
Sunday, December 26, 2021

Menteri2 Terhilang

Assemblyperson offers tongue-in-cheek RM1k reward for 'missing' ministers

Hulu Kinta assemblyperson Muhammad Arafat Varisai Mahamad is offering a tongue-in-cheek reward of RM1,000 to individuals who can help him track down four high profile leaders he claims are "missing" despite the floods still raging across the country.

The Perak PKR information chief claimed that the four "missing" were Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein, Youth and Sports Minister Ahmad Faizal Azumu, Environment and Water Minister Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man and Deputy Communications and Multimedia Minister Zahidi Zainul Abidin.

"I was prompted to make this offer because the 'faces' of the four ministers have not been seen at all in the mission to help victims of the floods that have hit our country so far, which have claimed 47 lives.

"My action was necessary because until now there has been no clear information about where they are, whether they are attending official functions abroad and why they are not involved in the flood relief mission," he said in a statement today.

Clearly intended as a humorous comment on the politicians' leadership during this crisis, it is uncertain if Arafat will really fork out the promised cash.

Hulu Kinta assemblyperson Muhammad Arafat Varisai Mahamad

He claimed however that the reward offer had been extended until the ministers are detected.

"Anyone who can track down these four ministers can provide information through my Facebook messenger or the Hulu Kinta Adun People's Service Centre along with their account numbers," he added.

Earlier, cartoonist Zunar also tweeted that the four ministers were "missing".

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