civilians
Not one US personnel was punished

1,000 B-52s bombed Laos and Cambodia

Most bombed country in the World, thanks to the Wankees


  1. Hear… hear… daylight robbery in the name of demoNcracy by the self proclaimed policeman of the world!

    Every possible cesspool concentrates COULD be the right excuses for the act of robbing u blind.

  2. Taliban-run Afghanistan in the late 1990s to 2001 provided an entire safe country for AlQaeda to train its terrorist army. The 9/11 suicide teams all trained in Afghanistan.

    1. "The 9/11 suicide teams all trained in Afghanistan" - any evidence of that???

    2. This mfer is just trying to window dressing its idol!

      Truth to be told, AlQaeda was organised & trained by CIA operatives to advance Yankee's MiddleEastern geopolitics.

      It's the karma of "senjata makan tuan sendiri"!


      Four were trained pilots and each accompanied by three to five "muscle hijackers" who overwhelmed passengers and crew while they took control of their respective aircrafts.

      The group, who came from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Lebanon and Egypt, were chosen by al Qaeda leaders in Afghanistan in 2000 before undergoing training at various camps across the country.

    4. wakakaka, quote from your source: It was in Hamburg that his religious views appear to have intensified.

      He formed a prayer group for like-minded Muslims at his mosque, where he met two of the other 9/11 pilots - Marwan al Shehhi and Ziad Jarrah.

      They became known as the 'Hamburg cell' after seeking out al Qaeda and eventually meeting Osama bin Laden.

      Atta arrived in the US in the summer of 2000 and underwent flight training in south Florida.

      He travelled on several commercial flights to better understand how to carry out the hijacking.


      They trained in Germany - so USA should punish Germany

    5. There is a huge difference between a place like Germany, where the conspirators were forced to conduct their activities in secret or masked under the pretence of legitimate religious discussions , as they would have been arrested if found to be planning violent terrorist activity,
      Compared to Taliban-controlled Afghanistan which welcomed and facilitated their activities.

      What the Taliban did is considered aiding and abetting , basically an accomplice to 9/11.

    6. So, u want to play circular logic!

      Wakakakaka… not that circular logic as used to be quoted by on c&p blurred mfer who used to leak its fart in this blog.

      Who trained the Taliban too, to abide with his Middle Eastern geopolitics?

      Taliban & al Qaeda were all organized, trained by the CIA.

      Thus, using yr f*cked circular logic of abetting/aiding of terrorist operations, wouldn't u point yr finger at yr uncle Sam?
