
Saturday, December 18, 2021

Don't bully, abuse, humiliate Indian Malaysians into Desperate Tigers

Social media outrage over Ganapathy’s death in police custody

30 Apr 2021

Cow milk trader A Ganapathy died when he succumbed to his injuries after spending over a month at the Selayang Hospital’s intensive care unit. (Facebook pic)

PETALING JAYA: Social media users are outraged over the death of cow milk trader A Ganapathy in police custody, and hashtags like ‘#JusticeForGanapathy’ and ‘#BrutalityinMalaysia’ are trending.

Malaysians of all races and backgrounds are pushing the government to take steps to put a stop to police brutality and to set up the Independent Police Complaints of Misconduct Commission (IPCMC).

‘Iffah Garib’ tweeted: “Police brutality in Malaysia! Let’s speak up guys.”

‘Syaf’ wrote: “A soul is lost due to police brutality and Ganapathy wasn’t the only one. Let’s educate ourselves about police brutality in Malaysia.”

‘Joshua Navin’ tweeted: “If you make noise about George Floyd and #BlackLivesMatter then don’t forget to make noise for the many more who were brutally beaten to death in police custody.”

He also listed Malaysians who had died in police custody in the past – Kugan Ananthan (2009), Sugumar Chelladury (2013), Karuna Nithi Palani Velu (2013), Dharmandran Narayansamy (2013) and Balamurugan Suppiah (2017).



Charles Santiago says inquest into Ganapathy's custodial death is necessary

01 May 2021

Klang MP Charles Santiago said that Malaysian Indians are disproportionately dying in police custody, and in the case of Ganapathy’s death there are one too many sticking points surrounding it. — Picture by Ahmad Zamzahuri

KUALA LUMPUR, May 1 — Klang MP Charles Santiago said an inquest into the death of cow’s milk trader A. Ganapathy is necessary, in order to determine if his death was caused by police assault.

He said that Malaysian Indians are disproportionately dying in police custody, and in the case of Ganapathy’s death there are one too many sticking points surrounding it.

“We cannot afford another detainee in a body bag. Ganapathy’s death is one too many already,” Charles said in a statement.


kt remarks:

This evening I thought I might retrieve one of my older posts dating back to 17 December 2009, yes, more than a decade ago.

Police provoking the 'tiger' in Indians

One of my uncles’ friends told us a story of May 13. Like two of my Unc’s, he was in the Malaysian military.

A few days after May 13 exploded, he asked his good mate in one of the Malay Regiment battalions (whose soldiers were enforcing the KL-PJ curfew) what the hell was going on, with so many people killed and houses razed to the ground.

After the usual discussion on irresponsible politicians and provocative civilians (they were both military and, despite some soldiers being unprofessionally and emotionally 'involved', took pride in standing aloof from what they saw as a civilian racial conflict), his matey said some Chinese shop houses were burnt for no other reason than the arsonists wanting to erase their record of debts held by the business Chinamen.

In those cases in general there was neither hatred nor real racial prejudice. It was no more than a convenient opportunity to wipe the debtor slate clean ..... a yeehaa rumble but where the unfortunate outcomes in many cases were not only properties destroyed but some lives as well.

But in others there were genuine ethnic hostilities. In this latter category, he commented that the viciousness and recklessness of the rioting were in large part due to the belief by the perpetrators (via 'instigations') that their lot were so bad there was nothing more to lose. When one was at rock bottom, the only way further had to be upwards. Therefore the outcome of their rioting surely would be an improvement. In other words, they were desperados!

When I read Malaysiakini’s Man cleared of charges, but is beaten nevertheless, I was not only outraged by the unmitigated police abuses against S Isaikumar, but told myself that thread holding the Indians back is being further stretched, strained and stressed to almost breaking point.

Isaikumar was arrested on suspicion of sexual harassment but when the police discovered that the allegations were false, they continued to detain him for a bout of torture and abuses.

WTF! According to MKINI, the innocent man – mind you, found innocent by the police themselves - was tortured and beaten, for nine f* days after he was informed the sexual harassment allegation against him was baseless.

Police Brutality in Malaysia: It’s More Serious Than You Think.

His lawyer, Surendran, said: "Isaikumar was slapped, abused and beaten with PVC pipes by a group of police officers." Surendran revealed that even a female police officer had sat on Isaikumar's chest and inserted a shoe she was wearing into his mouth.

So those police sadists were equal opportunity arseholes and not limited to men only. I won’t go into any more details on the torture, humiliation and deprivation the police inflicted on this innocent man but suffice to say they sickened me.

Two things stood out: (a) despite police knowing he was innocent of the fabricated allegations, he was detained for an extra 9 days to be tortured, abused and humiliated in the most dangerous place in Malaysia, ye olde police station,

(b) it’s no coincidence he is an Indian Malaysian, a member of an unfortunate community, the primary target of police brutality. Perhaps the police must have felt that no one bothers a f* about poor Indians, or as Penangites would say "Boe larng ay ch'oot t'au hor ee larng" (nobody will take up their cause; no one wants to be their champion).

As I’ve said, there is a limit, a line drawn in the sand, which if crossed, will release the wolf, or rather, tiger in the Indians. As the May 13 example revealed sadly to us, there will come a stage when the Indian become desperados too, feeling there is no longer anything to lose. 

Then they will become ‘Tigers’. Wikipedia tells us that the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam … who during the height of their power possessed a well-developed militia, were notorious for recruiting child soldiers, for carrying out civilian massacres, suicide bombings and various other high profile attacks, including the assassinations of several high-ranking Sri Lankan and Indian politicians like Sri Lankan President Ranasinghe Premadasa in 1993, and former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in 1991.

Worse … They invented the suicide belt and pioneered the use of suicide bombing as a tactic. They also pioneered the use of women in suicide attacks, and used light aircraft in some of their attacks.

Just recall how long it took us to deal with the CTs, who were in reality just a small band. If the CTs had China and Russia to support them, be mindful that the Sri Lanka Tamil Tigers were devotedly and fanatically supported by the rich Tamil diaspora in Europe and North America, and Tamils in India. In fact, Australia was until very recently very concerned with the activities of the Tamils in Australia.

I hate to see the Indian Malaysians so driven into angry desperation that they take to the hills and become our nightmare ‘Tigers’. Then the slander of the former Home Affairs Minister may become a self fulfilling prophecy.

The vicious brutality which the Malaysian Police have inflicted upon the unfortunate Indian Malaysians with arrogant impunity are legendary. The case concerning Isaikumar and the unmitigated ill treatment of him by police has not only been outrageously over the top and unforgiveable, but cannot be left unchallenged. This ill treatment of the Indians must stop! 

Those police officers must be brought to justice and, if their thuggish brutalities confirmed, severely punished, meaning both jail sentences and dismissals from the police force. No half way measure should be accepted.


Sadly I realise my words above are like pissing into the wind.

Death Of 21-Year-Old Malaysian-Indian Marks 3rd Death In Police Custody In Recent Weeks

Surendran Shanker's case is currently classified as sudden death. The hospital where he died, however, is now refusing to release the remains of the victim to his family on grounds that he died of COVID-19.

1 comment:

  1. Everytime a death under police lock up really riles me up.

    And if I (snd many others including KT), a Chinese feels very strongly about the treatment the Indians in particular receive while in custody, just imagine how the Indians will feel.

    But then, this is Malaysia where a cover up is expected because the victim is an Indian while the perpetrators are malay police personnel.

    I would like to hear where PH politicians stand. What about MUDA?

    I don't expect anything from UMNO,BERSATU,PAS and PEJUANG.They are of the same tribe
