
Saturday, December 18, 2021

Russia lays out its version of Monroe Doctrine - USA says 'No'


Russia Ukraine: Moscow lists demands for defusing Ukraine tensions

Russian troop build-up: View from Ukraine front line

Russia has demanded strict limits on the activities of the US-led Nato military alliance in the countries neighbouring its borders.

Tension has been rising between Russia and Western countries, who fear Russia plans to invade its neighbour Ukraine.

Russia denies this, but says Nato must rule out Ukraine and others ever joining Nato to defuse the situation.

Moscow wants urgent talks with the US - but its proposals are being viewed as a non-starter in Washington.

Responding to Moscow's call for direct negotiations with the US, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters: "There will be no talks on European security without our European allies and partners."

Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said Russia had given the US and Nato two draft treaties. There was no other option, he said, as the "state of relations between Russia and the collective West is a total lack of trust".

In the proposals Russia sets out a series of demands, which require countries that joined Nato after the fall of the Soviet Union not to deploy troops or weapons in areas where they could be seen as a threat to Russia. Heavy bombers and warships would not be allowed in areas outside their national airspace or waters from which they could launch an attack.

That would mean Nato not playing any role at all in any of the three Baltic republics or Poland. And Nato would have to abandon plans for Ukraine and Georgia to eventually join the Western alliance.


  1. How many remember the Cuba missile crisis that almost led to a nuclear war?

    What caused it?

    Uncle Sam didn't like a potential 'hostile' party to setup missile base at his backyard!

    So, if uncle Sam could feel so jerky about a neighbouring issue that was none of his business then, why couldn't the Russian feel the same pressure at Ukraine?

    Ditto for China with the US THAAD missile defense system based in SKorea! Or using Taiwan as the first island chain of defense.

    Ain't this double standard as a norm for the demoNcratic west - no?

  2. Your analysis is simply grounded in mentality favourable to Russia and spiteful towards the Americans, totally devoid of historical understanding.

    All of South and Central America were at one time colonies of Spain and Portugal (for Brazil). After the wars of independence led by Simon Bolivar, most of the colonies threw off the Colonial masters.
    The Monroe Doctrine was the policy the Americans laid out to prevent the return of the Spanish and Portuguese colonials.

    In Eastern Europe , Russia is the former Colonial master. With the exception of Belarus, none of the former Soviet bloc countries has any interest in returning to being a Russian client state.
    On fact, all the others demand security arrangements to prevent the return of The Big Bad Bear. Hence their insistence to join NATO.

    1. Wow!!!

      U know world history?

      "The Monroe Doctrine was the policy the Americans laid out to prevent the return of the Spanish and Portuguese colonials."

      Wakakakakaka… so that uncle Sam can keep his backyard the ways he likes it to be!

      "In Eastern Europe , Russia is the former Colonial master"

      Wakakakaka… in the same mannerism as uncle Sam's using NATO to control the western Europe!

  3. The demands by Russia will definitely be rejected and Russia knows it.

    Perhaps the Russians are just finding an excuse to finally invade Ukraine.

    The US and NATO basically did nothing when Crimea was annexed. It is unlikely NATO and USA will go to war for Ukraine. Threats of economic sanctions are not very effective as Russia can retaliate in the same manner.

    Importantly, I believe Europe needs Russian gas.
