
Friday, January 14, 2022

Immigration Minister Alex Hawke cancels Novak Djokovic's visa ahead of Australian Open


Immigration Minister Alex Hawke cancels Novak Djokovic's visa ahead of Australian Open

Novak Djokovic has had his visa cancelled for a second time.(AP: Mark Baker)

Immigration Minister Alex Hawke has used his ministerial powers to personally cancel Novak Djokovic's visa, after the world number one men's tennis player won a court case earlier this week against the cancellation of his entry visa.

"In making this decision I carefully considered information provided to me by the Department of Home Affairs, the Australian Border Force and Mr Djokovic," he said.Mr Hawke said he had cancelled the visa this time on "health and good order grounds, on the basis that it was in the public interest to do so".

"The Morrison Government is firmly committed to protecting Australia's borders, particularly in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic."

Mr Djokovic had applied for a medical exemption to enter Australia because he is unvaccinated. In his initial application, he argued he should be granted the exemption from vaccination because he had tested positive for COVID-19 in mid-December.

While he was granted the exemption by two different independent health panels — one engaged by Tennis Australia, the other by the Victorian government — upon his arrival in Melbourne late on January 5, he was detained by Australian Border Force officials.

Hours later he had his visa cancelled on the grounds that he did not meet the federal entry requirement of being double-vaccinated.

But the timing of the decision may make that difficult, given the tournament is due to begin in three days.

Mr Hawke had been considering whether to personally intervene since Monday, when Mr Djokovic won a reprieve in a court case that reversed the earlier decision to cancel his entry visa.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the decision was was a way of protecting the sacrifices Australians had made during the pandemic.

"This pandemic has been incredibly difficult for every Australian but we have stuck together and saved lives and livelihoods," he said.

"Australians have made many sacrifices during this pandemic, and they rightly expect the result of those sacrifices to be protected.

"This is what the minister is doing in taking this action today.

"Our strong border protection policies have kept Australians safe, prior to COVID and now during the pandemic."

Mr Morrison said he would not make any further statements given the "expected ongoing legal proceedings".

Mr Hawke's decision has also left a cloud of doubt over the Australian Open, which is set to begin next week in Melbourne.It is expected that he will be once again taken to immigration detention in Melbourne, but it is unclear yet when or if that has happened.

The world number one men's tennis player was included in yesterday's Australian Open draw and was set to face fellow Serbian Miomir Kecmanovic in the first round of the tournament on Monday.

Since his court win on Monday questions had also been raised about whether the 34-year-old lied on a border entry form about his travel in the two weeks before he arrived in Australia.

In a statement on Instagram he said his team filed the document and the mistake was a "human error", and he had provided additional information to the government for the minister to consider.


  1. Frankly, I expected this decision. And to me, it was the right decision although I am disappointed not to be witness to see him potentially win his 21st Slam.

    He lied in the immigration form and he displayed nonchalance when he got the virus and was interviewed.

    The next question will be whether Australian immigration will pursue his lie in the form and possibly send him to jail. (Although he claimed it was an error by his agent)

    I, however, doubt it will come to that.

    He should just be deported.

  2. This incident is only a non issue item that has been overblow!

    If that tennis player is an anti vaxxer then let him faces his own fate. He shouldn't be allowed to be an exception just bcoz he could swing a tennis ball well!

    A genuinely caring administration has a policy to cover the health of the country. No other determinant can override that principle.

    If the rule says one must vaccinated in order to enter the country. SO BE IT! There shouldn't be any exception!

    But in a demoNcracy prevailing society, individualism freedom overwrites everything else!

    These mfers deserve their own fate.

    Enuff said.

  3. Novak Djokovic was making a laughing stock of Australian Covid-related immigration controls.

    A proudly and openly anti-vaxxer moving freely in and out of Australia.
