
Tuesday, November 09, 2021

People are not racist, the institutions are, says think-tank founder

People are not racist, the institutions are, says think-tank founder

A Malaysian Chinese will not feel out of place in a Tamil Nadu banana leaf restaurant and that is the power of Malaysia’s multiculturalism, says The Global Institute for Tomorrow founder Chandran Nair. (Facebook pic)

PETALING JAYA: It is not Malaysian society that is overtly racist – instead, the institutions we built are the ones eroding multiculturalism in the country, said businessman and think-tank founder Chandran Nair.

Chandran, CEO and founder of The Global Institute for Tomorrow, said that unlike countries like the US, UK and Australia where racism within communities is more apparent, prejudice is comparatively rare in everyday Malaysian life.

“I can go to any Malay place and not fear discrimination or have people insult me. Similarly, I can go to a Chinese community (and experience the same).

“Are there Malays, Chinese or Indians who are racist? Of course, every society has that. What we are fighting is institutional racism, and the architects of that are the rent-seekers,” he said in a webinar organised by Malaysiana LCMS. Rent-seekers is an economic term for those who look to build wealth without producing societal benefits.

Chandran Nair.

He said Malaysians could be the most competitive people in the region, as the diversity of races in the country allowed them to adapt quickly no matter where they are in Asia.

“You can take a Chinese from Malaysia, put him for three years in Tamil Nadu with all the Indians eating out of banana leaves and he will not be freaked out,” he said, as an example.

However, rather than leverage on this rich multiculturalism, “the Malaysian government is trying to erode that.”

Chandran said language was one example of this. He said that while Malaysians should all be proud of Bahasa Melayu as the national language, a lack of English proficiency would leave them behind the rest of the world.

“If you can’t speak English and want to be part of the global economy, sorry, you’ll lose. Scientific journals are not written in Malay or Jawi, they’re written in English.”

Further, Chandran said people cannot be “seduced” by the idea that the youth will fix everything, and must not allow those who have been complicit in allowing the current problems to persist get away with it.

“We can’t ‘kick the can down the road’ and say the next generation will fix these problems. They won’t if the institutional rot is not fixed. This must be fixed today by the people in power now, including the corporates.”

He said if those in power now took concrete steps to make changes, it would pave the way for youths to further dismantle institutionalised racism.


  1. People r not racist.

    Yes, but many r driven by their own ulterior motives!

    A classical ongoing case that many western demoNcratic free press buat tak tau:

    *Vaccine trial misconduct allegation – could it damage trust in science?
    Simon Kolstoe, University of Portsmouth
    November 8, 2021 11.14am GMT

    *Pfizer falsified Covid vaccine trial data, claims UK journal - The Tribunal, November 7 2021

    *Firm that managed Pfizer COVID vaccine trial sites falsified data, claims BMJ
    - Medical Dialogues Team
    Published On 2021-11-08 12:57 GMT

    Any wonder WHY there r so many Americans DON'T trust mRNA vaccines?

    Someone or somebody will pay for this medical exposé!

    1. A friend in Melbourne who is an anti-vaxxer explained to em why he won't be vaccinated for a while. He reminded me (and other mateys) that some years ago we were among those who objected to Mosanto's gene-modified wheat and corn (maize) being planted in Australia - so he asked what's mRNA vaccine if not alike to Mosanto's gene-modified seedlings?

    2. Another unmentionable fact -

      mRNA gene modification technique has been used in medical researches for at least 15yrs. Yet no effective medical products have been achieved until covid-19 vaccines that r approved under the The Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) rule.

      Along the way, Moderna & Pfizer have profited billions during the short period of EUA approval.

      Biotech giant Pfizer expects to generate $33.5 billion in Covid-19 vaccine sales in 2021. While Moderna hasn't disclosed its profit report.

      Both have earned record breaking quarterly profit earnings since their establishment!

      Ooop… Pfizer CEO is still not been vaccinated with his own company's covid-19 jab. Same too with the two Turkish American who 'invented' the BionTech concoction!

    3. It shows the person's ignorance to confuse mRNA with gene modification.

    4. CCP dare not even publish the detailed trial data for Sinovac

      What the Fuck is China hiding ?

    5. What to hide?

      Old moneyed mfer, all those 3rd phase trials have to be done oversea due to the low infection rate in China!

      Besides, ALL those oversea official trials results have been disclosed by their respective countries.

      Ooop… would u buy into the 3rd phase trial data disclosed by China?

      What a blurred fart!

      For yr further 'entertainment pressure' -

      Wakakakaka… this is NOT Chinese propaganda but a medical interpretations of BMJ!

    6. Wakakakakaka…

      "confuse mRNA with gene modification"

      Katak dibawah perigi farting about that lite halo over above its petrified head!

  2. Start from the top institutions. Ban UMNO, MCA, MIC, PAS, Bersatu.
