
Wednesday, December 22, 2021

West to blame for tensions since end of Cold War, says Putin

West to blame for tensions since end of Cold War, says Putin

Vladimir Putin addresses an extended meeting of the Russian Defence Ministry Board in Moscow today. (AP pic)

MOSCOW: Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday blamed the West for escalating tensions in Europe, saying it had incorrectly assessed the outcome of the Cold War.

Speaking to senior military officials, Putin said Russia would respond “adequately” to any Western aggression and would develop its army further.

“Why did they expand Nato and renounce the missile defence treaties? They are to blame for what is happening now, for the tensions building up in Europe,” Putin said.

After what it regarded as its victory in the Cold War, Washington’s judgement has been clouded by euphoria, he said, leading it to poor policy choices.

Russia has amassed tens of thousands of troops on the border with Ukraine, demanding that Nato refuse to accept the former Soviet republic as a member and guarantee that no weapons or troops will be deployed there.

Putin said he hoped for constructive talks with Washington and Brussels on Russia’s demands for security guarantees as there were signs the West was ready to work on the issue.

“Armed conflicts and bloodshed are absolutely not something we would choose, we do not want such a scenario,” Putin said.

He said Russia’s proposals were no ultimatum, but it had nowhere to retreat over Ukraine.

Speaking at the same meeting, Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said the US had deployed some 8,000 troops near Russian borders and, alongside Nato allies, frequently mounted flights by strategic bomber planes close to Russia.

Attempts by Nato to get the Ukrainian army involved in the alliance’s activities present a security threat, Shoigu said.

Earlier on Tuesday, a senior Russian diplomat said contacts had already begun between Moscow and Washington on the issue of security guarantees that Russia is seeking, and there was a possibility that the sides would reach an understanding.


  1. DemoNcratic West is always of SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS in doing anything!

    They can do NO WRONG in whatsoever forms.

    When time come to salvage a wrong, scapegoating via supporting mass media reporting is always been blamed to the socialistic opponent!

  2. It is due time, long overdue in fact, to discard the West's predatory 'world order'. To start off, Russia and China ought to firm up on a new trade independent network to reduce reliance on an international financial system led by the blood-sucking US.

    The US uses sanctions to cow those who refuse to toe the line and once a bullying tool is over-used, it will backfire. Sanction is really the nail in the coffin for the USA. Every sanction it imposes UNILATERALLY, will get it closer to losing its global currency status...the demise is fast approaching, especially now when it threw caution to the wind, printing money like there's no tomorrow, the worth of the USD plummeting.

    In as short a time as 10 years from now, US will be in no position to sanction any country at will. The victimised nation, once it has an alternative system to go to, will opt for the China-Russia 'band wagon'.

    The US as a sole hegemon superpower will soon to be over...the writing is on the wall and if it refuses to see this and make adjustment, the pain will be even more agonizing.
