
Friday, December 31, 2021

Guan Eng: Vernacular school ruling enshrines legitimate rights of non-Malays : Does he remember withholding govt matching grant for TAR-UC?


Guan Eng: Vernacular school ruling enshrines legitimate rights of non-Malays in country’s social contract

DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng says the recent High Court ruling on vernacular schools was crucial in preserving the legitimate rights of non-Malays within the social contract that gave independence and eventually led to the formation of Malaysia. — Picture by Miera Zulyana

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 31 ― The recent High Court ruling on vernacular schools was crucial in preserving the legitimate rights of non-Malays within the social contract that gave independence and eventually led to the formation of Malaysia, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said today.

He was earlier referring to the High Court ruling on Wednesday that Malaysia’s vernacular schools were consistent with its Federal Constitution, when rejecting a lawsuit seeking for the government to abolish education using Mandarin and Tamil.

In his New Year message, Lim said religious extremism, racism and systemic corruption are among the biggest threats towards national unity and integration between Malaysians that hindered balanced economic development and equitable economic growth.

“The reliance on provoking the sentiments against minorities are deliberately aimed at dividing the people to distract attention from the abject failures of governance and fighting corruption.

“Whilst this may not put a stop to extremists and racists trying to burn down the Federal Constitution, it is ordinary Malaysians regardless of race, religion and background that will ultimately prevail in defeating them,” he said in a statement.

Of note, Lim claimed the aforementioned failures included the mismanagement of the Covid-19 pandemic by the federal government which resulted in some 2.7 million infections and some 31,000 deaths nationwide.

He also cited the recent flooding that ravaged peninsular Malaysia the weekend before Christmas as as another example of failure, where racial sentiments were stoked after the motives of non-Muslims volunteers in providing aid to Muslim flood victims were deliberately questioned.

“Fortunately, Malays and Muslims have come out to condemn such extremism giving hope for a Malaysia that is open-minded, moderate and tolerant.


kt comments:

Chinese still remember the PH Finance Minister who eff-ed TAR-UC kaukau, and who now has the brazen nerve to tok-kok.


  1. TAR-UC is not a vernacular school or college.
    It is an MCA Controlled and Branded college.
    Lim Guan Eng didn't see why a Non-BN government should continue to fund an MCA Controlled and Branded college.

    1. TAR-UC was founded to ameliorate the lack of college places for students especially Chinese - it accepts Indian and Malay students as well. Whether it was founded and ruin by MCA, Lim GE should have borne in mind that TAR-UC benefits mainly Chinese students who couldn't get a place in govt funded uni. Sadly, Lim GE, being a narrow-minded provincial a$$h^le, lacked/lacks appreciation of the Bigger Picture

    2. thus he should stop being a hypocrite and talk about vernacular schools

  2. I agree with KT. If nothing else, it was really very stupid of LGE to withhold the funds.

    Frankly, as a Chinese, I am not interested in the politics of the matching grant. Just make sure the Chinese are not further disadvantaged.

    And by withholding the grant, LGE did just that. It was political suicide and may, to some extent explain Melaka and Sarawak. Melaka especially.
