
Monday, January 17, 2022

The Hindu-Muslim Conflicts in Malaysia

Just a short extract of what RPK publish in:

The Reality Of The Hindu-Muslim Rivalry

as taken from Focus Malaysia by G Vinod:

IRATE with the constant attacks levelled against non-Muslims, Global Human Rights Federation said they are planning to seek an audience with the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, al-Sultan Abdullah Almarhum Sultan Ahmad Shah soon to find a solution to the matter.

“We are also planning to seek audience with other Rulers as well to highlight our grievances. In the meantime, we are going to send a memorandum to the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) in two weeks’ time,” its president S Shashi Kumar told FocusM.

Yesterday, his NGO and others lodged police reports against Islamic preacher Idris Sulaiman for uttering derogatory words against Hindu temples when commenting on reports where a group of undergraduates from the Islamic University Malaysia in Gombak (IIUM) had helped clean up a Hindu temple in Taman Klang Utama, which was affected by flood waters.

According to Idris, there are only two religions; one is Hezbollah (religion of God) and the other Hezbo Syaitan (religion of the Devil).

He then jested that since Muslims were okay cleaning up non-Muslim places of worship, then they should also organise themselves to clean up discos, gambling dens and pigsty.

“And don’t complain it cannot be done because the places are considered haram and unclean. I wish to remind Muslims that syirik (heresy) is the most abominable of all sins and we should stay away from it,” Idris was seen saying in a video.

This is not the first time Shashi Kumar had lodged a police report against an Islamic preacher. Last year, he lodged police reports against another preacher Syakir Nasoha, who had claimed that Hindus and Buddhists are bent to destroying Islam. He had also alleged that Dayaks were committing atrocities against Muslims in Papua New Guinea.

Until today, the police have yet to detain or charge Syakir for his provocative remarks.

Touching on the attacks against non-Muslims, Shashi Kumar alleged that there may be a collusion between the State and religious authorities to undermine non-Muslims for vested interest.


kt comments:

For some reason one would expect the conflict to be more between the Malay religious group and the Chinese (non-Christian) religious group. Yes, there was the tragedy of May 13 but that was more of a political provocation cum (perhaps) agitation; religions were not involved.

Generally, religious-wise, the Malays just brush the (non-Christians) Chinese religious groups aside - a la sap sap suoi (kacang putih lah). 

But alas, the Muslim Ultras in Malaysia tend to hammer at and on Hindus. While I can understand the Ultras' fears of Christian proselytization, I wonder why they targeted Hindus when Hindus don't convert, openly or by stealth - yes, they don't convert like like Buddhists and Chinese Religions don't. Conversion is strictly a Christian and Muslim activity - Judaism also doesn't BUT because the Israelite-Israeli-Jewish religion is more than just a belief in its God - it's also racially, culturally, socially an exclusive club.  

Anyway, why Hindus?

As far as my RECENT memory serves me, I recall the Perlis Mufti showing his disgust at the coconut-breaking rituals during Thaipusam, ironically an activity much favoured and in the majority participated by the Chinese, especially rich Chinese businessmen who would even hired dozens of macai's to break thousands of coconuts to "ensure" Lord Murugum would favour their businesses. Well you know, Chinese loves 3 things, education, businesses and firecrackers, wakakaka.

Then there was the cow head thrown in front of a temple, etc etc etc including the very recent wicked (bad hearted) demolition of Hindu shrines in Kedah.

And then we have rotters like Zakir Naik, his students and alike who have been most provocative towards particularly Hinduism. The recent case of one of these so-called preachers describing Hindu temple as a brothel and abode of the Satan shows their immense hatred for Hinduism.

But many readers are too young to know a far more serious Hindu-Muslim conflict occurred in 1977.

Let's re-read my post of 01 Dec 2016, as follows:

Whom the gods would destroy ...

MM Online on how an insane fanatic got away with 'destroying' gods:

IPOH, Nov 30 ― A medical graduate charged with desecrating a Hindu temple escaped imprisonment after the Sessions Court acquitted him today, on grounds of insanity.

Fathi Munzir Nadzri, 29, was accused of damaging several idols at the Sree Muneeswaran Aman Temple along Jalan Hospital here, at around 5pm on April 24.

Sessions Court judge Ikmal Hishan Mohd Tajuddin ruled that Fathi Munzir had committed the act but released the accused after insanity was proven.

Ikmal Hishan said the court accepted the expert testimony of Hospital Bahagia Ulu Kinta forensic psychiatrist consultant Datuk Dr Suarn Singh who stated that Fathi Munzir suffered from a bipolar effective disorder with psychiatric features in the manic phase.

Dr Suarn testified that Fathi Munzir had a “flight of ideas” about religious issues and suffered from the delusion that God had given him the power to save Islam.

The mad bloke has been lucky he did not suffer the same fate as his fellow Muslim fanatics about 40 years ago when then 4 out of five were killed kau kau by Hindus in Kerling when those now very dead vandalizers used iron rods to deliberately inflict damage on the icons of Hindu gods in Kerling Hindu Temple.


The fifth was not killed but seriously injured. He survived to continue his university course, I heard in Australia.

My Uncle told me that in the subsequent court case trialling the Hindu killers of those desecrators, the surviving Islamic fanatic was asked why he did what he did, and he replied that God told him to.

The defending counsellor glibly responded that since 4 out of 5 of his mob were killed, he must have been mistaken his God had wanted him to do so.

The moronic mentality of those religious vandalizers in attacking Kerling Hindu Temple was that they had earlier attacked a series of (other) Hindu temples, but were so arrogant as to be completely oblivious to the already-warned Hindu communities in other villages naturally placing guards at their vulnerable places of worship.

Do you remember Nik Abduh who claimed during Kelantan recent horrific floods, that Allah swt was angry with the lack of support for PAS hudud push and had sent the floods to warn them/

Nik Abduh, being idiotic, blasphemous and exploitative of the good name of Allah swt, did not explain why the Almighty had sent the floods to punish Kelantanese for being the most pro hudud supporters instead of the anti hudud DAP in Penang?

And recently there has been flash flooding in Terengganu. Shouldn't we quickly warn Pak Haji not to continue to annoy Allah swt with his private member's Bill to amend Act 355, a move by stealth to implement full syariah laws including hudud into Malaysia?

Well, I believe Allah swt does not want that because there is no pious enough ulama today in Malaysia to ensure His Most Divine Laws will not be abused and misused by unscrupulous ulamas.

Taman Terkukor, Kuala Terengganu

But back to our story - the current insane bloke Fathi Munzir Nadzri, 29, (son of former ADUN in Perak) is a medical graduate. Should he be allowed to continue to career as a doctor, considering his insanity?

"Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad"

- The Masque of Pandora by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1875)

1 comment:

  1. The Malays were once Hindus or at least heavily influenced by Hinduism.

    This incovenient fact of history is extremely irritating to the extremist Ulamas, and they spare no effort to counter this by condemning Hinduism at every opportunity.
