
Sunday, November 21, 2021

Melaka state elections: Underestimate Bossku’s influence at your own peril!

Melaka state elections: Underestimate Bossku’s influence at your own peril!

By Narinder Pal Singh

THE Melaka state election speaks volumes of the sentiments of voters. For starters, the people are just sick and disgusted with the incoherent and inconsistencies of Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia, PKR, Parti Amanah Negara, PAS and even the DAP.

All these parties, since the last general election, have been compromising on their principles For example, Pakatan Harapan says no “political frogs” should be accepted but then, they did the opposite!

Pakatan was in power for 22 months and all they could do was waste precious time and effort bashing former premier Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, which now is backfiring.

Then they went on to sign a meaningless memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Perikatan Nasional, a step that shows they are equally feeling unstable and fast losing Malay support.

He was so upset when DAP did not take up Moo2's offer of a MOU, but so relieved when his Rocket Party subsequently signed one with Turtle-Egg Head

On the other end, DAP is fast becoming a liability to PKR and Amanah. The perception of DAP controlling PKR and Amanah is something too ingrained in the minds of Malay voters.

Thus, by deduction, if one wanted a stable government then there is little choice but to go back rolling to Umno and Barisan Nasional (BN). The rest have been tested and had failed disastrously.

Above all, do not underestimate the charisma Najib carries. He has led UMNO to victory in almost every by-election since 2018.

And Melaka is just the beginning of his work to make UMNO/BN great again. Some may hate me for saying the above and even disagree, but like it or not, the writing is on the wall.

The Bossku mantra is working! – Nov 21, 2021.


  1. caution to anyone who still has a mind to reason.... put your trust again in Bossku at your peril....

    Malaysia managed to dodge an even darker future when the change in government in 2018 put a halt to 1MDB government-sanctioned Mega theft.

    More train wrecks, more darkness coming if Bossku returns to power.

  2. Darkness was when PH was in power. With policy incompetence and infighting no one prospered except for PH cronies and ministers.

    PH was a dark time. AG dropped cases involving PH politicians. Let us not forget PH also appointed a politician to macc head. Even BN did not do that. PH lost all credibility.

    It is also dark as so far in Penang there is no light at the end of the tunnel as there is no tunnel in the first place despite spending hundreds of millions on studies.

    BN may not have been good but in comparison they were better than PH.

  3. Wakakakaka…

    The mamak way of splitting the ketuanan elite camps to their eventual self destruction or the pinklips cash-is-king finally leading to the bloody revolt of their B40 down&troddens.

    Either way it's the final destiny of the ketuanan narrative!

    Mmmm… has anyone even ponder that the mamak way is kinder & quicker while the pinklip way takes longer but with crueler outcome?

    M'sia can survive w/o a f*cked ketuanan narrative BUT ketuanan narrative cannot survive w/o a relationship centric m'sia!

    An unequal analogy - earth can survive by herself with all the human destructive inputs. But human cannot survive w/o earth!
