
Friday, November 05, 2021

Scott Morrison's COP26 speech slip-up showed his head is full of China rather than the environment


Scott Morrison's COP26 speech slip-up goes viral on Chinese social media Weibo

Scott Morrison misspeaks at COP26 saying there is global momentum to tackle "China" instead of "climate change".

A video of Prime Minister Scott Morrison slipping up at a COP26 address about climate change in Glasgow has gone viral on Chinese social media website Weibo.

The hashtag "Australian Prime Minister Misrepresents Tackling Climate Change As Tackling China" has so far been seen more than 130 million times on Weibo.Mr Morrison mistakenly said in the speech on Tuesday "global momentum to tackle China", when he instead meant to say "climate change".

A social media post from Chinese state media outlet mocked Mr Morrison's mistake and said in a post: "[His] head is full of China."

It has been shared nearly 2,000 times and liked by more than 10,000 users.

"No way it's a slip of the tongue, it's just speaking out of his mind," a Weibo user said.

In a subsequent opinion piece from, the state media outlet took aim at the Prime Minister's accidental remarks and Australia's climate policy.

"He doesn't have a passion to protect the environment but does have anti-China passion under the name of protecting environment," the opinion piece said.

"This episode is the actual reflection of his mind."

Scott Morrison took the Australian government's net zero emissions by 2050 policy to Glasgow. (Alastair Grant/Pool via Reuters)

The ABC approached the Prime Minister's office, but it declined to comment.

Mr Morrison used his speech in Scotland to reaffirm the Australian government's commitment to net zero emissions by 2050.

He also announced the government would increase Australia's climate finance commitment to Pacific and South-East Asian neighbours by $500 million to a total of $2 billion.

Chinese President Xi Jinping, along with Russian President Vladimir Putin, did not attend the Glasgow summit and both countries, as well as Australia and India, strongly opposed a more ambitious plan to phase out coal in the 2030s.

Australia trending on Chinese social media again

It is not the first time Chinese internet users have seized on Mr Morrison's comments.

The Prime Minister demanded an apology from Zhao Lijian in 2020 after the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman posted a doctored image of an Australian soldier holding a knife to an Afghan child's throat.

Scott Morrison has previously been targeted by Chinese social media users.(ABC News: Nick Haggarty)

The Australian embassy in Beijing shared Mr Morrison's demand for an apology on Weibo where it attracted 20,000 mostly pro-Beijing comments.

Mr Morrison also slipped up earlier this year on another China-related matter, when he mistakenly referred to a "One Country Two Systems" policy for Taiwan in a radio interview.

Although Beijing has proposed the same semi-autonomous framework for Taiwan, the Taiwanese have roundly rejected it. "One Country Two Systems" describes the way Beijing governs Hong Kong — not Taiwan.

Australia recognises a "One China" policy when it comes to Taiwan, although Beijing wants to apply a "One Country Two Systems framework to Taiwan as well.

Tensions have been strained between Australia and China for some time, with Beijing most recently weighing into Australia's diplomatic spat with France over the AUKUS alliance.

State broadcaster CGTN said Mr Morrison had developed a reputation for being "a person whose words cannot be trusted" and of pursing short-term political goals with "scant concern for the consequences".

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said unease about the nuclear-powered submarine agreement reached further than France.

"I want to stress that the AUKUS nuclear submarine cooperation is not just a diplomatic spat between a few countries, but a serious matter that will create risks of nuclear proliferation and undermine regional peace and stability," he said.

The Australian government has said it will not acquire nuclear weapons and has stressed the submarines will not carry nuclear warheads.

The Pentagon recently warned China was growing its nuclear arsenal faster than expected, although Beijing's weaponry remains much smaller than the US's stockpile.


  1. Everyone attending COP26 is thinking about Modern Mao who didn’t even attend, no balls to explain why 5000 yo Bullyland will continue to be the NAMBAR 1 polluter and spew coal fumes for the next 50 years. So when will they stop buying from Oz? At least Scottie has the balls to face the music, as the top exporter of coal to the top polluter.

    1. For a blurred anmokausai mfer, u do buy into the fart of China - the number 1 coal polluter!

      If u do care about earth greenhouse effect, u SHOULD have

      1st, using carbon emission per capita.

      Carbon emissions per capita are measured as the total amount of carbon dioxide emitted by the country as a consequence of all relevant human (production and consumption) activities, divided by the population of the country.

      Under this criteria US, UK, canada, Oz etc rank within the top 10 polluters. China is rated 13th.

      Zooming in with clear distinctions, the world's biggest polluter is the US armed forces create 750,000 tons of toxic waste every year in the form of depleted uranium, oil, jet fuels, pesticides, defoliants, lead and other chemicals. Damage from the US military is alarming.

      Of course for a China basher, Chinese ain't no human. Thus the billions of the Chinese don't deserve developments.

      2nd, carbon emission restriction is hamstringing the industrial developments of the developing nations.

      Oooop… blurred mfer doesn't understand that carbon emission is a industrial development barometer!

      The developed nations move towards "lesser" carbon emission by shifting all those "dirty" low skill industries to oversea cheap labour & lenient environmental rules countries.

      Yet, in order to compete on market pricing - where types of industrial processes r one of the chief cost factor. Many of these nations resolve to utilize archaic industrial processes that cause the most pollutions. Modern less polluting industrial processes cost a ton & r usually controlled by the developed nations.

      & FYI, those products, that produce carbon emission, DON'T just serve these poor nation citizen alone. They serves the WHOLE world!

      3rd, would those developed nations willingly to pay more for green products produced by these developing nations? & charge less for those more efficient polluting control processes use by these developing nations?

      Oooop… one more thing for a blurred mfer to ponder.

      R carbon emissions produced for goods exported to satisfy the humongous wasteful craving of the developed nations be extracted out from the carbon footprint of the producing nation?

      U would be surprised by yr f*cking digging! So do less trashy c&p & read more before u fart!

    2. You are always outdated. China has already start reducing buying from Australia. Don't be surprise China stop buying from Australia soon.

      How did you come up with the number 50 years? Pure fabrication?

      China intention, plan and commitment to strive to peak carbon emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060 has already been clearly declared to the whole world. It's also written in black and white in China national 18th 5 years plan. So "no balls to explain" is pure preposterous and foolishly ignorant. Xi has more important things at home to attend to and can avoid being caught up by some hapless people who, on one hand instigating other nations to gang attack China and on the other hand want to beg China to help its imminent hyper inflation and subsequent deflation situation.

      "NAMBAR 1 polluter" is US of A.

      Assuming you need E amount energy to maintain a person certain living comfort. China total E required for on par living comfort with US naturally is higher. Fact is, US carbon emission per capital (15.53) is very very much higher than China (6.59), in fact US, Canada and Australia are the 3 top polluters in the world per capital basis.

      And don't tell us that per capital basis is not relevant unless you are saying Chinese is outcast and do not deserve to consume same quantity of energy to enjoy the same living comfort as the westerners.

      And if you analyze further, much of the carbon emission from Chinese factories produce goods exported to US and the west for their living comfort. So you should ask US of A to bring/send back their US/westerners' owned factories in China, Vietnam, India and South East Asia to their home countries of US and the west and then start demanding US and the west to stop polluting the air of this world.

  2. Weibo very quick to Twit Scottie slip but even quicker to censor sex scandal involving senior Bully leader…..

    China Censors Account of Tennis Star’s Affair With Top Ex-Leader
    Bloomberg News
    November 3, 2021

    China has censored any mention of a star tennis player’s purported account of a decade-long affair with former Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli, a rare scandal involving a senior Communist Party member just days before a crucial meeting.

    According to screenshots of a since-deleted post on the Twitter-like Weibo service that circulated on social media, Peng Shuai described a rocky on-again, off-again affair that began a decade ago. The 1,500-character post was largely addressed to Zhang, one of seven members on the supreme Politburo Standing Committee from 2012 to 2017 during President Xi Jinping’s first term in office…

    1. Same thing as in US - vis-a-vis Trump's sextual scandals!

      Selective censorings r done in both cases. But honestly r u that naive to believe total censoring works in a WWW environment?

      Besides, 张高丽 is been investigated NOW by the central govt. He will be punished if the accusations r true - just like many other red tigers!

      But ain't u familiar with that anmokausai phrase of “a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes”?

    2. Trump or Bill Clinton sex scandals censored? Really? Both were exposed kaw2 by the Free Press.

    3. Wakakakaka…

      "exposed kaw2 by the Free Press"


      How much have u read into those sex scandal exposé?

      How about sensationalism & political patronising by those 'free' press?
