
Thursday, December 16, 2021

The Christmas tree and unwise men of DAP

The Christmas tree and unwise men of DAP

From Clement Stanley

Traditionally, it is either a star or an angel that tops a Christmas tree.

It is the last item to go on the tree because the star of the East symbolises the guiding light that led the three wise men and shepherds to the stable where Jesus was born.

To the best of my knowledge, it wasn’t DAP’s rocket that did that.

Somehow, Bandar Kuching MP Dr Kelvin Yii thought it was not only fitting to attach the rocket atop a Christmas tree at Batu Kawah, but also to defend the move.

He said the tree was meant to represent “harmony, tolerance and respect” that all Malaysians share.

Perhaps Yii and his team were trying to be creative.

Perhaps, in a subtle way, DAP was implying that it is supportive of people’s religious beliefs. Perhaps, in their desire to win support from Christian voters and score some brownie points, the party members got carried away with this idea, which has been much ridiculed.

Who knows what was going on in their minds when they thought a display as such would be applauded. I am not so sure about that, judging from the brickbats this idea has received.

But I know for certain that you can never compromise on the significance of one’s religious beliefs. It is best never to be too clever when you don’t really understand the feelings of the silent majority.

Yet, if you are still adamant that there is nothing to it and people are seemingly making mountains out of molehills, why not try something like this when Hari Raya comes along?

But you won’t. You will say that you are aware of the sensitivity of the matter, that you have no intention of offending or hurting anybody’s feelings and that you respect the religious and cultural beliefs of all people.

The Christmas tree isn’t there just for presents to be laid under the boughs and branches. In the song “O Tannebaum”, there is a line that tells you that the real and true meaning of Christmas is to mark the birth of Jesus.

So, by putting a rocket on the top of the tree, you have ridiculed and brought into contempt the true significance of this holy celebration that is much looked forward to by Christians around the world.

If the intention was to win votes on Dec 18, I assure you that there are better ways to go about it. All you have to do is avoid politicising religious beliefs.


  1. Wakakakaka…

    Another twist to the ghost of christmas past for these hallelujah myrmidons!

  2. "Yet, if you are still adamant that there is nothing to it and people are seemingly making mountains out of molehills, why not try something like this when Hari Raya comes along?"

    Yes, why not try something like this during Hari Raya?

    We all know the DAP will have their b***s shrunken when it comes to the ketuanan melayus and will come out with the usual nonsense about respecting race and religion.

    Well, for the record, I am offended that the DAP rocket took pride of place at the top of the Christmas tree instead of the Star or Angel.

    While Christmas is a time to rejoice, it is also a time of quiet contemplation of the significance of our Saviour, Jesus Christ's birth.

    1. How about a time to contemplating the atrocities done in the name of Christianity?

      Ooop… yr Savior didn't ask for it. He didn't even found the faith that u guys r so adamanted to propagate!
