
Monday, November 01, 2021

Rafizi accuses Amanah leaders of pushing Harapan to accept 'Malacca frogs' - 'coz Adly Zahari keen to be MB again

Rafizi accuses Amanah leaders of pushing Harapan to accept 'Malacca frogs'

Ahead of nomination day for the upcoming Malacca polls, PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli accused Amanah of pressuring Pakatan Harapan to accept assemblypersons whose defections toppled the BN-led state government.

Taking to Twitter, Rafizi took a swipe at Amanah president Mohamad Sabu and Harapan Malacca chairperson Adly Zahari, also from Amanah.

"Those who insist on accepting the frogs for PRN (state election), aside from certain PKR leaders, are Mat Sabu and Adly from Amanah.

"The excuse was they (the four assemblypersons) would be a boost, like how Mahathir supposedly did during GE14," he said.

He was alluding to Harapan's acceptance of former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad and his party Bersatu which was an Umno-splinter party.

Rafizi (above) further urged Mohamad to speak up on developments in Malacca, as he claimed that Harapan chairperson Anwar Ibrahim has been the one targeted or expected to answer for any decisions made.

Harapan has yet to announce its decision on cooperation with former Umno and Bersatu assemblypersons - Idris Haron, Nor Azman Hassan, and Noor Effandi Ahmad - but Anwar yesterday indicated he is open to accepting the trio.

Anwar argued the trio was not part of the “Sheraton Move” last year to oust Harapan from the federal government and instead wanted to return the mandate given by voters to the coalition.

Following Harapan's fall from Putrajaya, defections had led to the collapse of several state governments, including in Malacca.

The Harapan government in Malacca collapsed on March 9, 2020, after two Bersatu assemblypersons and one each from PKR and DAP withdrew support for Adly as chief minister.

Former Umno and Bersatu assemblypersons Idris Haron, Nor Azman Hassan, and Noor Effandi Ahmad

'History repeating itself'

Rafizi also took his attacks against Amanah to Facebook, claiming that the party's leaders and those from DAP had, during the beginnings of Bersatu, pushed for Mahathir's party to be accepted as a member of the Harapan coalition.

Alluding to Harapan presidential council meetings in 2016, Rafizi said he had, together with other PKR leaders, pushed for Bersatu to only be accepted as an associate member.

"At one point, an ultimatum was given that if PKR persisted, it would be reasonable for PKR to leave Harapan because Amanah and DAP have decided to accept Bersatu.

"In order to preserve Harapan, we (PKR) were forced to accept (Bersatu) on condition there will be a strict agreement," he said.

According to the former Pandan MP, the same excuse is now being given by Amanah leaders.

"Supposedly Idris and the others will be a boost (for Harapan) in Malacca.

"The problem is they 'crow' only during Harapan meetings because, in Harapan, each party has an equal vote.

"They remain quiet outside of meetings because it has been a practice that PKR will be the one targeted, the one that must answer (for Harapan)," Rafizi added.

With the developments, he said the time has come for Mohamad and Adly to personally convince Harapan supporters how accepting "political frogs" could lead to victory in Malacca.

Adly did not respond to requests for comments.

The former chief minister however took to Facebook this morning with a reminder to learn from past lessons for a better future.

Contacted for comments, Amanah deputy president Salahuddin Ayub said his 40 years of experience in coalition politics taught him there is no room for personal arguments after a collective decision has been made.

"In the top leadership meeting we can voice our views, we can raise our dissatisfaction, but after a decision has been made we can't in future say, 'oh I had said that was a mistake'.

"This is not an accepted discipline among (coalition) partners," added the Pulai MP.

Shortly after the fall of the Malacca government, Idris and the three others had attended a Harapan event in the state, where the former Umno chief minister said he would leave their fate to Harapan.

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