
Monday, January 24, 2022

Large-scale Chinese air force incursion reported in Taiwan [equally large scale ADIZ πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚]

Large-scale Chinese air force incursion reported in Taiwan

TAIWAN yesterday reported the largest incursion since October by China’s air force in its air defence zone with the island’s defence ministry saying Taiwanese fighters scrambled to warn away 39 aircraft in the latest uptick in tensions.

Taiwan, which China claims as its own territory, has complained for more than a year of repeated missions by China’s air force near the democratically governed island, often in the southwestern part of its air defence identification zone, or ADIZ, close to the Taiwan-controlled Pratas Islands.

Taiwan calls China’s repeated nearby military activities “grey zone” warfare, designed to both wear out Taiwan’s forces by making them repeatedly scramble, and also to test Taiwan’s responses.

The latest Chinese mission included 34 fighters plus four electronic warfare aircraft and a single bomber, the Taiwan ministry said.

The aircraft flew in an area to the northeast of the Pratas, according to a map the ministry provided.

Taiwan sent combat aircraft to warn away the Chinese aircraft while missile systems were deployed to monitor them, the ministry said.

There was no immediate comment from China which has in the past said such moves were drills aimed at protecting the country’s sovereignty.

While it was not clear what might have prompted China to carry out such a large-scale mission, US and Japanese naval forces have been carrying out exercises in the Philippine Sea, a vast area that includes waters to the east of Taiwan.

The US Pacific Fleet said yesterday those exercises included two carrier strike groups who were “conducting training to preserve and protect a free and open Indo Pacific”.

Pressure intensifying

China has stepped up pressure on Taiwan to accept its sovereignty claims. Taiwan’s government says it wants peace but will defend itself if attacked.

Taiwan reported 148 Chinese air force planes in the southern and southwestern part of its air defence zone over a four-day period beginning on Oct 1, the same day China marked a key patriotic holiday, National Day.

Taiwan has reported almost daily Chinese air force forays into the same air space since then, but the number of planes on Sunday was the largest on a single day since the October incursions.

No shots have been fired and the Chinese aircraft have not been flying in Taiwan’s air space but in its ADIZ, a broader area Taiwan monitors and patrols that acts to give it more time to respond to any threats. – Jan 24, 2022.

Every time and anytime a Chinese aircraft flies, say, over Fujian Province, it has already "intruded" into Taiwan ADIZ, wakakaka


  1. Wakakakakaka…

    Taiwan ADIZ!

    That last photo says it ALL about what that katak infested island is trying to fart about its territorial right!

  2. A different exposΓ© just dug out from the Darkaweb.

    The US stock exchanges have just faced some DRAMATIC rollercoaster ride on 24thJan2022.

    All the US trading indices were falling since the opening bell. The DJI index was hitting a 1000 points drop at around noon. Then it rebounced drastically to close with a 99 points gain.

    There is nothing special in NORMAL stock market rollercoaster rides. However, this time IS different!

    The upswing of the trading indices were orchestrated by the FedReserve! It is using its fund to prop-up falling index-linked shares in the open market to jerk up the falling indices!

    It's AGAINST its operational MOU - the FedReserve is only allowed to print Fiat money to buy US govt bonds. It's not allowed to use its printed money to directly involve in market tradings!

    25thJan2021 would be a reckoning day for this recklessness & irresponsible act of the FedReserve when it opens!

    The wall street vultures would start to swamp the opening bell with sells.

    The FedReserve could sustain its share market manipulation until someone cries fraud openly to destabilize this desperado cliffhanging balancing act.

    Be prepared to brace for the coming impact of a Great Depression that is going to be worst than the previous 5 of the World’s Most Devastating Financial Crises - all initiated in/by USofA.

  3. The People's Republic of China being a big Bully, day in , day out.

    1. Yaloh, as understood & defined by a blurred Yankee asslicker!

  4. Taiwan deserves their own self determination. This is not a classical reunification. China , to be honest. Are Han usurpers of the Middle Kingdom. Absorbed , culturally , a foreign, ideology. Mutagenic Communist ideology. What does that have to do with Classical Chinese ? Chinese outside China, are more Chinese, than Han Communism. A mono- culture ideology…

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      U read Chinese? China?

      In what forms & languages?

      Ooop… DON'T throw those propagandic farts sourced from that katak-infested island or any one of those fart filled well!

    2. Spoken like a true Han…… what have i said, is untrue… Is that all you have..
      continue to speak to your overlords… Cheers

    3. I'm a PROUD Han descendent, of course I would speak like a true Han!

      In multiple languages & angles too!

      What about u?

      Speaking twisted misinformation via simple statement w/o substantiation!

      Ooop… ain't that typically overzealous demoNcraticized dickheads behaviour overall the world!

      U do learn well - in act but not substance.
