
Friday, November 05, 2021

Now PAS leader wants liquor ban in Labuan - Give a cm, PAS now wants a kilometre

Now PAS leader wants liquor ban in Labuan

Kuala Lumpur City Hall has banned the sale of hard liquor at grocers, convenience stores and Chinese medical halls.

KOTA KINABALU: A PAS leader in Labuan has called for a liquor ban on the island similar to that imposed by Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) prohibiting the sale of hard liquor at grocers, convenience stores and medical halls.

Hamir Zahari.

Labuan PAS chief Hamir Zahari said DBKL’s decision should be emulated by the local authority to block the selling of liquor at sundry shops on the island.

“This will curb accidents caused by drink driving, incidences of moral depravity and domestic violence, as well as alcohol addiction among the younger generation,” he said in a statement on the Labuan PAS Facebook page.

Hamir, who is also the Labuan Corporation advisory council deputy chairman, congratulated DBKL on the move, saying PAS will push for a similar ban.

“Labuan PAS is ready to give its support and cooperation and will provide suggestions to the local authority on implementing the ban to preserve harmony on the island,” he said.

Under DBKL’s ban, imposed on Nov 1, customers can still buy beer at grocers, convenience stores and Chinese medical halls from 7am to 9pm.

The ban has come under fire from opposition MPs and rights groups, who said it violated the rights of non-Muslims.


  1. And just like for the Timah whiskey issue still no meow from Wee KHAT Siong. Truly a coward.

  2. When will the nons realise that it is no longer feasible to live in a racist malay/muslim country like Malaysia so long as the ketuanans have a chip on the shoulder.

    Despite the fatwa against smoking, these racist idiots knows that they cannot carry out the fatwa simply because there are too many malays/muslims who smoke.

    And knowing too that the nons are in the minority, the behaviour of the ketuanans is becoming more and more brazen.

    And they claim to do allah's work. They claim islam is a just and fair religion abd that it is a religion of peace.

    This a comedy central!

  3. KT already gave them many kilometers.....the word "Allah", so what is a millimeter...."Timah"....?
